anyone ever suffered from acracked gear change lever ? mines cracked and its makin gear changes hard to do. ill get a pic of it later n post it up so ya can see where its broke.
friend of mines did this ..................
mines done this
so when ya change down gears it opens up
it's steel take it to a welder and have them do er up . Will be good as new .
yeah i was thinkin that. i gotta go find a welder as i need me center stand strengthenin the push down part has bent so i cant use it no more. 2 birds with one stone n all that i spose :wink:
i saw mustang's post on repairing the oe one. but i was wondering if there are any aftermarket ones that would work, or from other bikes.
Quote from: "wakdady"i saw mustang's post on repairing the oe one. but i was wondering if there are any aftermarket ones that would work, or from other bikes.