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Why motorcycles?

Started by Kill Switch, June 15, 2005, 09:45:20 PM

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Kill Switch

Why?  What makes us do it?


Because it is almost as much fun as sex but much less expensive.


Because if they invented it today it would be banned !


Because you cant be nagged if you donÌt have an intercom
best Regards



I don't know, it's just something I always seem to have done!

Ride safe!!!!!


It's better than sex 'cos you don't have to have a bath before you do it (or one afterwards if things get messy).

\"Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.\" J R R Tolkein


Occasionally it IS better than sex

It's completely selfish

It demands 100% attention and is thus the best form of headwashing

You get to lean down to chavs at the lights and say 'You sure got a pretty mouth boy'
2004 Girly.


Hee hee hee...I like that!

\"Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.\" J R R Tolkein


Because it's like my other hobby - playing trumpet in a soul band horn section - it saves you from being 'ordinary', for those moments when someone at work says 'well, what did you do at the weekend?' and you smile before you reply, and for the number of times the reply they give  when you tell them is 'I wish I could/had/still did....' :cry:

Because sometimes the fear of dying is the best way to remember you're alive, because it's better to go to the expense, trouble and risk now and regret you've done it rather than regret in 30 years that you didn't.

But mostly, because you can't really explain why............. :wink:


DUDE! Way to philosophical 8)
best Regards


Kill Switch

Quote from: "Drofsereb"Because it's like my other hobby - playing trumpet in a soul band horn section - it saves you from being 'ordinary', for those moments when someone at work says 'well, what did you do at the weekend?' and you smile before you reply, and for the number of times the reply they give  when you tell them is 'I wish I could/had/still did....' :cry:

Because sometimes the fear of dying is the best way to remember you're alive, because it's better to go to the expense, trouble and risk now and regret you've done it rather than regret in 30 years that you didn't.

But mostly, because you can't really explain why............. :wink:

Interesting.  I would agree with all you say as would my buddies with whom I had discussed.  I tend to dig the "zone"...when I am thinking of many things but totally aware and watching for that one incident that could break my back.  Steve MacQueen said it made him feel like a man.  And then again there is the old joke about how a man might feel having that much power between his legs.  :lol:


It's a hot wire up my ass when I'm riding.

It  gives  me a " trump card" to play when I am

captured by a bunch of boring turds at some fucking

social event.

Thinking about it keeps me from popping a cap in my

coworkers heads.

Please  jesus forgive me for that  one...
2013 800XC 33000 miles & counting.

Kill Switch

Quote from: "bmsbike"It's a hot wire up my ass when I'm riding.

It  gives  me a " trump card" to play when I am

captured by a bunch of boring turds at some fucking

social event.

Thinking about it keeps me from popping a cap in my

coworkers heads.

Please  jesus forgive me for that  one...

I am lucky...I get to ride into and from work (50 minutes each way).  I can't tell you how much that contributes to the enjoyment of my day and helps relieve cubicle castration.


Quote from: "bmsbike"It's a hot wire up my ass when I'm riding.

It  gives  me a " trump card" to play when I am

captured by a bunch of boring turds at some fucking

social event.

Thinking about it keeps me from popping a cap in my

coworkers heads.

Please  jesus forgive me for that  one...

When you have finished with your co-workers do you think, if I paid your fares, you could sort some troublesome neighbours out for me? I would be very grateful.
2004 Girly.


bmsbike, I have to agree with your reasoning. I  like it. I live in Dallas but work in Houston 2-3 days a week. I see you're from north Houston.
