Hi Guys 'n' Grils.
I've been looking for the replacement LED bulbs for the clocks and idiot lights talked about else where on the site and up to now could not find them :? .
I have found a source of supply in the UK at last...... :shock: :D :D
The company is ACEPARTS Performance Lighting. They sell through fleabay, the ones I've bought are for £3.95 for a pair including p'n'p.
The current flea bay number is 350489859614 in case you want a look.
I'll let you know how they turn out.
Cool. I'd be interested in your findings :lol:
I used those guys to buy LED's for the dash and they work a treat. Lovely and bright, not the old dull yellow of the filament bulbs. Unfortunately you cant change the bulb in the clock or the low fuel light, but all the rest work well.
I seem to remember there are some of the bulbs are smaller than the T6.5's but I cant remember what size or where.
At the sametime I also fitted LED indicators, sidelights & tail/brake light, and also added an extra LED strip as an extra tail/brake light.
Hi all.
I've just fitted the LED bulbs I described in the first post, T6.5 Ultrabright LED's, :D ..... and they are bright in the daylight..... well worth the couple of pounds they cost.
I'm now waiting for another lot of T6.5's and T10's to change the rest of them in the speedo and other idiot lights.
I'm just wondering if I'll need sunglasses at night time now :lol: :lol: They are well worth the few pounds they cost.
If your looking for them, the phone number for the company is 0208 0905333 and the site on Ebay is aceparts_uk or ACEparts Performance Lighting (as shown on the site)
Gav, did you need to put any resistors or such like to get the indicators to flash properly ?
When I put the LED indicators on they flashed at twice normal rate, so I bought one of these & it worked a treat.
nice one cheers Gav. 8)
.. night has become day! I can recomend using the ultra-bright LED's in the idiot lights and clocks. it's well worth the few pounds it costs. 8) shades at the ready... :lol: ...next will be the same on the Landrover...
Steamer, Landrover, now you have my attention 8)
The horrible easily broken lamps they fitted in the Classic Rangie heater panel were a nightmare, I never got more than 3 working at any one time, I think the part number was 4223CRAPP :roll:
I'll see how these guys perform and then try the Rangie.
Thanks Noddy. Can you save the rest of us the pain and put together a parts list and where they go please? That way if someone searches in future (what am I saying?) they will have all the info they need in one post.
Just popped the LED's in my bike and WOW! Awesome brightness. However an irritating issue has arisen. My left hand indicator light no longer works! Tried reversing the LED, no joy. Changed back to the old bulb and it barely came on and started to glow over a minute or two but very weakly.
Any ideas?
my guess would be dirty connection or broken wire at the bulb holder
Supplementary question - how do I check the polarity of the new LED in the Oil pressure warning light?
any good to ya
www.instructables.com/image/FPBEG4NFK8F ... tester.jpg (http://www.instructables.com/image/FPBEG4NFK8FVU92/LED-polarity-tester.jpg)
Hi 97steamer. :D. Re the oil light, all I did was switch the ignition on with the 'old' bulb still in the holder so the oil light was on, then removed the 'old' bulb and fitted the LED one so that it was on, then switched the ignition off, then on again, started the bike to make sure it went out as it should........ and it did.. :D
As soon as I have a few minuets, I'll detail the full what, where etc for the bulbs so everyone will be able to find them, in the mean time the company details and phone number are at the begining of the thread. cheers
Great stuff Noddy ! Four ordered !These should brighten things up considerably !
Got everything working now - thanks Noddy, Rybes - for the price they're a really good farkle. Shame about the low fuel light. Thanks gents
Why can't you change the fuel light bulb :?: is it different to my '98 :?: all of my bulbs are the same so I was able to change them all..... just asking..... :)
I did swap the bulb for an LED but for some reason it just remains on permanently - I refer to GavD's earlier post. Perhaps he or one of the more electrically knowledgable contributors may help?