Well fitted another brand new head gasket, rode around easy for first few hundred miles, then went down south and backup and she started sweating again!!!
When I bought her she apparently had her pistons rings done (at 17k miles very unusual), then the gasket blew on me after a trip to germany (did about 2000 miles)...fitted a new one did 600 miles and she blew again...what could be wrong...is the head or block warpped and therefore she's a goner or else?
I followed the instructions about cylinder liners etc (used black locktite silicon which is used for gaskets also) but didnt machine the head though bought new bolts....Love the bike but i cant afford yet another failed head gasket after a few hunder miles...could anyone suggest what could be wrong? its a 98 steamer btw...
Oh and I noticed a slight blow from n/s exhaust especially when accellerating at speed...was told could be a carb thing though....not sure if related...
id get ya head checked for level if i were you. does it alwys happen at the same point or differnt everytime ?
and as it happens my 'mate' who was supposed to level the head didnt do it in the end 'as he thought it didnt need it'...so yet another head gasket but this time with head skimmed/levelled....