I believe I have all the information sorted out for going LED with some bells and whistles. And I figured I would open this up to comments, criticisms and have a condensed repository.
Here is the lighting plan I am tentatively going with.
Start with Kisan Signal minder ~ SM-1 (need verify the turn signal relay pins) ~ $109.95
https://www.kisantech.com/view_product.php?product=SM-1 (https://www.kisantech.com/view_product.php?product=SM-1)
This will take care of the rapid turn signal flash, turn signal cancelation, turn signal running light, and brake light flash.
WLED Miniature Wedge Base bulbs T3-1/4 (#194/168)
Instrument Lights A14V3H 3 Green, 1 Blue, and 1 Red
5 Gague (any color choice)
WLED-x-x: 1 LED T10 Wedge Base Bulb ~ suggest 120 degree ~ $.79 ea
http://www.superbrightleds.com/cgi-bin/ ... wedge.html (http://www.superbrightleds.com/cgi-bin/store/index.cgi?action=DispPage&Page2Disp=%2Fmini-wedge.html)
1157 Dual & 1156 Single Contact BA15 High Power SMD LED Automotive Bulbs
4 Turn Signal:
1156-x18-T: 18HP-LED BA15S Tower Bulb ~ Amber ~ $17.95 ea
2 Brake:
1157-x45-T: 45HP-LED BAY15D Tower Bulb ~ Red ~ $24.95 ea
http://www.superbrightleds.com/cgi-bin/ ... -turn.html (http://www.superbrightleds.com/cgi-bin/store/index.cgi?action=DispPage&Page2Disp=%2Ftail-brake-turn.html)
And a question, has anyone put in the PIAA H4's (or similar higher output)?
http://www.piaa.com/Bulbs/Bulbs-H4.html (http://www.piaa.com/Bulbs/Bulbs-H4.html)
I am thinking about the PIAA Corporation USA - H4 Night-Tech Halogen Bulb - Twin Pack 10704 ~ 46.18
http://www.amazon.com/PIAA-10704-Night- ... B00544ZD86 (http://www.amazon.com/PIAA-10704-Night-Tech-Upgrade/dp/B00544ZD86)
Total cost (assuming PIAA) ~ $287
Comments / questions / observations?
Not trying to be an a$$, but what is the upside of the expense? Are you planning to run a lot of heated gear off the bike, and a GPS or something? I had thought about LED bulbs for the taillight, until I realized they were $18 each. I package of two filament bulbs was $3. I figured I would just keep buying cheapo bulbs.
No worries, I totally understand the viewpoint.
Reducing the load is a good thing to me, it allows for further expansion if you are the heated / GPS kind. I am not, but it is valid.
On my other bike one of the 1st things I had gotten was the flashing LED tailight module, I think it was like 60$. The wife loved the extra visibility. After that I put on the Kisan Signal minder because I am a forgetful b@$tard when it comes to turn signals. Then I went and put on LED turnsignals, again more visibility (wifey happier).
Taking my previous experiences and thinking about the amount of time I want to spend on it...
Tail Blaser or something is a must in heavy trafic, running lights are a close second. I decided I did not want to replace the actual signals on this bike just the bulbs.
By biting the bullet and doing it all at once I gain visibility, decrease load, and only have to be working on the system in one go.