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2005 Tiger 955i stepper motor help

Started by nigeh, July 22, 2014, 07:22:49 PM

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I did think that at first as I filled up at a different fuel station to normal!  The problem then appeared after approx 90 miles although, and this I am certain of, the bike ran perfectly for those 90 miles and then I stopped it and it stood in direct, baking hot, sun for 6 hours and that is when the problems started.

Since then I have used all that fuel, and then filled up at a local station and used SP98 instead of the usual SP95E10 that I have been using for the last 6 years or so!

I pretty much emptied it out when I changed the fuel filter and the little 'sack' was clean as a whistle!
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Have you had fault code PO351/2/3?
This code refers to the coil packs.

Have you fitted a new fuel filter, the one inside the tank?

2013 Explorer
2006 Rocket 3
2004 Tiger Lucifer Orange
2001 Adventurer. (Like new).
1993 DR200
1977 Kawa Z1000A1 (Had from new)
1972 BSA A65L
1960 Norman Nippy
1952 Royal Enfield Ensign MK1
2 Crossers
I may as well do it, as I'm gonna get blamed for it anyway.


Not had any of those fault codes just the usual ones when you start bike with tank off, air box, fuel level and there was another one but every time I clear them when I put it back together I do not get any fault codes again.  Wish I did as that would sort it!!

Yep changed the big filter inside the tank.
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John Stenhouse

Kind of a long shot, and no idea if this is true of the girlies, but how about fuel tank vent blocked? Run it with the cap undone and a bit of tape to hold it down.
Black 885i Tiger UK based
Orange 955i Tiger Canadian based
Norton 961S never got it, tired of waiting


The coil stick resistance should read 0.8 OHM.

The connectors on these coil stick can play up. Also corrosion where they join the plugs. Had similar symptoms before on another Tiger. Remove lower boot on coil stick and clean out corrosion and dirt.

The fuel pipes (short ones) in the tank either side of the fuel filter are in good condition? They can wear loose and need to be clipped.

Tank vent and drains clear? Use a stiff wire to clear, they always block.

The hot sun bit has got me thinking, have you checked the main key switch connections, these can deteriorate with age. They de-solder.

Not so troublesome on later Tigers, the crank sensor gave a misfire when engine is hot or air gap is less/more than 1mm.
2013 Explorer
2006 Rocket 3
2004 Tiger Lucifer Orange
2001 Adventurer. (Like new).
1993 DR200
1977 Kawa Z1000A1 (Had from new)
1972 BSA A65L
1960 Norman Nippy
1952 Royal Enfield Ensign MK1
2 Crossers
I may as well do it, as I'm gonna get blamed for it anyway.


I have not checked the coil stick resistance, I will check.

When I put the new plugs in I noticed that the springs that push on to the plug tips were a very loose fit so I 'squeezed' the end of the springs closed a little and I could certainly feel them push on to the plug tip and when I tried pulling them off again they had gripped well. There was no corrosion at all, must have been lucky as read that water can get in and corrode the plugs, etc but mine is very clean.

The short pipes either side of the filter are in perfect condition and the clips all good, I did notice that the pipe spun could twist on the filter and pump but I could not pull them off the filter, etc.

Bike regularly suffers from a blocked drain on the tank, so much so that in the past I have had plenty of water pour in to the tank when I fill up!!!  I have not had the fuel vent pipe block but I always keep them clear and yesterday I blew my airline down them and they were clear.

I have not checked the main key switch, yet!

Not looked at the crank sensor at all.

The weird thing is that it was 'blipping' cleanly before I put the air box on, then tried it with air box on and no filter - fine, then, after I cleaned the filter and put back in it 'blipped' cleanly, then when I put the tank back on it started to play up again!

I am not sure if it has squashed those vacuum (fuel) pipes I put on so I have put old convoluted ones back on.  The old ones seem fine as when I held my finger over the end and blew down them there are no leaks.

As you can see I have covered pretty much all the bases and am loosing patience with it now!

Will report back when I have run it up again today.
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I think you've covered the fuel issue. Reason I stressed this as I've "emptied" tanks before and actually looking inside I was  :bug_eye by the amount of cr@p still in there.

Yup, really pointing towards something getting nipped when the tank goes on then.
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint

Bixxer Bob

Did I not mention water in the fuel earlier on?  Symptoms when I dumped an eggcup-full into the tank due to a blocked filler cap drain were exactly as you describe.  In my case, it had been doing it for a while, unnoticed, until the last lot of water.  The  water sat below the fuel pick up until there was about half a pint in there which was enough to make it  into the fuel pickup and even then only while riding.  After a 40-50 miles it sucked enough water through to run clean again. Fortunately, I emptied the tank and found the water before it did any lasting damage.

Then I cleaned out the filler cap drain.... see "The jobs you really should get round to" thread.
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...


Have to admit that I did not take more than a cursory glance in the fuel tank when I changed the fuel filter but I have run a lot of fuel through it now and have not had the 'pooling' of water inside the fuel filler cap for a while now as make sure I keep that drain clear.

I am not sure if I am reading this correctly but I have checked the resistance across the two posts on the coils today and seem to have some readings much lower than the 0.8 I was told to expect.  On each of the coils the reading keeps fluctuating building up to a max of 0.7 then dropping back and kind-of settling at 0.4 this seems lower than the figure I have seen but surely all three can't have gone at the same time, can they???

BB I used to get a lot of water pouring in to the fuel tank but that never seemed to cause any running issues and as I mentioned it has not happened for a while now, the water in the fuel that is!!

Any thoughts on the readings for the coils??
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Bixxer Bob

If the water didn't cause it to run rough you didn't get enough to reach the fuel pickup.  I've just been down to the shed and measured a spare coil stick,  it was 0.4 ohm.

Static resistance won't tell you whether it's breaking down under load.  I have an untried used set you can borrow if you cover the postagealthough it might be Justas cheap to get a set off Ebay.  Any Triumph coils stick will do - TT600 etc
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...

Bixxer Bob

Here you go, quick they're cheap!
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...


Thanks BB

Interesting that you had the same Ohm reading on your coil!

Thanks for the offer of trying your spare set and for the link, I had a look on fleabay at some of the other listings too as would like to get a set off a newer bike, or maybe brand new, if I decide to go down the route of replacing the coils.  Be interested to know what readings others have had.

I am full on for next two days changing the discs and pads all round on the car so have decided to step-away from the bike as spent far too many hours getting nowhere already!!

Will keep you posted.

Many thanks


who needs four cylinders??



Bike booked in to local Honda dealer who used to be a Triumph dealer and still has the Triumph diagnostic tools!

I just hope he can tell me something I have not already looked at, changed or repaired as at end of tether now. I did take coils to him to test but he needs them on the bike!

So roll on the 23rd will report back after that

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Chris Canning

Sorry for the derail but having read your saga and then looked at were you live after P+O bailed out of Le-Harve we have always gone to Le-Mans(24 hour moto) via St Malo but because of the Bikers relay at Sees have cut across country coffee at Domfront and then flat out to Sees I see a mention in your site La Ferte-Mace and I'm thinking jeeze that rings a bell what a great road from Domfront   :icon_eek:


Chris, at least you get a decent kip on the St Malo crossing!

Yes Domfront is nice, just 20 mins from us and a recently re-surfaced road the D21 from Domfront to La Ferriere aux etangs is sooooo smooth!

If you mean the D908 it is a bit too straight for me!!  Nice ride as forest either side of the road but if it was me, and you have the time, I would ride two of the nicest roads near to us!  Just before St Hillaire du Harcouet, on the D976, turn left onto the D999 to Brecey then in Brecey turn right onto the D911 to Sourdeval then D911 to Tinchebray. At Tinchebray turn right down the D22 to Domfront then take your normal route to Sees!  It is a fair detour BUT you will not be disappointed subject to the weather being good as those roads are a real treat, normally go for a ride out with guests if I have time and the poxy bike is working!!!

Whereabouts are you in Birmingham? I go to Shirley/Solihull to family and friends a fair bit during the year!
who needs four cylinders??
