Hi all,
I have had a bit of a search and could not find a direct answer to this.
I lost the spring from my center stand at some point a while ago (to me awhile to notice as that scraping sound is heard so often...) But does anyone have a photo of how the spring mounts at the top? or able to indicate on the pics below?
I am not even 100% sure what brand my stand is but I suspect that it is the genuine rather than the Motech one. Can anyone confirm?
Speaking of motech, does the genuine stand have the same extra hook bit that is shown on the second page of this pdf (I am beginning to suspect that it does):
the OEM stands were made by sw motech :o
you should have the plate with the little knob that bolts to the bottom of crankcase. then the hook arm fits over the knob and the spring connects to the arm just like the pic in the pdf ,
the spring is actually two springs , one inside of the other .
I don't know who made yours but it doesn't look like the SW Motech ones on either of my steamers.
The knob Mustang is talking about can be seen in this photo. Note also the little hook thingy that goes over the knob. :shock:
Hope it helps.
I just compared that to both mine, looks nothing like the SW Motech stands.
It looks like you`re missing the bracket the others posted about, if you look at your pic, it looks like you have the pin thing the bracket hooks over, it`s just to the right of the round pipe retaining clip, if that makes sense?
I`ve circled the bits i mean here
Can anyone identify the make of the stand in the picture posted by Triple Tragic.
I have just picked one the same second hand, and reading the thread and looking at the pictures it would seem that I may be missing the bump stop fitting and the fixing for the spring plate.
Quote from: "nickcalne"I don't know who made yours but it doesn't look like the SW Motech ones on either of my steamers.
three versions of the same stand ...early version had the large bumpstop plate . later ones did away with the bump stop in hopes that it would sit higher when folded up and not touch down on cornering . and the one sold by triumph had the big x brace between the legs
hi Mustang.
I have the one with the large X in the middle (like first picture) I guess I still need the bracket with the pin on the bottom of the engine for the spring 'horse shoe' plate to attach to, would that be correct? If so any ideas where to get one. Ta.
The bump stop can be made if I need to.
see if you can get replacement parts from sw motech ...............
http://shop.sw-motech.com/lshop,inline, ... t,76,,.htm (http://shop.sw-motech.com/lshop,inline,128385589316194,en,1283855960-16340,,Contact,76,,.htm)
the part # you are looking for is hps.11.121.002
Thanks Mustang. I've emailed them this morning and await their reply.
Thanks Gents. I think that answers my question - Now all I need to do is either lay my hands on a replacement for that hook bit (I have the part attached to the sump) or make one up.