ah ha, got ya.not really bout tiger calipers but it tis bout triumph ones.does my memory work as i think i remember seein a triumph with triumph branded 6 pots that will fit sprint legs ? gunna get this 3 spoke conversion job done nex year but id like to fit 6 pot calipers. i know tockico ones fit but id rather have the ones with triumph splodged on em if there are any :wink:
Yup, there are Triumph six pots, also known as Alcons, BUT, they are getting pretty rare.
They were fitted to the Triumph Super 111.
I had a set on Steamer number 1, but i got an offer i couldn`t refuse for them from a Super 111 owner.
The Tokico and any 6 pot will fit as long as they are 90mm mounting hole centres :)
the search begins :lol: if i cant find any maybe ill somehow get a castin made so i can stick it on :wink:
just checked you can still get em new from triumph
http://www.worldoftriumph.com/triumph_m ... ck_03=3645 (http://www.worldoftriumph.com/triumph_motorcycle_parts_locator.php?block_01=&block_02=30000901&block_03=3645)
Scary numbers! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Here`s what you`re looking for mate
your doin this on purpose aint ya :roll:
Apart, obviously, being much, much cooler - what are the perceived advantages of 6 pots over four?
stoppies :ImaPoser
seriously though , they have more grip on the rotors for increased braking , although I don't really see the need on a tigger for my needs , cuz you will just lock the wheel up on a dirt road really really easy , me thinks
for me itll be tha added stoppin power and bling factor of the triumph logo. got tockico 6 pots on another bike i own and they stop the bike like ridin throu a deep muddy puddle. so alcons have gotta be good. they look slightly more substantial than the tockicos too so they shouldnt suffer with the flexin tockicos are supposed to have.
I had them on Steamer 1 before i sold them, weren`t much better than the rebuilt Nissin 4 pots i replaced them with to be honest.
Perhaps they were in need of a rebuild, although they do look more substantial than the Tokico 6 pots, and looked like they wouldn`t flex much.