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Key broken in barrel

Started by nanomoog, February 20, 2012, 09:50:48 PM

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I have a problem.

My key has snapped in the barrel.   I am able to start the bike, and managed to get to where I stay during the week.  The bike is my main mode of transport, although I do have a car back home.  Unfortunately, I live 200 miles away, so will need to refuel  to get home, as I only have half a tank.

Other than the obvious issue; I need to know if it is possible to undo the allen bolts around the filler in the tank.  Can I do this, then fill up the bike from a can, redo the bolts up and ride home.  There I can hand the bike to a man who can.

Is it possible to get new keys?  If so where?

I have powered the bike off with the kill switch.  I have switched the lights and everything else off, but will this mean that the power drain is the same as turning the key off?  Or will the power drain at a higher rate.  I say this as naturally I'm unable to get to the battery.

Any advise welcome.

\'03 955i Tiger in Roulette Green


HI, you will not be able to get past the lock on your tank by taking out the bolts etc. You will only get petrol in by absolutely knackering your barrel. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I know coz I is bin there last week! Sometimes there are key sets on fleabay, or save up and get one from your local stealer.


I'll bow to your greater knowlege and learn from your experience.

Off to the stealer tomorrow I guess.  :(

\'03 955i Tiger in Roulette Green


No experience on Tiger but have had to change barrels before on older bikes (RD125cc back around 10+ years ago).

Depending on the price from the stealer, would it be an option to damage the lock on the petrol tank, at least you have a short term fix - then replace both at the same time from an ebay seller which may be cheaper?
My personal journey on two wheels: Blog


So are you away from home now??? if so do you have breakdown cover, ride home run out of fuel and get recovered home...might be worth a shot..
Then get a replacement or new key at your leisure, try ( for a fuel cap
Tiger 1200 XRt in red, now recycled 😞

Bixxer Bob

look for a vehicle locksmith (like me) he'll extract your broken key and cut you a new one using the two pieces.  For what it's worth, I picked my ign lock in about 30 secs so the tank lock should be even easier.  Also did it on my Yam at a show after forgetting the key. :oops:

Edit, thinking about it, any locksith worth his salt will be able to do this for you. It's not like it'sanything special....
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...


Had the lock on my 2000 885i Tiger gas cap stop working and I ended up busting the lock after removing the allen bolts.

I ended up fitting a cap from a 2000 Daytona. ... &start=100 (,4017&start=100)

I am happy with it and I wanted to get rid of the gas key.
2000 Tiger
1998 KLR
A cheep bastard with a large tank