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oil light on after rebuild

Started by beefos, August 07, 2016, 06:46:13 PM

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 It's possible you had an air lock but I can't figure out how hat  :icon_scratch: but that's a handy thing to know and I'll bet there was a huge sigh when that light went out  :wings
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


Yes - very relieved!!!
Possibly an air lock and the oil from the opposite direction helped drag the oil through...


I've been following this with some interest. After rebuilding my engine the oil pressure light flickered  for the first couple minutes or so and then settled in and never had a problem since. I wondered at the time if it was a priming issue but as it was the first time I had ever started the engine was more concerned that it sounded like a tin of nuts and bolts being shaken vigorously. My dismay was absolute and to be frank was beyond caring about oil at the time. Subsequently I found out they all sound like that and indeed mine better than most. Fantastic bikes, but I every time I take it in for a MOT and hear the mechs revving her up in the garage I still cringe.