:( Hi guys 'n' gals.
Had a wee problem tonight with the '98 Steamer fitted with Keihin carbs, first of all the tickover dropped after ticking over waiting at traffic lights, almost to stall speed, then when I had arrived where I was going and parked, fuel started to pour out of the filter box. This only stopped when I turned the fuel off at the tap. The same happened on the way back, runs fine for a while then the low tick over kicks in while stopped or waiting and fuel from the air box!
I'm thinking stuck float, it's also been sugested to me that it may be the fuel tap.........
I have had a look in the threads, but can't find the answer to this one....
Your the experts... :lol: what's you thoughts please... :D
It's a stuck float or crap in the float bowl keeping the needle frpm shutting all the way , keihins are pretty simple , usually all can be remedied just by loosening the drain screws one at a time on the bottom of the float bowls and letting some fuel run thru.
The tap/petcock will have nothing to do with it , it's just a gravity feed .
the problem the tap suffers from is it leaks at the tap itself . fuel coming out of the air box with keihin carbs is a stuck float or debris...... guaranteed
:D :D Thanks for the reply Mustang, it's prety much what I thought but it never does any harm to ask for another opinion.
I'll drain down the carbs and flush them through, but at £1.40 per litre ie £6.30 pence a gallon its starting to cost a bit...... £££££££'s down the drain :lol:
I'd like to say a BIG thanks to Nick over here in Bath for the great deal on his spare set of Thunderbike engine bars, also for the instruction down load that I found here on the site.
Cheers guy's for the help. :D
Hope they fitted OK Noddy.
Had a look at the bracket you mentioned when we met. I think it carries the black cover in the centre of the picture.
... well I flushed them :( and I flushed them :( I tapped them and knocked them :( all with out any luck, so now its a case of every thing off and remove the carbs for a look and fix.... :lol:
It seems like a lot of work for a speck of dirt on a needle or float.... but if it don't work you have to fix it! So as soon as I have an hour or ten I'll pull the bike down and sort the leaking 'air box' It's cost a small fortune in lost fuel so far, but not for much longer....... :D
i had the same problem last week when i done me ride out for milk. try turnin the petrol off and runnin the bike till the carbs empty, then turn ya fuel on again. woerked for me so ya never know ya luck :wink: