I'm at the dmv registering the bike and I can't find the engine number. Can someone take a pic of theirs? Please
Crappy! Nevermind. It was covered in dirt. Well, the dmv wrote the wrong number down. I guess I gotta go back now
The VIN for registration is on a decal on the headstock and I also think it is dot peened in the headstock
The engine number will not match the VIN
yeah, california requires both numbers separately. for the engine number they used some number on the cylinder head. so i have to go back when i get a chance and have them correct it. i just hope it wont be too much of a hassle.
New Mexico is similar. If a vehicle is being titled from out-of-state, an engine number is required as well as a vin. This was a problem with my KTM because the engine number was unreadable, even using the 'paper impression' method.