
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: 97steamer on September 19, 2011, 09:32:15 PM

Title: New to me steamer
Post by: 97steamer on September 19, 2011, 09:32:15 PM
Just picked up a very low mileage 1997 machine - less than 6K miles. Given that it has low mileage and may have stood for some time unused, should I be looking for anything in particular?

The short (25 mile) run back from the seller seemed to show no issues - nice engine note once over 2000 revs. Only concern is the rough mechanical noise on startup and idle. I assume thats normal but how do I check for the DAR and would it occur at such low miles?
Post by: BruKen on September 19, 2011, 11:38:38 PM
These motors sound bloody awful at low revs.  Russian agricultural implement springs to mind. She's easily forgiven though. I'd be surprised if you had DAR at 6k.
Post by: Mustang on September 20, 2011, 01:15:04 AM
Quote from: "BruKen"I'd be surprised if you had DAR at 6k.
I had it happen at 3500 miles on tigger 2 and it's happened 2 other times in 70k.
the 95 has never had it
and tigger 3 it has happened once since I've owned it , bought with 37k on it has 47k now
Post by: Rapier on September 20, 2011, 02:14:39 AM
From one new owner to another, I just got mine Sunday. Maybe we can start a new club, newbies nonymous.
Post by: BruKen on September 20, 2011, 10:21:31 AM
Quote from: "Mustang"
Quote from: "BruKen"I'd be surprised if you had DAR at 6k.
I had it happen at 3500 miles on tigger 2 and it's happened 2 other times in 70k.
the 95 has never had it
and tigger 3 it has happened once since I've owned it , bought with 37k on it has 47k now

Well I'll be eating some humble pie then. You must have been furious.
Post by: 97steamer on September 20, 2011, 07:09:37 PM
Is it easy to diagnose? If so, how?  :roll:
Post by: D-Fuzz on September 20, 2011, 07:33:15 PM
At idle, your bike should sound like a diesel tractor, that's normal.  I was told DAR sounds like a bunch of wrenches rattling in a cement mixer.  As far as the bike sitting, mine bike was very similar when I got it.  The biggest headache was with the carbs as they were gummed up pretty bad.  My bike didn't want to start very easily and did not idle very well.  Over 2000-2500rpm, the bike took off like a rocket.  Once I got them rebuilt, I realized the PO had changed the jetting and made the bike way too rich.  I think the bike wasn't running well due to its lack of use, and the PO started mucking around with the jetting trying to it to start & idle better.  Things have since been returned to what they should be and it is a much better bike now.
Post by: nightrunner on September 21, 2011, 06:17:12 AM
My 98 had DAR when I bought it at 2900 miles.  Local Triumph service guy told me, while we were both listening to the bike idle mind you, that they are just noisy motors.  Learned the truth on one of the Tiger Yahoo groups.  A couple years later I'm at another local Triumph dealer chatting with the service manager, and he says he's never heard of DAR.  He adds that I should not believe what I read on the web, and [on carb jetting] that bikes run better lean and one should not re-jet.  

They do clatter a little bit at idle but if it sounds diesel, then pull the alt and check.  Its not that hard.  You just need the correct Torx socket.  Read the threads on DAR here.  Its all covered in great detail.  DAR will slowly get worse if not corrected.  It comes from splined shafts jiggling and they only get looser.
Post by: 97steamer on September 21, 2011, 08:24:29 PM
Many thanks for that info.

I have now had a chance to take the bike for an extended run on a variety of roads. I have the following observations and questions;

1. The brakes are shite - the front one is so soft the lever hits the grip. The rear is better but very soft. I suspect the original fluid and will replace with new.
2. Handles very weird at times - a 50mph smooth bend is fine, a 90 degree junction at around 10mph and it doesn't want to change direction at all. Tyres are original but well worn and it could just be pressures - haven't checked yet. The whole bike feels bouncy and not taught - will fiddle with suspension settings.
3. Handlebars seem low and narrow to me Are risers available easily in the UK?
4. Footrests high for me. Is there a lowering kit in the UK?
5. Engine - hmmm. I love the engine note when it gets above 3 to 4K. It has a nice whine/whistle. It pulls well at higher revs. The downside? It feels 'gravelly' through the bars if that makes any sense at all?
6. A bit snatchy at very small throttle openings - similar to an FI bike - carb setup?
7. Strong smell of petrol on cold startup which sounds like the carbs need some attention - is there a rebuild kit?
9. Forks dive more than an Australian swimmer even with the shite brakes - Hagon springs and heavier oil?

Despite all this its a nice bike  :roll:
Post by: Mustang on September 21, 2011, 09:18:39 PM
Quote from: "97steamer"1. The brakes are shite - the front one is so soft the lever hits the grip. The rear is better but very soft. I suspect the original fluid and will replace with new.
you answered your own question two fold
Quote2. Handles very weird at times - a 50mph smooth bend is fine, a 90 degree junction at around 10mph and it doesn't want to change direction at all. Tyres are original but well worn and it could just be pressures - haven't checked yet.
If they are T66 Michelins they are original and yea they were like that
QuoteThe whole bike feels bouncy and not taught - will fiddle with suspension settings.
welcome to steamer suspension
Quote3. Handlebars seem low and narrow to me Are risers available easily in the UK?
Moose Racing ATV bend bars work awesome , gets em up and out
Quote4. Footrests high for me. Is there a lowering kit in the UK?

http://www.knlcycle.com (http://www.knlcycle.com)

Quote6. A bit snatchy at very small throttle openings - similar to an FI bike - carb setup?
yes , read the sticky thread for Mikunis

Quote7. Strong smell of petrol on cold startup which sounds like the carbs need some attention - is there a rebuild kit?

yes and no read the sticky threads
Quote9. Forks dive more than an Australian swimmer even with the shite brakes - Hagon springs and heavier oil?
yes  or go with some homemade preload spacers from pvc pipe about 25mm long and some 15 wt. oil

it's gonna dive under hard brake no matter what ..........it is a long legged dual sport

QuoteDespite all this its a nice bike  :roll:
that's why we love em and it's called character  :ImaPoser
Post by: 97steamer on September 21, 2011, 09:38:34 PM
Excellent. Many thanks. I can see I'm going to enjoy it here  :)
Post by: rf9rider on September 21, 2011, 10:51:10 PM
Are your bars original?
Sounds like you have Renthals on it?
Post by: 97steamer on September 21, 2011, 11:01:38 PM
Original so far as I can tell - fairly steep downward pitch at each grip
Post by: Mustang on September 21, 2011, 11:22:42 PM
Quote from: "97steamer"Original so far as I can tell - fairly steep downward pitch at each grip
yep that sounds like the stockers

I've got these on one of my steamers............they work great . you will need to drill a couple of holes for the control locating pins or remove the plastic nubs from inside the switchgear and you will need some adapters for the bar ends

https://www.denniskirk.com/moose/7-8-in ... 595994.sku (https://www.denniskirk.com/moose/7-8-in-atv-hi-carbon-steel-handlebars.p595994.prd/595994.sku)
Post by: JetdocX on September 22, 2011, 03:04:07 AM
Quote from: "Mustang"
Quote from: "97steamer"9. Forks dive more than an Australian swimmer even with the shite brakes - Hagon springs and heavier oil?
yes  or go with some homemade preload spacers from pvc pipe about 25mm long and some 15 wt. oil

it's gonna dive under hard brake no matter what ..........it is a long legged dual sport

QuoteDespite all this its a nice bike  :roll:
that's why we love em and it's called character  :ImaPoser

The fork dive can be corrected with the correct spring load and cartridge emulators.  FYI. :wink:
Post by: Mustang on September 22, 2011, 04:42:53 AM
I have emulators and new springs on the hack and under hard brake I can still get the nose of the chair down pretty low .  :wink:
Post by: 97steamer on September 23, 2011, 07:01:18 PM
Quote from: 97steamerMany thanks for that info.

I have now had a chance to take the bike for an extended run on a variety of roads. I have the following observations and questions;

1. The brakes are shite - the front one is so soft the lever hits the grip. The rear is better but very soft. I suspect the original fluid and will replace with new.

Changed the front and rear fluids - as suspected it looked like the original stuff. Brakes much firmer but still a bit spongy. Also the diaphragm on the front reservoir is shot and needs replacing. Will change the lines and overhaul in due course.

2. Handles very weird at times - a 50mph smooth bend is fine, a 90 degree junction at around 10mph and it doesn't want to change direction at all. Tyres are original but well worn and it could just be pressures - haven't checked yet. The whole bike feels bouncy and not taught - will fiddle with suspension settings.

Tyres were slightly under inflated - have set to 33psi front and rear. Handling much improved :-)

7. Strong smell of petrol on cold startup which sounds like the carbs need some attention - is there a rebuild kit?

Petrol smell was noticeable every time the bike came to a halt. No overflow at idle though so may just be an o ring or seal somewhere.

Had an hours run round the countryside this evening and the bike is growing on me. Confidence much improved with tyre pressures and it's quite 'chuckable'.

I'm still concerned about the rattly engine though - is there anyone in south east UK (Kent/sussex/essex) willing to let me listen to their steamer for comparison?
Post by: metalguru on September 23, 2011, 08:15:17 PM
I am near Ashford,Kent, if I can help give me a shout and i'll put the kettle on.
Used to have a steamer and still have an Adventurer (same engine).
Post by: 97steamer on September 23, 2011, 08:28:01 PM
Many thanks. Its a bit cheekey but is there any chance of popping over tomorrow at all?
Post by: metalguru on September 23, 2011, 08:38:20 PM
Not cheeky at all....PM sent.
Post by: Rapier on September 23, 2011, 09:23:35 PM
Another fine demonstration on why this site is excelent!
Post by: rf9rider on September 24, 2011, 01:58:56 AM
Your petrol smell might be the fuel tap leaking, its a common fault.
A cheap fix with another tap from a Yamaha!
Post by: 97steamer on September 24, 2011, 07:01:07 PM
Many many public thanks to metalguru who truly lived up to his name!

Pretty much a whole day spent sorting my Steamer - I would never have thought that balancing the carbs could reduce the engine noise so much! And the rear brake and disc is now awesome.

Aside from the little (ahem) issue with some kind of fuel/air lock, I learnt a load today and its given me confidence to tackle working on the bike and also confirmed that the bike seems a good un.

Much respect  :D
Post by: metalguru on September 24, 2011, 07:58:41 PM
Thank you for your kind words, glad to help.

As for the vapour lock and the alarm maladies.................
Post by: Colonel Nikolai on September 28, 2011, 04:48:32 PM
Check the date on the tyres, too. I had a set of Dunlop Trailmax on mine when I got them that were over 7 years old. I could lock up either wheel without much effort, scared the hell out of me. When I replaced them, the whole bike became much more predictable and reliable suspension-wise.
Post by: 97steamer on September 28, 2011, 05:00:01 PM
Very timely! Seeing as the weather in UK today was forecast as gorgeous, I decided to (ahem) work from home. This entailed getting two new Tourances fitted, re-routing the throttle cable and cleaning/lubing the chain.

After lunch, I took the beast for a 130 mile meander up the Essex and Suffolk coasts stopping for ice cream and fish n chips en route. I'm getting to like this bike a lot.

Sure it ain't no Pan European or 1200RT but I could see myself having a very pleasant amble around France next summer. Sod the auto-routes and my usual high speed blat to warmer climes - a gentle wander through isolated villages stopping at the odd bar-tabac or cafe. Or maybe even a jaunt up to the west coast of Scotland to do the islands in the springtime.

Ooer, I'm getting all misty eyed now  :oops:
Post by: theclowncrusty on October 14, 2011, 06:24:31 PM
If you can wait till the end of May when i am on holiday, i will do the coast of Scotland with you. Anyone else up for it?
Post by: 97steamer on October 14, 2011, 08:57:07 PM
End of May is cool with me, I've got some leeway.
Post by: theclowncrusty on October 14, 2011, 09:47:45 PM
Sounds like a plan.......
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