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red light (oil?)

Started by yack_ass, July 08, 2010, 10:32:25 PM

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Well my Girly acted up again two days ago.
I took her to work and she was waiting on the rain for about two hours.
I had some things to do in the afternoon and despite the fact it was raining I decided to ride.
I came from work to my garage (to get my rain gear on), and went on the road. After about 200m (from the garage) I stopped on a red stop light, when I notice the red light on my dash (the one with the oil can in it, but then again there is only one red one :D) started to flash. At first only faintly (as much as the engine reaved) and after a couple of flashes it was ON.
Ok by now I've left the crossroads and promptly stopped at the firs BUS stop. I checked if the oil was leaking or something and it was ok.
I restarted the engine and after the usual "all lights on" everything was OK, but after a couple of meters the red light proces started again.

So I went home(from that bus stop maybe max 7km), to get the keys and paper for the Kawasaki, but on the way from my flat to the garage the light didn't shine. So I said fu*k it, and rode her 120km one way and then 120km back. The way "there" was rainy and the run back was dry.

So, could it be that the water came in the system? The wires are all a bit exposed (I was concerned about that, but the pictures in the service manual are exzactly the same).
Usualy this light indicates some oil related problem (don't have the ovners manual only the service one, haven't found anything on this topic in it).
The motorcycle didn't overheat, which I think would happen if there was some lubricating problem.
The motorcycle drove as it did before the incident, but what do I know, I have her for 2400kms now (I changed the oil/filter 1000kms back, had no problem, motoul 3000 10W40).

Well again I am trouble shooting, but it I am concerned, I need to have her ready in one month when I am planning my "west Euro trip".

p.s.: maybe related, but when I turn the ignition on, the lights come on, and there is some sound from the system, where exzactly is that sound coming from, because it is different almost everytime, sometimes louder sometimes shorter,...

help please  :wink:


warning lights are either pull up or pull downs, what this means is some need to be grounded out to complete the circuit while others work on a pull up to 12v to complete the curcuit.

have you checked the oil level if this was ok then I would check the harness for any frayed or burnt cables, or the pressure switch could be at fault.

Bixxer Bob

If you are pretty sure it's water causing the problem, clean all the affected contacts and then coat them with electrical grease to keep the damp out.  If that works you need to find a long term solution.

If it was me I'd be checking out the oil pressure sensor too, probably by buying a gauge and replacing the red light sensor with the gauge sensor so I can see how much pressure is there, although you'd have wrecked the engine by now if you really had a pressure problem.

The noise at ign on is the fuel pump.  Different noises are dependent on how much residual pressure is in the system when the pump cranks up.
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...


I checked the oil and it was there :D as much as there was when I replaced it.
I am not sure that it was the water in the system (I hope it was).

So you say oil pressure sensor, will have to put my nose in to that.

Thnak you.  :D