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Repairing plastic

Started by DobroDog, February 15, 2009, 06:22:29 PM

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I had read about using Baking Soda and Super Glue to repair plastic on the ADVRider website and used it with much success.

One of the attachment points to the fairing on my 2001 Tiger had broken.

Start by cleaning all parts with hot water and dish soap; then follow up with mineral spirits for a final cleaning.

The super glue needs to be the thin watery type so it will flow into and mix quickly with the baking soda.

Use super glue (without baking soda) to tack the pieces together in their proper alignment. This is important because when the baking soda is added there is no set up time this cures instantly.

Sprinkle a thin line of baking soda along the repair. The joint will be stronger with multiple thin layers. These layers act as a buttress to support the joint.

The resulting repair forms a white line so this is best used in hidden areas

The repair took 10 minutes and lasted over 2 years until I drop the bike (Dohhh) on that side.


thats awsome. great tip :sign13
Steamers Rule!!!
It's Tire, not Tyre



Nice tip.  Thanks for the post.   :thumbsup
Life is hard.  It\'s even harder if you\'re stupid. - John Wayne

Life\'s too short......Let\'s ride! - HappyMan



Yes, I've used that dodge to fix the tab on the LHS tank infill panel (forgot it was there when I was removing it....). Been on for a couple of years now with no problems.

Till I forget it's there again.

1931 Sunbeam Model 10
1999 Honda SLR650


Just an FYI. RC airplane folks use super glue a lot for construction, they call it CA. Hobby shops will have several differenty types, slow and fast setting, thin and thick.


Sorry to reserect and old thread but after repairing a crashed damaged ZZR the absolutely bestest glue for fairing plastic is Evo-Stick PVC pipe weld. Needs to be clamped in place for about 12 hours but then its solid.


ZZR's made of drain pipes  :lol: sorry couldn't resist that one  :wink:
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint