Hi all
Rode the Tiger home today and it's now sitting alongside the ZZR in the garage.
Just thought I'd put a few things down about the first impressions/findings!
What a difference a view makes! Riding at eye level with 4 x 4 drivers is a whole new world! Riding position is excellent and comfort is fine - I did 75 miles home and was ok when I got off. Bum got a little achy towards the end but that is probably cos it's not used to being sat on at that angle.
Standard pipes are very quiet. In fact with the taller screen on the whole bike is amazingly quiet. I might look for aftermarket pipes at some point. A good mate has Wolf cans on his Sprint 1050 and it burbles nicely.
Pick up is good. I haven't bought it to go flat out everywhere or accelerate like a loon - I have the ZZR for that - but it's quick enough to nip round cars going slower than I wanted to and sit on the motorway at 'sorry officer' speeds. I had it at around 80 - 85 indicated for most of the journey and knowing most bike speedos to be the opposite of accurate I can't imagine I was doing much more than 75 but it was cruising nicely at that and I'd forgotten to get into 6th a couple of times
Handling is very different to the ZZR - wallowy vs taut in corners but didn't get out of shape at all. Very slow speed manoeuvring ie just above walking pace seems to be an art I need to get to grips with before I get the other half on the back though
It's a fantastic, cracking looking bike IMHO, not sure the other half will agree but she won't care cos her backside will love it.
It's tall! I'm 6'1 though so it's great for my height.
The centre stand is a godsend - when it's on its side stand it leans so far over it looks like a labrador waiting for its belly to be rubbed!!
It doesn't like road surface cracks which run along the direction of travel, although cracks across the road are ignored completely.
Mine has two of those extra special spinning nuts in the tank on the RHS I think - LHS is fine.
One or both of the front brakes are seized. Last time I stripped calipers down and replaced seals and pistons it was 13 years ago on a GPz900r and it was also winter :?
I may take it into Triumph to get the tank nuts done as I'm not sure I have the confidence to do it myself. If I'm doing that I may also get them to free off the calipers. Depends what the going rate is I guess. I don't want to spend all winter working on it in the garage but I might be tempted to give the calipers a go.
And although I'm happy to leave the ZZR in the garage until spring, I can't wait to get out on the Tiger again :D
Nice to hear you`re happy with it so far :lol:
Spinning nuts are a straightforward fix, see here
http://tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,4807 (http://tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,4807)
Regards the wallowy feel, look through all the suspension threads, the original shock isn`t the best, even from new, maybe in need of a rebuild or an aftermarket shock.
As for the brakes, if Triumph charge the earth for a strip down etc, i`ve got a complete front brake set up i`ve just taken off my project bike in good working order i`ll be selling shortly :D
And :worthless
You will probably enjoy doing the work yourself on the Steamer, I wish I could :(
Thanks RF/Sin
RF - when you get to the point of selling the front brake set up let me know please would you? It may be a better option.
Does anyone know if there is anywhere around this area (Northants/Beds/Bucks/Oxon/Leics/Cambs) that will rebuild shocks? Don't fancy throwing a big wad of cash at it for an aftermarket. It's one of the later models (no drain plug on the front forks etc) but I'm not sure which shock it has. I've checked out the sticky for rebuilding but I don't have grinders neither am I blessed with generous amounts of mechanical ability! I'll have a go at some stuff but when 'care', 'caution' or 'don't do this you'll wreck something/everything' is mentioned I down tools!!
Brooks suspension in Bradford offer a rebuild service at £100 + post which doesn't seem too bad - anyone know different?
Sorry - forgot a pic!!! Here it is.....
That looks a nice tidy bike mate, apart from those rear luggage side rails, i`ll take them off your hands, just as a favour like..........
Brooks suspension rebuilt my first Steamer shock, couldn`t find anyone local who does the rebuild, better than it was but after riding Steamer number 2 with the Hagon fitted, it still feels a little soft.
Hows the front end, does it dive much under hard braking?
Looks like you have the wider rear wheel?
What size is the rear tyre?
I`ve got the front brakes off, they`re looking a little grubby at the moment, just got to give them a clean up and they`ll be ready to go.
It is fitted with the wider rear - 180/55 so the bike's not totally standard I guess?
Under hard braking the whole thing kinda heads south but I don't know what to compare it with - No comparison to the ZZR cos it's a totally diiferent bike and around 15 years older design. I've read about the PVC spacer mod and I may be tempted to try it however I'd need to change the fork oil too and that's a forks out job. Hmmmmm!
As for the luggage rails..... thanks for the favour, I'll special delivery them to you at my cost? Ermmm no! :D
Got my front end rebuilt, just a good clean up, new seals and Hagon progressive springs and it rides beautifully.
Also just had Annakee IIs fitted which are a lot better than the Metzlers for tracking straight, great feedback, especially from the rear and a little scarry about how far over she will go with very little effort :shock:
Quote from: "rf9rider"T
Looks like you have the wider rear wheel?
and 17" front?
Front tyre is a 120/70 R18?
She looks a beut' by the way :love10
I'll swap you for a standard rear rim if you are looking to keep her strictly stock :wink:
See how many friends you have made already :lol:
I guess I'm just that kinda guy Sin!
Would rather swap your engine for mine though?! :wink:
Quote from: "TigerTastic"Front tyre is a 120/70 R18?
8) thought it looked smaller diameter than standard..
I hadn't really looked at the front wheel TBH. It should be a 19" shouldn't it? What are the implications of a smaller diameter wheel - nervous front end?
add some preload to the rear shock spring to eliminate excessive rear end sag .
I t will transfer some weight to the front end which will help tremendously with a steamers "nervous front end"
going with some 15 weight oil in the front forks helps quite a bit too, and while your there add about an inch or so of preload spacer to the fork tubes
the 18 inch wheel should theoretically be a happy compromise between paved and unpaved roads
I'm happy to leave the 18" where it is in that case!
If I end up dismantling half the bike to carry work out on the engine I may just as well get the forks out, change the oil and get the spacers in as it's likely to be out of action for a few weeks.
Can anyone tell me from this photo if the calipers are original Triumph ones please?
Am just thinking if they changed the wheel they may have changed the calipers too?
nope you'd be wrong with that assumption ................
those are box stock calipers and rotors with a steamer hub laced to an 18 inch rim
Yay! Good news! Well, not bad news anyway!
Cheers Mustang, appreciated.
Welcome to the group. You won't find a better source of information or inspiration to keep on top of this quirky beauty.
With an 18" front wheel, the speedo WILL read incorrectly more so than stock. You would be well advised to test ride with GPS recorded speeds to reset your understanding of your true velocity. I use a 21" rim that gives me actual speeds a little higher than noted by the dial ... have to be carefull.
QuoteYou won't find a better source of information or inspiration to keep on top of this quirky beauty.
Boy is that an understatement! :BangHead :ImaPoser
Hey guys
Thanks for the speedo info - hadn't occurred to me at all. I have a TomTom Rider I can stick on it to give me the real speed so that's definitely on the To do list.
This site is fantastic for info and a real help, I'm sure it's going to be invaluable over the next few months.
The Tiger's staying no matter what cos I love the whole way it looks and rides.
Quote from: "TigerTastic"The Tiger's staying no matter what cos I love the whole way it looks and rides.
:hello2 :eusa_clap :eusa_dance