
Other Beasts => Oil Burners => Topic started by: Mustang on December 14, 2008, 06:46:00 PM

Title: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: Mustang on December 14, 2008, 06:46:00 PM
I got this link from Yahoo TriumphTiger site .
A gent in UK I believe converted his steamer over to a diesel so he could ride in countrys or places that don't have gasoline but have good ol diesel .
Post by: JetdocX on December 14, 2008, 07:09:12 PM
Wow, that would completely destroy the character of the bike, IMO. :cry:

But it would do wonders for the reliability factor. :lol:
Post by: John Stenhouse on December 15, 2008, 12:46:10 AM
A Lombardini diesel motor, flat out 85mph but 125mpg, just one question..........Why?
Post by: cascadetiger on December 18, 2008, 04:56:36 PM
I can't believe how much work had to go into this project.  Its kind of cool.  It has its own character.  I don't think I would go riding off into the unknown on it, it bound to breakdown and have issues.
Post by: Mudhen on December 18, 2008, 05:55:08 PM
I would love to convert to diesel!  Doesn't the military have diesel KLRs?  There was an article out a couple years ago saying they were going to start making them for the public...haven't seen any yet, though.
Post by: cascadetiger on December 18, 2008, 06:37:47 PM
Check this out, a Blue Steamer with a 3 cylinder diesel doing wheelies and burn outs!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7BqPBvVuyY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7BqPBvVuyY)
Post by: Stretch on December 18, 2008, 11:14:44 PM

Post by: Advwannabe on December 20, 2008, 02:24:53 AM
Yeah what a racket and that primary belt looks pretty exposed but....

Low down torque doesn't appear to be a problem.

Weight appears to be moderate and reas performance.

Much increased fuel range due to decreased consumption and maybe more practical on a transcontinental tour as diesel may be more available.

I'd like to know more!
Post by: flux on December 20, 2008, 01:47:24 PM
That sounds worse than an LC4... or a Buell...  :shock:

Diesel KLRs... those were meant to come out to us mere civilians at a price of $10,000 or more... and at the end of the day... its still a KLR.   :icon_scratch
Post by: blacktiger on December 20, 2008, 10:18:21 PM
Quote from: "cascadetiger"Check this out, a Blue Steamer with a 3 cylinder diesel doing wheelies and burn outs!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7BqPBvVuyY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7BqPBvVuyY)

That one is in Germany. I don't think they sound to much different from a proper steamer. :twisted:  :ImaPoser
Title: Tiger Diesel
Post by: walker on January 03, 2009, 06:40:44 AM
awesome. I want one.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyMID8Mb ... re=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyMID8MbQFo&feature=related)
Post by: Groucho on January 05, 2009, 09:24:04 AM
This Diesel Tiger has been constructed by a member of the german-speaking http://www.tigerhome.de.
As there is an english-speaking corner in the forum, you are invited to  visit us!
Title: Steamer Diesel Build thread
Post by: coachgeo on April 21, 2009, 08:07:31 AM
HERE IT IS (http://www.suckindiesel.com/thingy/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=829)

right now all that's there is the parts I've ordered or have. Just ordered engine today.  Thus now I'm BROKE

As the project actually gets underway, you guys please do fire away questions and comments in this thread.  I'm assuming you guys will have plenty of questions, suggestions, comments etc.  Don't want folk to feel like they have to join the Diesel Bike Board just to speak up.  

Look forward to the upcoming conversations.
Post by: Dr. Mordo on April 22, 2009, 03:22:27 AM
Post by: coachgeo on April 22, 2009, 08:01:39 PM
grrrrr.. spoke too soon I guess.

Just ran into a major snag.  Build is on hold.
Post by: Mustang on April 22, 2009, 08:05:13 PM
Quote from: "coachgeo"grrrrr.. spoke too soon I guess.

Just ran into a major snag.  Build is on hold.
Post by: coachgeo on April 22, 2009, 08:28:52 PM
Hold is not be the right word.  I just have to move the operation to TX instead of CA and creae a new build team.  It will just slow things way down.
Post by: Sinnergy on April 27, 2009, 08:46:33 PM

I wonder if you have plans for the 885 motors you're pulling.  I'm 'desperately seeking' a replacement for my '96 Tiger.  At 82K (somewhat hard, I guess) miles, she's coming apart on me.


Post by: coachgeo on April 27, 2009, 08:54:38 PM
Quote from: "Sinnergy"Coachgeo,

I wonder if you have plans for the 885 motors you're pulling.  I'm 'desperately seeking' a replacement for my '96 Tiger.  At 82K (somewhat hard, I guess) miles, she's coming apart on me.


see the classifieds
Title: classifieds
Post by: pinner on April 27, 2009, 10:18:42 PM
Coach, speaking of classifieds, I initiated a discussion regarding your carbs. I have also sent sveral PMs.  I havn't heard back,  shall I assume that you are no longer interested?
Cheers, Kevin
Post by: Sinnergy on April 27, 2009, 10:21:49 PM
Yeah... I guess that would make a certain amount of sense, wouldn't it?  I see (now) the post with the 'make offer' bits.  I'll PM you.


Title: Re: classifieds
Post by: coachgeo on May 01, 2009, 05:45:04 PM
Quote from: "pinner"Coach, speaking of classifieds, I initiated a discussion regarding your carbs. I have also sent sveral PMs.  I havn't heard back,  shall I assume that you are no longer interested?
Cheers, Kevin
Im waitning to get both bikes under one roof so we sell the best stuff to the first folk that showed intrest.  Right now they are around 300 miles apart. (one in Nor Cal and one in So. Cal)
Title: SMART Tiger build thread
Post by: coachgeo on July 13, 2009, 08:26:00 AM
Not sure if you folk can see the pics w/out joining the board but here is a thread about building a Tiger using a Diesel Smart engine and an Ultima Tranny

http://www.suckindiesel.com/thingy/view ... ?f=3&t=873 (http://www.suckindiesel.com/thingy/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=873)

This is very simular to my plans though at this point Im planning a non computerized engine.  (3cyl Diahatsu IDI 34hp 950cc Turbo TDI)
Post by: aeronca on July 13, 2009, 09:28:37 PM
thats pretty freakin cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: coachgeo on July 15, 2009, 09:00:20 PM
one of my questions with the type of frame the tiger has.... (spine type) how much frame flex is there if at all?

This is neccissary info when considering welding to the frame brackets etc.
Post by: Mustang on July 15, 2009, 10:27:17 PM
Quote from: "coachgeo"one of my questions with the type of frame the tiger has.... (spine type) how much frame flex is there if at all?

This is neccissary info when considering welding to the frame brackets etc.

Not really sure if there is any flex , the standard steamer engine is a stressed member ............meaning that it is an integral part of the equation to the frame rigidity . My best guess would be that the engine in a steamer is well more than 60 % of the rigidity to the frame , probably even more so .
Post by: coachgeo on July 15, 2009, 10:45:23 PM
thank you Mustang. Thats the kind of info Im fishing for. For example we have been discussing rubber mounts for diesel engines.  Sounds like that might not be too wise here with it being that much of a structural member
Title: hi i am new here from germany (diesel tiger)
Post by: heiko on July 19, 2009, 12:35:03 PM
hi bikers
i am new here and made an sign in, because i got a lot of mails from england about my diesel tigers.
some are from your forum.
so i want to explain here the bike that all know about it.
i transform it from an t400.
the engine is an lombardini 1000ccm diesel triple and runs nearly vibrationsfree, with an harley 6speed gearbox and dryclutch.
for some people i put an supercharger on it.
consume is beetween 2-2,7 liter diesel on 100km.
with charger max 3,5liter.
topspeed ca 140 and with charger 155.
price is 11500euro with charger 12500.
the price is so high because of components.
engine alone is 4200euro with 30prozent rabatt.
if you have questions be free to ask .
iwill answer all.
but please in simply english. :roll:  
thanks heiko from raining germany
p.s. here you find foto material from some dieselbikes from he also harleys

http://kolben-blog.blogspot.com/search/label/Diesel (http://kolben-blog.blogspot.com/search/label/Diesel)
Post by: aeronca on July 19, 2009, 03:59:25 PM
wow - cool.!!!  welcome aboard. i think you deisle guys are going to convert me :)  well, maybe not the tiger, but i do have a few other poject bikes.
Post by: coachgeo on July 19, 2009, 06:14:22 PM
Quote from: "heiko"hi bikers
i am new here and made an sign in, because i got a lot of mails from england about my diesel tigers....

Welcome aboard Heiko!!!

Glad to see you here.  Hope you and the family are good. You got one kid name Harley right?  Do you have two kids or the one?  I forget.  

Sorry I have not updated you on my progress.

I now have to Tigers to use for parts.  I have the ultima 6speed and the 3" belt drive.

Because of availability have choosen to use a Diahatsu diesel.  Do not have that yet but I do have a diahatsu petrol that uses the same block so I can mock up some with that.  Wating for a cement pad to come in for me to work on then Im going to put a tent over that for a garage.

Thank you again for all your help in the past.
Title: Re: hi i am new here from germany (diesel tiger)
Post by: coachgeo on July 19, 2009, 06:26:21 PM
Quote from: "heiko"...
consume is beetween 2-2,7 liter diesel on 100km....l
gulp.. according to this (http://www.calculateme.com/cGasMileage/LitersPer100kmtoMPG.htm) that's

87-117mpg (us)  WOW

on a bike that can cruise the highway..
Quote from: "Heiko"topspeed ca 140 and with charger 155
thats *MPH top speed 87 naturally Asperated or 96 with charger.  Definately a bike and not a moped on city streets. Not  Audubon speeds either but regular highway. granted you dont crusie at top speed

Heiko- in the powerband of the lombardini what do you find to be an efficent cruise speed?  Where in the RPM/powerband is that ?

*according to this (http://www.eforecourt.com/mph_kph_speed_convert.htm)
Post by: REGULATOR on July 19, 2009, 11:42:14 PM

     If I try to speak German, forgive me,..   your Enlish is better then my German.

    I like the bike.   want to do somethign similar some day,  good to have options.
Title: frame modifications
Post by: coachgeo on October 09, 2009, 07:49:15 PM
Some of you may recall that Im eventually putting a 3cyl turbo diesel into a Steamer.  Project is moving closer to starting though it could still well be a year away but..... its moving.

This has been done VERY successfully with a steamer a few times. Engine mounted simular to OEM but with ultima harley trany and belt drive.

Anyway....... bikes rattle and vibrate.... but w/a diesel probably more. Have talked to one of the owners of a diesel tiger. His previous experience is with a diesel Royal Enfield so he was not able to judge much on vibration etc. since that was a rattle box.  ON his diesel tiger the mirror immages are fuzzyfrom vibration is the only imperical data he could give me.

Im wondering if I used engine mounts simular to concept and location as on the frame as OEM but set them up with rubber isolaters if that would negate too much of the intent of steamers engine as a stress member.  Thought is with belt drive mounted solid and engine on rubber I could elemintate a lot of the vibes thru the bike that way.

So you bikers in here with engineering backgrounds... what do you think?  Rubber isolators in a simar locations as oem mounts.. will it weaken the frame to much by reducing the engines ability to be a stress member?

I've thought about adding a craddle to be the stress member thus  removeing that task from the engine. This way I coult total mount engine to isolate its vibes from everything but I would hate to add more weight to a steamer. The diesel itself is already heavier as it is.

one of the other diesel tigers

Post by: Sin_Tiger on October 10, 2009, 08:28:03 PM
It really depends on the frequency of the vibaration and any harmonics that stem from it. I hate to say this but your probably not going to know until you get it running, which would mean ripping it apart again to experiment.

Most diesel "noise" comes from the combustion process, i.e. it's much more of an explosion than with petrol, as the speed increases and the temperature of the air at the combustion point gets hotter at the combustion point and the fuel is injected earlier in the cycle the detonation is not as marked. What I'm getting at is that you will notice it more at or near idle or very light loads.

You can still have isolastic bushes that will support stressed members but will detune certain frequencies.

In short you will have two choices, build it and get very technical with measurements and sourcing the correct materials to make bushes or trial and error.
Title: Re: frame modifications
Post by: 2004Tiger on October 10, 2009, 08:37:07 PM
Quote from: coachgeo...Im wondering if I used engine mounts simular to concept and location as on the frame as OEM but set them up with rubber isolaters if that would negate too much of the intent of steamers engine as a stress member.  Thought is with belt drive mounted solid and engine on rubber I could elemintate a lot of the vibes thru the bike that way...

I can not advise rubber isolators. The rubber would allow such frame flex that metal fatigue would result.

...I've thought about adding a craddle to be the stress member thus  removeing that task from the engine. This way I coult total mount engine to isolate its vibes from everything but I would hate to add more weight to a steamer. The diesel itself is already heavier as it is...
QuoteA cradle would be ugly and heavy. On such a prototype I think you should accept the increased vibrations as the inevitable result of shade tree fabrication.
Title: Re: frame modifications
Post by: coachgeo on October 11, 2009, 12:55:12 AM
Title: Re: frame modifications
Post by: coachgeo on October 11, 2009, 01:06:00 AM
Quote from: "2004Tiger"...I can not advise rubber isolators. The rubber would allow such frame flex that metal fatigue would result.
I thought it would reduce vibes thus lesson metal fatique.. least that which comes with vibration.  Are you thinking it will lesson the intent of the engine as a stress member in the Tiger frame design enough to cause flex fatique in the Tigers Back Bone frame?  Though I guess some of this would be determined where the rubber mounts were used.  On engine mounts, on frame mounts... or both??...

QuoteA cradle would be ugly and heavy. On such a prototype I think you should accept the increased vibrations as the inevitable result of shade tree fabrication.
The other two Tigers bikes diesel swaps (Heiko) are fare less of shade tree as mine; though I am doing my best to put together a build team of various indivuduals from this area that has shiat load more experience than I have. Doing this to lesson its "shade tree" factor in the build.  

Hieko's Tigers as far as I know are complete solid mounts like OEM.  Not enough time on them yet to see if typical vibration stress causing breaks will show its uggly head or not.
Post by: coachgeo on October 11, 2009, 01:44:11 AM
BTW... thanks everyone that has repsonded so far. Look forward to continued discussion on this.  We ALL learn from discussions like this
Post by: Nick Calne on October 11, 2009, 11:36:38 AM
I think Sin makes the best point here.  You are going to have to be prepared to experiment a bit.  Have you prepared or obtained any drawings of the frame or engine?  That might allow people to give you a bit more advice.  8)
Post by: coachgeo on October 11, 2009, 07:54:04 PM
Drawing and pics of frame
Post by: Mustang on October 11, 2009, 08:17:30 PM
ooohhhhh looky ...............I know the idiot who put that sprint motor in there ...........oh wait it was me :ImaPoser
Post by: coachgeo on October 11, 2009, 08:20:17 PM
drawing. I removed some drawings that were added to this but it should be pretty accurate for this discussion
Post by: coachgeo on October 11, 2009, 08:30:59 PM
my tiger is half hour north of me and not just outside.

are these four the main engine mounts?

Those back two look small for holding an engine and tranny

Any others?
Title: Re: frame modifications
Post by: 2004Tiger on October 11, 2009, 09:37:10 PM
Quote from: "coachgeo"
Quote from: "2004Tiger"...I can not advise rubber isolators. The rubber would allow such frame flex that metal fatigue would result.
I thought it would reduce vibes thus lesson metal fatique.. least that which comes with vibration.  Are you thinking it will lesson the intent of the engine as a stress member in the Tiger frame design enough to cause flex fatique in the Tigers Back Bone frame?  Though I guess some of this would be determined where the rubber mounts were used.  On engine mounts, on frame mounts... or both??....
I wrote that without any knowledge of the Steamer frame. Seeing your photo, I confirm my statement. I am not addressing metal fatigue as a result of vibrations, a subject with so many unknowns in your project so as to be simply a guessing game. As a general explanation, I can see that the stressed engine completes the third side of a load-bearing triangle (not vibration loads, just the weight of the bike and multiples of that weight caused by road and suspension dynamics). Assuming that the Triumph design team knew what they were doing (?), I cannot imagine they would build a backbone capable of 100% support, and then throw in a stressed engine "just because." The engine side of the triangle prevents the other two sides from flexing, and resultant metal fatigue. Rubber bushes are not rigid, thus they allow flex. You have only two choices here, flex or no flex. The backbone was probably designed for no flex, and the intent of the stressed engine was to eliminate all flex. I can guess that you are thinking that the rubber bushes will allow "only a little flex," but that is still enough to cause metal fatigue. Of course, so will the wildly vibrating diesel engine, but the gas engine also vibrates, so you will depend on the inherent capacity of steel to absorb some shock.

I do not discourage this project, as I too am interested in diesel powered MCs. Carry on, live with vibrations, or reinforce the backbone to carry the loads.

(NB for the nihilists who tend to quibble: Of course all frames flex, even a "rigid" triangle. When I say "no flex" I mean nothing beyond the original designers' intended stress which we hope has been calculated to reduce metal fatigue to a "never fail" level.)
Title: Re: frame modifications
Post by: coachgeo on October 11, 2009, 10:01:29 PM
Quote from: "2004Tiger".... Seeing your photo, I confirm my statement....
Thank you for that info.  To help me take into account the various educated opinions I will get in here..... what in general is your background that you pull from to derive at your opinioun.

Mine is in Biomechanics, Motor Learning & Education (human mechanics/movement via systems of muscle, bones, joints etc. as well as the study of learning movements and knowledge).

Thanx again

Yes I agree Sin.  Much experementation will take place.  Figured starting with an educated guess by getting your fine folks opinioun would be a good starting point though.
Post by: Mustang on October 11, 2009, 10:07:55 PM
I know of a couple of steamers that have busted their frames right where the outriggers come down from the backbone ............... :shock:
Post by: coachgeo on October 11, 2009, 10:19:04 PM
Quote from: "Mustang"I know of a couple of steamers that have busted their frames right where the outriggers come down from the backbone :shock:
Thanks Mustang.

Outrigger?  are you refering to the larger tube or the smaller one that triangulates the larger one?

Do you know how they busted these?  Lay downs hard or soft?  How often, Metal or weld fatigue orrr?
Post by: Nick Calne on October 11, 2009, 10:31:27 PM
Think round the problem another way, you could look at it like this....

 A steamer with a diesel engine weighs at least 250kgs and probably more with fuel. A  small cradle frame to support the engine in steel will weigh say 5kgs. That's not much in the scheme of things.

You could design the cradle to provide crash protection and support the exhaust system.  You could also design the cradle to be able to be lifted into place with the engine in it, making fitting the engine a little easier.  I'm guessing that on a conversion job like this the engine is probably going to be in, then out, then in, then out etc and making this process easier might be a real help...

Having a cradle frame also allows you to jack up the bike easily - like you do with a motorcross bike.  

...and it will give you a chance resolve the vibration / torsion / bending issues that you will otherwise be transmitting through an engine (and it's fixings) that may or may not be designed to cope with it.

Perhaps.  Or something.
Post by: Mustang on October 11, 2009, 11:08:50 PM
you really need to get a frame at home so you can look closly at it .
they aint made that strong or with very thick steel either . the outriggers are the flat steel pcs. coming down from the horizontal steel tube that is at the bottom of the backbone tube .
the steamer motor is probably the strongest part of the equation in the frame strength.

also have seen/heard of frames breaking where the struts come down for the front cylinder head mounts. sidecar stress was the reason for the struts breaking , heavily loaded two up was the outrigger failures

have also seen/heard of subframes busting just below the seats towards the rear of subframe .just from rough roads and two up riders

you are gonna need trial and error as your friends . just build the damn thing and see what happens ...........just saying
Post by: coachgeo on October 12, 2009, 03:03:25 AM
Quote from: "nickcalne"...you could look at it like this....

 A steamer with a diesel engine weighs at least 250kgs and probably more with fuel. A  small cradle frame to support the engine in steel will weigh say 5kgs. That's not much in the scheme of things.

You could design the cradle to provide crash protection and support the exhaust system.  You could also design the cradle to be able to be lifted into place with the engine in it, making fitting the engine a little easier.  I'm guessing that on a conversion job like this the engine is probably going to be in, then out, then in, then out etc and making this process easier might be a real help...

Having a cradle frame also allows you to jack up the bike easily - like you do with a motorcross bike.  

...and it will give you a chance resolve the vibration / torsion / bending issues that you will otherwise be transmitting through an engine (and it's fixings) that may or may not be designed to cope with it....
We are on the same wavelength here.  Adding a removable cradle pretty much as you suggest was my first thought and for the reasons you outline.  The added weight concerned me thus my questions about using modified (isolated) OEM  like mountings
Post by: 2004Tiger on October 12, 2009, 04:40:37 AM
Quote from: "Mustang"I know of a couple of steamers that have busted their frames right where the outriggers come down from the backbone ............... :shock:
My faith in the Tiger design team was misplaced. Everyone keep their welders handy.
Post by: JetdocX on October 12, 2009, 04:45:02 AM
I'm with Nick.  Pick up the engine mount positions with a stressed "frame/engine cradle" and then shock mount your engine. :wink:
Post by: 2004Tiger on October 12, 2009, 05:30:25 AM
Quote from: "nickcalne"... A steamer with a diesel engine weighs at least 250kgs and probably more with fuel. A  small cradle frame to support the engine in steel will weigh say 5 kgs. That's not much in the scheme of things...etc...
Yes, I like this approach. Such a cradle would be very useful, especially if it was rigid enough to replace the structural element provided by the original stressed engine. The diesel engine could be supported within the cradle by vibration isolators. Of course any engine other than the original will have such a difference in configuration that it could not serve as a stressed member without some cobbed up struts and fasteners. Better to build a rigid cradle to support both the frame and the engine. Or, you could fabricate a structural tube, about the same diameter as the backbone, to be welded in place. This tube could start at the steering head and end at the rear swingarm pivot, and encircle the new engine. Weld your motor mounts to the low section of the tube. Such a tube could be made rigid enough to provide a lot of support for the backbone.

Coachgeo, since you asked, my degree is in mechanical engineering with emphasis on machine design and stress analysis. Could I design a MC frame? No. I am not familiar with the modern methods of computer finite element analysis, and MC frames have evolved into very complicated shapes.
Post by: oxnsox on October 12, 2009, 06:05:58 AM
Coach...  Don't know if this helps, or if you have seen something similar already... Recently read an article on the TRACK Diesel bike   http://www.dieselmotorcycles.eu/ in a UK magazine (MSL September issue).
The article had a few good pix that showed some frame detail for their installation... which incidentally was a Triple...
Post by: 2004Tiger on October 12, 2009, 06:41:18 AM
Quote from: "oxnsox"... TRACK Diesel bike   http://www.dieselmotorcycles.eu/ in a UK magazine (MSL September issue).
The article had a few good pix that showed some frame detail for their installation... which incidentally was a Triple...
Very cool bike.
Coachgeo, looking at the naked bike pic, you can see that the backbone is two girders which run around the very tall engine, and the engine hangs between, unstressed. They are very thrifty with their steel. The structural concept is the rigid triangle, and elegantly executed.
This bike must be very top heavy, but it looks to be well engineered. I like that the in-line cylinders are fore and aft, to minimize width.
Three radiators? Oil, water, and intercooler.
No gears, no clutch.
I want one, to match my diesel pickup truck.
Post by: coachgeo on October 12, 2009, 07:21:13 AM
Track uses diesel engine out of a Mercedes Smart Car.  Transmission is CVT.

I am rather familure with the bike.  Though I have not studied the frame. Will look closer at that aspect.
Post by: coachgeo on October 12, 2009, 07:28:11 AM
Quote from: "coachgeo"Track...rather familure with the bike.  Though I have not studied the frame. Will look closer at that aspect.
looked at frame closer.  Is not this skeletonish design becoming more popular these days?

Post by: Sin_Tiger on October 12, 2009, 10:09:29 AM
I'm with Nick and the others, an engine sub-frame could be so much more, maybe even the basis for a chair mounting  :D What struck me about the Track was how exposed the sump looked, although I love the styling of the rest of it. The centre stand is a really ugly POS though :lol:

I feel a bit more comfortable now having seen everybodies background. My background is Marine Engineering, everything to do with big ships, so I have a fair bit of experience with diesel engines. The NHV (noise / harshness / vibration) you are concerned about is what is termed "structure bourne" noise, i.e. what is transmitted through whatever supports the engine, you will know from your own experience a joint with a cartilage performs a similar function (one of them anyway) to an isolatic bush, you just need to find out a suitable size, run it with a steel bush and measure the frequency and any harmonics then choose a material that best suits your needs. Your measurements at speed are the ones that are important, vibration sitting at the lights doesn't matter. Got any friends with vibration analysis equipment? Try a bearing supplier, they usually have this kind of kit.
Title: size of steamer engine
Post by: coachgeo on December 04, 2009, 06:40:38 PM
hey Im not near my bike.  As in it stored out of town.

Some of you may recall I planning to swap out a semi bad engine in my Tiger for a diesel 3cyl  (search youtube Diesel Tiger for sample).  Engine I "want" to use is hard to find and EXPENSIVE so Im looking at alternatives.

I stumbled upon a 3cyl Kubota engine on craigslist.  Dont know if it's dimensions are anywhere close to a Tiger 3.  Its a bastardized engine so there is not really a model number to look up and find a size on.  If any of you can do a general tape measure of your lump and let me know if the below dimensions are anywhere close?

Kubota  Height 20"  length 19"  width 12- 13"

lets not get into discussing my bastardization of a Tiger please.  

much appreciated.
Post by: Mustang on December 04, 2009, 09:09:56 PM
I will get some measurements for you tonite as I have a motor sitting on a lift and can easily measure .

what i can't understand is why you would want to go diesel, the fuel cost is more ,it is dirty and the power just aint gonna be there like the sweet 885 triple . :icon_scratch
Post by: cascadetiger on December 04, 2009, 09:41:21 PM
Can't be because of the diesel sound since the Steamer motor already sounds like a diesel!
Post by: Mustang on December 04, 2009, 09:49:14 PM
From the bottom of the sump to the top of the valve cover at the highest point is approx 22 1/2 inches

the widest point on the engine is approx. 18 inches

the overall length is about 19 inches from the bottom front of motor to rearmost bottom frame mount

keep in mind that the o/a length is probably more due to the slight slant of the cylinders forward

it would appear that the Kubota would fit in the space as long as no special mounts are needed to marry the kubota to the tiger frame
Post by: coachgeo on December 04, 2009, 10:37:30 PM
Quote from: "Mustang"...what i can't understand is why you would want to go diesel, the fuel cost is more ,it is dirty and the power just aint gonna be there like the sweet 885 triple . :icon_scratch
The couple Tigers with this conversion are getting 95-100mpg using 900 +cc 3cyl diesel engines. Add the use of vegetable oil based fuels.... and I'm down to $0.50 to $1.00 per gallon.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7BqPBvV ... re=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7BqPBvVuyY&feature=related)
Post by: coachgeo on December 04, 2009, 10:43:48 PM
Quote from: "Mustang"From the bottom of the sump to the top of the valve cover at the highest point is approx 22 1/2 inches

the widest point on the engine is approx. 18 inches
where is the widest point and is this left to right or front to back?

Which of your measurements includes the tranny area of the bike?
Post by: Mustang on December 05, 2009, 02:47:52 AM
Quote from: "coachgeo"
Quote from: "Mustang"From the bottom of the sump to the top of the valve cover at the highest point is approx 22 1/2 inches

the widest point on the engine is approx. 18 inches
where is the widest point and is this left to right or front to back?

clutch housing to LHS crankshaft cover width is approx 18 inch

QuoteWhich of your measurements includes the tranny area of the bike?
19 inches from bottom front of sump to rear bottom motor mount
if the dim's you listed for the kubota motor don't include a transmission it aint gonna fit
Post by: coachgeo on December 07, 2009, 10:43:12 PM
Here is more detail
Post by: coachgeo on December 07, 2009, 10:46:04 PM
on the flywheel end would be a 3" belt drive pully
Post by: Mustang on December 08, 2009, 01:32:13 AM
what are you doing for transmission gearbox as I don't see a lot of room left for one you only have about 20 inches total on the steamer chassis from front to rear
Post by: coachgeo on December 08, 2009, 05:39:35 PM
6 speed ultima tranny


taken from this thread about another Diesel Tiger.  Second one built by Heicko.   Uses a Lombardini LDW1003 engine.

http://www.suckindiesel.com/thingy/view ... ilit=Tiger (http://www.suckindiesel.com/thingy/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=661&hilit=Tiger)
Post by: coachgeo on December 08, 2009, 10:59:32 PM
according to the PDF I have on the engine Heicko used.. this Kubota is about the same size.  Some of the width is at top taken up by the IP therefor  the space below is available for the Ultima.
Post by: ramseybella on December 13, 2009, 12:12:33 AM
Quote from: "coachgeo"according to the PDF I have on the engine Heicko used.. this Kubota is about the same size.  Some of the width is at top taken up by the IP therefor  the space below is available for the Ultima.

So what is the cost to put one of these together?
Post by: coachgeo on December 18, 2009, 08:52:12 AM
lots has gone on since last posted here.  Today I took a step further and purchased a used engine.  It's a Kubota.  Will put out around same HP as the one used in the other dieselized tigers.  

More in the link

HERE IT IS (http://www.suckindiesel.com/thingy/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=829)

more about the land issue HERE (http://www.suckindiesel.com/thingy/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=829&start=30)
Post by: coachgeo on February 07, 2010, 09:08:04 PM
land issue somewhat resolved

Kubota to arrive middle of next week
Post by: coachgeo on February 07, 2010, 09:36:16 PM
oh..... and forgot to add.  Having to give up lots of beer money.... but safety first....   also got a new airbag jacket (Hit Air - Motorad) it's on the way.  Got it at more than 50% off of retail price.   Been searching and searching and searching for 6 months for one at something I could afford... this one little more than I can afford but the best deal I've seen yet.

Still looking for ALL other rider gear.  I have nothing.  ok.... wait.. I got one thing.  

A heated vest.  Does that count?  

Anyway, Great deal on that one too. Got it about  a month ago.
Post by: Sinnergy on February 08, 2010, 05:36:01 AM
After twenty years in full leathers, I went to a 'layered system', and the heated vest forms the base.  Almost all my riding is now (from the inside) T-shirt, then heated vest.  Depending on the temp, next may or may not be a sweatshirt, then my armour.  Depending on the temp/precipitation outlook, from there I may put on a windbreaker, or a full rainsuit.

Yes, in my opinion, the vest is the centrepiece of wide-range comfort riding gear.  What I love about this system is that the bits that I'm not wearing all roll up *much* smaller than just my leather pants used to.

Post your sizes; I'll bet that there're a lot of riders on the forum with perfectly serviceable pants, boots, gloves, etc. wasting away in a back closet.  With the exception of helmets, I love used gear (and in days gone by, I've had a number of used helmets too--these days, I'm just glad that I've only crash-tested fresh, modern helmets).

Glad to hear you're getting closer to the diesel steamer.

Post by: coachgeo on February 08, 2010, 09:18:24 AM
Quote from: "Sinnergy".....
Post your sizes; I'll bet that there're a lot of riders on the forum with perfectly serviceable pants, boots, gloves, etc. wasting away in a back closet.  ...
have no clue about sizing done in the bike world.

I'm 5'8" a whopping 150lb or so.

30-32" waste.  Inseam around the same.

Shoes I wear 9-10.... matters the brand.
Post by: coachgeo on February 21, 2010, 12:20:49 AM
tiger Service Manual Arrived  

Hit Air Jacket arrived (switched to Euro over Motorad at last minute.  Euro has zip out winter liner making it more 4 season

kubota Engine.... LOST :evil:  :evil:   Shipping company has lost it.   :?  :oops:  :evil:  :evil:
Title: New Adv. Bike Company.. bikes being delivered!
Post by: coachgeo on February 25, 2010, 03:46:59 AM
Well it's got some work to do to make it a true ADV. Beast and not just a look like beast (no skid plate yet) buttttt.. it is now available from TRACK out of Holland.  Mechanically the engine is a beast that is for sure.  More on that discussed below.

The big news is... its no longer just talk and prototypes...  Its sister bike.. more of a Roadie version of the one pictured below is out and new owners have taken the first wave of deliveries.

Shaft drive,
CVT Auto Tranny
2wd is in the works.  It has actually be developed.. just not being sold yet.


Bike pictured is T-800CDI Explorer 1E

Yes... CDI... engine's are manufactured by MERCEDES.  Same engine that is in the diesel Smart Car. 3cyl turbo diesel


if it passed a shake down test this bike could win the Dakar cause NO FUEL STOPS... at 100mpg.  May be too heavy though... and the 450 restriction.. oh well... guess not.

TRACK MOTORCYCLES (http://www.dieselmotorcycles.eu/)
Post by: Sin_Tiger on February 25, 2010, 04:01:59 AM
I looked at this a few months back, not much update on the websites since then, infuriatingly I can't seem to find the price either.

I think it looks great and that they have managed to keep the weight down is amazing. Not so sure about the full canbus dash though, looks like a BMW I-Drive, yeugh!
Post by: coachgeo on February 25, 2010, 04:52:46 AM
price was high.

Email him.  Contact info on the web site.

I'm just glad its not just a prototype any more... they are actually getting delivered!
Post by: aeronca on February 25, 2010, 07:32:46 AM
man thats cool.  im diggin the diesel thing alot.
Post by: EvilBetty on February 25, 2010, 08:41:40 AM
Very odd muffler placement for such a bike...
Post by: oxnsox on February 25, 2010, 09:45:15 AM
I thought they had an indicative price on the site about a year ago when they first released it... but Coach is right it was hi, 20K euro springs to mind but it may have been a few percent each way... But money aside I'd love to ride one.
Post by: jphish on February 27, 2010, 09:11:29 PM
They musta got a deal on a bunch of Buell mufflers & installed them backwards. $25K USD ?!  Yikes!  Very cool though - 100mpg is pretty fantabulous.
Post by: HappyMan on February 27, 2010, 11:37:53 PM
And dealer suport?  Parts availability?
Post by: REGULATOR on February 28, 2010, 01:47:05 AM
I liek the thought of a diesel bike,

  that thing looks like a KTM adventurer, a Buell, and a Tiger 1050 had a threesome...
Post by: coachgeo on February 28, 2010, 03:35:02 AM
Well since its a Mercedes engine... you got a ton of dealer support already in the bag.  The CVT is also nearly off the shelf...  

Really think there wont be a parts problem. Like Buel they did not start  totally from scratch.  

Speaking of CVT... I learned from Erik at EVA (the manufacture) that the CVT is not only covered but water cooled.  Only on the display models is the CVT Exposed.

Also there IS a skid plate available.
Title: Automatic (CVT) Triumph Diesel Sprint
Post by: coachgeo on February 28, 2010, 04:57:00 PM
Post by: oldrider on March 06, 2010, 09:21:34 AM
That would have been worth it if you had killed that blasted "music"!

I just wanted to see and hear the bike !    :cry:
Post by: Nick Calne on March 06, 2010, 07:45:33 PM
How's the 'project' coming coach?  You got the unit in the frame yet? :wink:
Post by: coachgeo on March 07, 2010, 02:53:23 AM
my engine to be disappeared in shipment.  Made it from Wisconsin to Chicago IL and disappeared.  Now the battles begin with shipper.

The ol' saying goes.... "If it were not for bad luck... I'lde have no luck at all"  seems to fit well lately :oops:
Title: NEW Diesel Hatz Dnepper 4 sale Sac. Cal area / Partial Trade
Post by: coachgeo on March 28, 2010, 11:10:33 PM
I'm acting as an agent* for Diesel Dave since he is not able to get online much.

Trades- Partial trade for Triumph Tiger Steamer, Triumph Speed Triple and or Briggs and Stratt/Diahtsu or Kholer/Lombardini Diesel

To members of this board We'll list it at 10.5grand OBO. It is going on Craigslist a good bit higher.


. 100mpg

. 60kph all day long for those slow down and smell the roses courntry and offroad trips

. NEW Dneper MT16 (not 11) with Hack

. Rare OEM front Disc Brake

. 2wd HEAVY DUTY rearend (not Civilian but Military version)
...Same gear ratios just better quality material and craftsmanship

. presently running with 170km at this point.

. Hatz 2G40 w/ Newly machined bell housing adapter

. NEW everything (Paint, chassis, drive line, wheels, Tranny, Speedo and on and on and on)

. Wired for basic day or night driving. Finish off the harness to get all the bells and whistles

*Honesty is best policy. Yes I get a small commission off this sell to fund my diesel bike project (Diesel Tiger Steamer)

PM or email coachgeo AT hotmail DOT com

Trades- Partial trade for Triumph Tiger Steamer, and or Briggs and Stratt/Diahtsu or Kholer/Lombardini Diesel
Post by: coachgeo on May 21, 2010, 03:29:34 PM
The Smart Tiger is on the road.

pics here

http://www.suckindiesel.com/thingy/view ... 8788#p8788 (http://www.suckindiesel.com/thingy/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1386&p=8788#p8788)
Post by: Mustang on May 21, 2010, 06:47:15 PM
Quote from: "coachgeo"The Smart Tiger is on the road.

pics here

http://www.suckindiesel.com/thingy/view ... 8788#p8788 (http://www.suckindiesel.com/thingy/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1386&p=8788#p8788)
yabbut where's yours ?  :icon_scratch
Post by: coachgeo on May 21, 2010, 07:03:10 PM
Mine is on hiatus.  With the $2000 engine I paid for getting lost by the freight company..... I'm screwed.  The company is offering max insurance pay out of $23.50.  Their lawyers have it sewed up to where it would cost me and the seller more than 2grand to take them to court.

Can you spell  A S S H O L E S :twisted:  :twisted:
Post by: Mustang on May 21, 2010, 07:55:14 PM
here's a novel idea :idea:
why don't you take the two tigres you bought and make one decent one that runs .............

so what if it's not a diesel it will still sound sorta like one   :ImaPoser
Post by: coachgeo on May 21, 2010, 09:30:08 PM
I cant afford to spend money on something that is just fun.  Hell Im having to sell good necessities, and live with shiaty ones as it is.

A diesel tiger will get close to 100mpg at the same level of fun..  My commute is half hour each way.
Post by: Mustang on May 21, 2010, 09:44:01 PM
Quote from: "coachgeo"A diesel tiger will get close to 100mpg at the same level of fun..  
not if it never comes to be ................. :shock:
Post by: coachgeo on May 21, 2010, 09:50:39 PM
Quote from: "Mustang"
Quote from: "coachgeo"A diesel tiger will get close to 100mpg at the same level of fun..  
not if it never comes to be ................. :shock:
It will.... I'm stubborn and patient.

If things get tougher and require me to HAVE to abandon the project the bikes will go to good hands.
Post by: Jaythro on May 23, 2010, 06:04:45 PM
Are any of you guys registered over there ?

Whats the answer to the friggin question about

QuoteWhat motorcycle is commonly used in Diesel conversions?:
For protection against spam, Answer the above question.

I tried enfield Tiger triumph tiger BMW K100 etc etc etc Grrrrrrrrrrrrr

Do they really think the spam bots are gonna get past the friggin alpha numeric Image!

Some people are just too friggin anal about security!
Post by: coachgeo on May 23, 2010, 06:38:28 PM
yeah Im on there.  I think it is Enfield.  did you spell it right?  did you capitalize the "E"?

I left a message to see if their may be an issue on why you cant get registered.  What username you wanting to use?

If you have never administrated a board before you can not appreciate the reasoning behind the security.  Spammers, robots, register and crap your board.  It is a ROYAL PITA and lots of hard work to keep the junk off of a board.
Title: diesel conversion
Post by: catswiskas on May 05, 2011, 04:44:39 PM
hi thinking of a diesel conversion for my steamer.just wondering what mpg/horsepower people are getting also price for engine and bits .also are these available in uk if not could i ship one over and would it need an sva test when finished thanks. :)
Post by: BruKen on May 05, 2011, 05:29:21 PM
I've heard about these conversions. Can I ask why? What the advantages are etc. out of interest.

Sorry, I am of no help otherwise.
Post by: Jaythro on May 05, 2011, 06:33:02 PM
Check out MotoHeiko on You tube
Post by: Nick Calne on May 05, 2011, 10:55:39 PM
There's a guy (or was a guy) called coachgeo on this forum who was in the process of doing it.  Don't know if he ever got there but he had done the research.

Why not search for him and his posts.
Title: Diesel Steamer Magazine feature...
Post by: NeilD on October 12, 2011, 05:52:54 PM
this months Motorcycle Sport and Leisure (Nov 2011) features a Tiger fitted with a diesel Smart Car engine...

more info on the bike and ride to Nepal here...

http://www.suckindiesel.com/ (http://www.suckindiesel.com/)
Title: Diesel Tiger
Post by: Yankee Dog on January 13, 2012, 02:21:52 PM
So what do ya think??


http://www.suckindiesel.com/ (http://www.suckindiesel.com/)

Post by: MarkShelley on January 13, 2012, 02:43:25 PM
This has been around for a few years now. His price for a bike is not unreasonable really at £9450, compared to the Dutch Track
which I believe is about £15K and uses the same engine, albeit with some re-tuning. Some might argue the Tiger based bike makes more sense as all the parts should be obtainable for years to come whereas the Track company may not be around tomorrow
http://www.trackdiesel.co.uk/#tabs-4 (http://www.trackdiesel.co.uk/#tabs-4)
Title: A diesel steamer - would you have one?
Post by: BigDan on March 17, 2012, 10:19:09 AM
http://www.dieselbike.net/currentconver ... rsions.htm (http://www.dieselbike.net/currentconversions/currentconversions.htm)

I'd definately have one, 100mpg on a big bike?! Awesome.
Title: Re: A diesel steamer - would you have one?
Post by: coachgeo on May 30, 2012, 05:20:55 PM
Quote from: "BigDan"http://www.dieselbike.net/currentconversions/currentconversions.htm

I'd definately have one, 100mpg on a big bike?! Awesome.
That is the advantage asked for earlier.  100mpg+  yet still hit highway speeds. With Veg. oil fuel added in there.... your looking maybe at 300mpg of diesel usage.   As to highway speeds.....  (75mph+) this is crucial in the USA cause if you putt-putt along like a 100+mpg scooter does you'll get your ass run over by a cager. It's just not safe even in town.

Moving forward:
Mine is slowly coming together.  About as slow as slug on a journey across the US but.. still slogging along.... well slugging along.

Tiger One I traded to a fabricator, Motorcycle mechanic, general machinest backyarder.  Trade is for building mine.  Mine; Tiger two, is slowly getiting pulled apart, cleanded, design stage, but mostly awaiting prayers for funds to buy parts (engine) with.  Had gone bankrupt and lost everything but the two bikes.  Call me stubborn.  

Got a job about month ago in TN so things will pick up a tiny bit.   Granted my pay is about same I got in same position when I was 18yrs old (and Im 50yrs with 35+yrs exp) but sometimes ya just got to roll forward with it.
Post by: Mustang on May 30, 2012, 06:11:47 PM
Hey Coach is back among the living again ................ :eusa_dance
Post by: Sin_Tiger on May 30, 2012, 07:23:27 PM
Good stuff, hang in there mate, somebody will recognise the value of your experience in the not too distant future I hope  8)
Title: hanging
Post by: coachgeo on May 30, 2012, 08:14:53 PM
Quote from: Sin_TigerGood stuff, hang in there mate, somebody will recognise the value of your experience in the not too distant future I hope  <!-- s8) -->8)<!-- s8) -->
Not "hangin in there"  or anywhere else  <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->   Find that rolling on forward to the next necessary step works much better than just hanging.  That's sorta leaves you with a choking feeling and gets you no where but maybe 6 feet true due south.
Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: coachgeo on January 18, 2013, 10:43:40 PM
Some times things roll slow and with great difficulty....... like....... up a rock face but......... hey you roll on anyway.

My Diesel engine and Transmission (CVT off a Polaris) is now sitting in TX.  Just so happens they are sitting in the same place my Tiger(s) are sitting.  Which just so happens to be a slow moving custom bike shop.  (Retirement fun for biz owner). as mentioned in earlier thread; trading  this fella (Curtis*) to do the work  The trade is my second Tiger.  He has a bit larger Diesel engine ready to go in that one for him.  He's also 80lb? heavier than me.

Im in OH. had to move again to make a living.  An extra advantage....... motorcycle riding school to get license is low cost and provided by state. 100's of dollars cheaper here than in TX :D

So far plan A, or B,  Goal: Tuck CVT away out of harm and elements way. Keep to a bike whose width is similar to typical Steamer.  or last resort: a wider bike via Plan  C

A- mount D722 Kubota (690+-cc engine) with flywheel to left. Chain drive to CVT tucked out of harms way under seat. Both cvt clutches on different jackshafts.  Secodary/Driven clutch's  jackshaft also holds small sprocket for rear chain drive. 

B. mount D722 with flywheel toward rearwheel.  CVT tucked under seat along with a chain drive to Universal for a shaft type final drive's shaft. Final drive off a ?? Goldwing or Bmw orrr? ( Chain -n- sprockets in this setup is to keep ability to change sprockets for tuning since final drive ratio........ is well........ Final. Can't adjust  ) This is similar to Track Diesel bike cept he had final drive custom made to appropriate ratio; thus no need for chain/sprockets as proposed in this plan.

C. suffer with wider steamer and have primary clutch of CVT mounted to flywheel on left side of bike.  Wider than I like. Only slightly wider though than the more conventional diesel conversion which uses 3" belt drive to harley Ultima Tranny*. jackshaft on Secondary/Driven clutch which also holds small sprocket for rear wheel chain drive.

search diesel Tiger on youtube to find a few of Heicko's Steamer with Ultima and belt drive.  That one though is 2" belt and he says it cant handle diesel torque thus now builds them with  3" belt drives

*This is why my engine and pieces never ended up for sale.  Curtis did not want to take time and to find storage for parted down bike.  Just wait till its time to start the conversion is what the plan become. Sorry Fella's

PS- those on the Europe side of the ocean.......... Neils Diesel Tiger is the way to go.  Hit him up.  See first post of this thread. 
Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: coachgeo on February 23, 2013, 04:46:03 AM
CVT arrived in Tx at Curtis's place. They're a bit bigger than Comet units buttt......if the secondary/driven is larger diameter then should have a higher top range than the Comet's?

Im excited. This has been some damn long in the making.

Still some little stuff on my side I can do here in OH like shopping around for ancillary parts I needed (and some not NEEDED) that fit my budget while Curtis is working on bike. So far I picked up:

Must haves cause I had none of the below any more

. Sidi Summer Riding boots molded in sole. Used from an Inmate at a fair price  (Inmate= Member of Adv.rider.com)
. Oneal Element boots (sewn in soles......... allows me to add to sole so the tall bike fits my shorter legs better). Used from a Local. Maybe a bit high at $35usd for the amount of scrapes but wanted the sewn in sole.
. Joe Rocket Alter Ego All weather Adv. pants, liner, armour. Used Once; from an Inmate at a fair price.
. Registered for USA State of OH required riding school. Steal at 50 bucks for helmet and bike included. Will take their other ones probably too. End of May on a weekend I wont have athletes at a competition.

Picked up "new" protection (thanks to advice from Inmate)

. New helmet on sale (Gmax GM11S)

. New water proof gloves on sale

Yes I believe in ATGATT.    All The riding  Gear All The Time

One NOT NEEDED yet but deal was too good and it rounds things out NICE since this is meant to be an adventure bike

Custom home-brewed Panniers!! Used.  Besides I like the lay it down protection good panniers provide the bike and rider - Curtis can make brackets to fit them no problem

Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: Sin_Tiger on February 23, 2013, 05:47:21 AM
Now there's confidence for you, engine not in the bike yet and some serious farkling going on already  :notworthy
Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: coachgeo on February 23, 2013, 06:00:05 AM
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on February 23, 2013, 05:47:21 AM
Now there's confidence for you, engine not in the bike yet and some serious farkling going on already  :notworthy
To avoid confusion; those pics are of them mounted on seller's bike.

Wasn't planning on any Farkling yet but the price was just too good. Heck name brand Aluminium Panniers as most of ya know are up to what....... 800-1500usd a set w/mount yet still say 600-1000usd for used ones.  This was 350 total with shipping and if they work as stated and look as good as in the pics....... I don't care if the brand is "made in my garage"  Beside like I said......... really do think this type Pannier is a safety feature for bike and rider. My career requires good enough health to juggle a mom and dad's priceless pride and joy thru the air (their kids). Thus my body has to remain in tact, sharp and beyond just healthy. Can't afford for some cager or my own oops take away my livelihood and passion(s).
Title: Sooooooooo whats different. Speaking German is cheating
Post by: coachgeo on February 28, 2013, 06:52:31 AM
so what is different about this Girly.  Speaking german is cheating

Title: Skid plate. engine guard
Post by: coachgeo on February 28, 2013, 05:57:43 PM
Yes this a diesel  tiger but that is not the point.  Trying to Decipher if the skid plate on this is home brewed or a modified skid plate available for a normal steamer. It might also be a cradle the engine sits in?

Title: Re: Skid plate. engine guard
Post by: threepot on February 28, 2013, 07:54:02 PM
Anyone know what engine thats from? Doesn't look that bad really,I could live with that if it returned 100mpg :thumbsup
Title: Re: Skid plate. engine guard
Post by: Mustang on February 28, 2013, 10:20:11 PM
Modified OEM guard .................off to the diesel thread  :wave
Title: Re: Skid plate. engine guard
Post by: coachgeo on March 01, 2013, 05:52:43 AM
Quote from: Mustang on February 28, 2013, 10:20:11 PM
Modified OEM guard .................off to the diesel thread  :wave
Thank's for info on the guard. 

We are considering building a cradle to sit the engine in instead of using it as a structural member.  Any thoughts on that?

Also....... when Im able to actually do a "build" thread if you dont mind....... lets make that it's own thread. This thread is now to broad a scope to  put the build into.
Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: coachgeo on April 12, 2013, 09:08:18 PM
build pics/discussion starting. Sticking with Chain drive and mounting engine similar manner to  OEM engine. (no cradle as considered earlier)

Should this portion go into a new thread under Steamer's?

Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: Mustang on April 12, 2013, 09:30:44 PM
Quote from: coachgeo on April 12, 2013, 09:08:18 PM
build pics/discussion starting.

Should this portion go into a new thread under Steamer's?

Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: coachgeo on April 12, 2013, 09:50:24 PM
Quote from: Mustang on April 12, 2013, 09:30:44 PM
Quote from: coachgeo on April 12, 2013, 09:08:18 PM
build pics/discussion starting.

Should this portion go into a new thread under Steamer's?

OKy Doky. :wave  Our brains must organize material differently :qgaraduate. Or maybe it's too much Kubota for you to sit in the Steamer forum LOL. 

Should it be a Tribota Tiger when done
Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: Mustang on April 12, 2013, 10:58:21 PM
try to post it in the GS forum on ADV ........let us know how you make out . :hat10

it will have very little to nothing to do with the tech aspect of a TRIUMPH TIGER .
you have it posted in the only home for it   .......SPEAKING OF BIKES.

Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: coachgeo on October 30, 2013, 04:26:37 PM
bump for diesel forum
Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: coachgeo on March 23, 2014, 06:21:17 AM
some updates.  Curtis had been busy, ill, busy, injured, ill but back to go at it again.

. bent up temporary cradle to hold diesel engine.  Once all figured out will bend new tube.
. rubber mounting cradle for vibration dampening
. Crash bars - custom- will be big part of  new stress member to supplement  down tubes as a strength member since they will have anti vibration mounts on cradle.  Cradle is becoming a strength member where on the Tiger the engine is a strength member.
. Suzukie bike alternator modified to fit Kubota (mine had not alt.).   35 amp which if I read right is 10 amps more than Steamer and will also not have ignition load so should be plenty of juice for other things?
Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: Sin_Tiger on March 23, 2014, 11:49:04 AM
 :new_popcornsmiley how about some pics Coach?
Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: Bixxer Bob on March 23, 2014, 01:16:55 PM
Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: coachgeo on March 25, 2014, 06:53:55 AM
Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: Sin_Tiger on March 25, 2014, 11:39:53 AM
Interesting  :new_popcornsmiley Thank you :wheel   :thumbsup
Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: coachgeo on May 23, 2014, 06:09:45 AM
Suzuki Motorcycle Alternator modified to fit the Kubota alternator mount.  The original Idler pulley that was mounted here (no alternator model engine) was milled out to fit the alternator and heated, installed and cooled. This method locked the pulley to the shaft like stuck fornicating  dogs.   :bug_eye  Course later in the build it was discovered alternator won't work in that location.  Go figure.  Modifications to the alternator will still be utilized though

(http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c369/Curtis-J/Diesel%20Bike%20Project/20140325_103734_resized_zps3e1f5f10.jpg) (http://s31.photobucket.com/user/Curtis-J/media/Diesel%20Bike%20Project/20140325_103734_resized_zps3e1f5f10.jpg.html)

Diesel's clatter (like duhhh) so to be able to isolate that from the frame and the rider the decision was made to use a basket/Cradle like traditional bikes instead of using the engine as a structural member as OEM Triumph Steamer's do.  Could not do both structural member AND  vibration isolators engine mounts with out compromising it too much as a structural member.   In one pic you can see the CVT drive mocked up.   On the second Tiger (Curtis's) he will do a double chain to a Harley Ultima 6speed in a more traditional Motorcycle arrangement.   Oil filter will have to be remotely mounted to move alternator to that area.

Once all is done will see if the Sump Guard purchased thru here will be utilized.  If not it will go up for sell here along with the engines broke down to individual parts .
Title: Re: Diesel Tiger and other Diesel stuff here
Post by: Sin_Tiger on May 23, 2014, 09:28:25 AM
Looks tiddly compared to the original 885, I realise there is a lot still to go in but it's looking good  :thumbsup
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