the reason i ask is im after another set of forks for the stanchions and there seems to be more Girly forks than steamer ones. they look the same but are they ............ :?
I don´t know, but here you´ll find forks and a lot of other stuff of a 1994 Tiger: ... d=17321036 (
The forks are number nine from the top.
I just received lots of parts from him from that particular bike, and they are in very good shape.
Cool, but expensive! Here are some on ebay UK and it seems he'll post to Denmark for £26!
Rybes, the Girly stanchions do fit but they are about an inch shorter than the Steamer ones, i`m using a set of Girly ones in the forks i`m about to rebuild. :)
cheers mate. looks like ill be stickin to steamer stanchions then as i like the height as it is.
I knew i had the proper measurements somewhere :lol:
Tiger up to 2001 are 750mm.
Tiger 2002 and up are 732mm.
So roughly, 3/4 inch shorter.
So you may be ok with the early Girly forks.
cheers mate. ill keep me eye out then for a pair of early Girly forks.