Looking at the bag of nuts and bolts i got with the crash bars, i see a big round spacer.
Anyone know whereabouts its used?
Instructions don`t seem to show where it goes?
I don't know if these are hepco bars but if memory serves me right it goes on the right bottom mount where the bar attaches to the footpeg bracket , I seem to recall a spacer there like you describe
Hi guys. :)
rf9rider, can you do me a favor, please.
Can you measure the bar that goes across the front of the engine and joins the two halfs of the engine bars together, the set I have is missing the fitting kit and the cross bar, to buy it costs 49 euro's!!! from Germany.
Can you measure the bar from hole centre to hole centre, and the length of the 'bent' ends with the hole it. I should be able to make the missing bar, also the spacer you menitioned, would you be kind enough to measure that as well.
Thanks. :)
Thanks Mustang, yup, those are the ones.
Noddy, i`ll measure the bar and spacer in the morning and let you know.
Here ya go Noddy
Bar and spacer
Spacer is 15mm thick, outer diameter 25mm, inner hole is 9mm.
Bar is 430mm long, hole to hole is 414mm, 15mm wide, the bent part is 15mm long, and the bar is 5mm thick.
Anything else just ask :)
Who hasn't gotten around to fitting their's yet :wink:
...thanks rf9rider, your help is much appricated. Time to make the missing bits.
Quote from: "Noddyhd"...thanks rf9rider, your help is much appricated. Time to make the missing bits.
No worries, glad to help.
Quote from: "Sin_Tiger"Who hasn't gotten around to fitting their's yet :wink:
Can`t fit mine yet as i`m taking the headers off to spray them, then the new paint job, then i can fit them :)