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Holiday to normandy

Started by judgeged, April 15, 2005, 12:25:37 AM

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Hi Guys i just thought i'd drop a line to you guys to mention that im going to normandy for the rememberance of D Day.I arrive on the 5th of June and leave on the 10th or 11th and if anyones over there at the time please stop and say hello i'm not easy to miss i ride with my lucky companion Monkey so if you see a black tiger 955i with a monkey on the back  its only me wandering round probably lost hungry and cold, as this is my first time to europe and im going alone the missus doesnt like all the museums and alike so its just me and monkey

Also if any of you guys have any advice on riding abroad please email me or just leave a reply

Can i just depress everyone for a bit.I had a freind recently that was 18 months from retirement and he'd planned to go on a round the world ride on his bike, he'd saved all the cash and was on target to go to america first then proceed round the world from there.(now for the depressing bit) he died a month ago from a massive heart attack, he never got to go on his well planned two year ride he'd planned for this ride for 3 yrs buy in the end never got to do it

The reason i'm tell you all this is, i want all you guys out there to stop waiting and putting off going for the things you want dont be like Dave do it now, thats why im going abroad now because we can all get round to it but some of us never get it

so  i'm dedicating this lone ride round france to Dave and to all of us that keep saying i'll do it one day please don't,do it now

                             good luck to you all and stay safe

its better to let people think your thick than to open your mouth and confirm their suspicions


sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. My brother passed away suddenly last summer at the age of 47 so I wholeheartedly agree about not putting things off; riding or otherwise

have a great trip and be sure to tell all upon return


I did the same trip last year by myself on a CBR600. Rained all the way from Newcastle to Dover, sunny in France, then rained all the home again!!! Went to see my great-grandads grave at a war cemetery in Loos-en-Gohelle, just outside Lens. It was a very moving experience to see the grave plus the thousands+ more like it. Have a good & safe trip Ged, cheers Chris



A great wise message in your sad story. So often we're all rapped up in the day-to-day "urgent" stuff and we lose sight of the real goals. For me, I can see 50 on the horizon and that certainly focuses your mind on not putting things off any longer. But I'm still young enough to remember when I thought I'd live forever! So today the message is simple: If it's possible - Do it now!

Good luck with your trip and stay safe.



Normandy is a wonderful place to tour on a bike. wonderful too if you like sea food.

Some places of wartime interest not to be missed are: the 360' cinema just above Arromanche beach (Mindblowing and very moving). Gun emplacements at luc-sur-mer (destroyed by HMS Ajax), Omaha American cemetery, The museum at Caen. the museum and British cemetry at Bayeux.

Also worth going into the Musee at Bayeux and seeing the real Tapestry.

Their is so much of interest in this area of France that you will not see it all on this trip, but enjoy what you can mate!...I wish I could be going with you..Maybe someday someone may organise a Tiger rally in Normandy?...

\"greetings to you....friends of peace\"


I did it last year.  My son was with me on his chicken chaser (R6). You can spend days in the region, it is full of history, with good roads away from the coast  The Formula 1 hotel chain is as cheap as chips, and OK for basic needs.  You can reserve your room online in advance.  I stayed at the one is St.Lo which is half an hour from the coast.  I agree with an earlier thread about sights and places to see.  There is a coast road about 30 miles in lengh which runs past most of the beachs and you will find you will want to stop to keep looking at things.  There is also loads of interesting things in land.  Get a guide re Normandy, you will have some great roads and a good few days
Dave T


Thanks guys for all the help please keep it comming as im gaining a lot of usefull info i certainly agree that we should hold a rally in normandy, there is also another question  i would like help with has anyone ever fitted a sidecar to a 955i tiger if so what make and how much cheers again guys and i'll post a holiday report when i get back with some piccies for the interested

its better to let people think your thick than to open your mouth and confirm their suspicions