Forum seems to be very quiet at the moment, i`m busy with my rebuild, so what you all doing?
Best time of year for tinkering :lol:
28 degrees F in Kansas today, so I installed a set of 1050 heated grips on my 955 tonight. Gotta love getting stuff for less than half price on eBay. Can't wait to get out tomorrow morning and see how I like them.
just getting the Girly out for a jaunt up to Wells on Sea for a bacon sarnie
It's only 4 deg and windy but IT'S NOT RAINING! 8)
Also, got some bullet bright LEDs to fit before Christmas but buggered if I can find them :BangHead
Bought a replacement car. Not to replace my Tiger, but to replace my Cadillac (RIP).
Waiting to go out for the traditional Chinese New Year family reunion dinner. Was hoping to take the Thruxton but it's pissing down and the standard tyres are cr@p in the wet.
Waiting for parts for the Steamer.
Gong Xi Fat Choi everybody :party
Planning a trip to Essen for the classic car show in March
Quote from: "John Stenhouse"Planning a trip to Essen for the classic car show in March
Details? :D
Ride out didn't get far, youg lad with us on a 500 Kwak broke down 10 miles in so I had to RTU for the trailer and recover him home. :cry:
In there somewhere is a tiger :oops: ,back end off shock out.
Getting a bit low on tyres there Chris :shock:
Oh, and Today I have mostly been cleaning a rather dirty German Bird, though I did take her up the Oasis :shock:
Thats the Cafe at Abergavenny you smutty minded people. :lol:
There's lovely for you :lol:
Hereafter known as Tim of the Désert :wink:
Quote from: "Timbox2"Getting a bit low on tyres there Chris :shock:
Oh, and Today I have mostly been cleaning a rather dirty German Bird, though I did take her up the Oasis :shock:
Thats the Cafe at Abergavenny you smutty minded people. :lol:
As you full well know young man!! the trick is buy stuff when it's cheap not when you need e'm :D ,bit like the man with your shock :lol:
Gonna go with Road Smarts this year :shock: ,it'll have dived into the corner before I've even though about it,might not be the Smartest(no pun intended!!) thing I've ever done,but there's only one way to find out,I might then have a pair of Road 03's for you!!.
Forgot!!,revalve on the Ohlins,new chain guide rubbers,chain/sprockets on the bike.
Quote from: "Chris Canning"Quote from: "Timbox2"Getting a bit low on tyres there Chris :shock:
Oh, and Today I have mostly been cleaning a rather dirty German Bird, though I did take her up the Oasis :shock:
Thats the Cafe at Abergavenny you smutty minded people. :lol:
As you full well know young man!! the trick is buy stuff when it's cheap not when you need e'm :D ,bit like the man with your shock :lol:
Gonna go with Road Smarts this year :shock: ,it'll have dived into the corner before I've even though about it,might not be the Smartest(no pun intended!!) thing I've ever done,but there's only one way to find out,I might then have a pair of Road 03's for you!!.
Forgot!!,revalve on the Ohlins,new chain guide rubbers,chain/sprockets on the bike.
Ahh yes, PR3's, that was going to be my next tryout, the BT023's are starting to look past their best already. :(
Rode over to visit my ex-wife and do a few jobs in the garden to ease my conscience. Took the long way round and stretched a fifteen-mile journey into a sixty-mile one. Weather warm, very windy, but dry. Tigger due 36,000 mile service soon.
Quote from: "flaco"Tigger due 36,000 mile service soon.
Wot..oil and filter :D
Bit of a service time for me also..37k,
Expansion tank removed and cleaned
Tank off to get a paint bubble sorted
Fresh plugs...when the arrive.
K & N to fit.. as above
Fork oil change...just need to get the mudguard screws out of those stupid rubber doinsis..arrggghhh
Service calipers and new front pads
Oil and filter change
Oh..and fit the new to me MRA Vario
Roll on Spring :D
Had my 50k service done Friday (at 57k miles). Feels like a new Tiger again.
Fitted new indicator and cover and gave the bike a good clean at the wekend.
Other than that commuting on her as usual.
Rocinante´s status:
Forks off - new used forks being overhauled at the moment, rear shock off and overhauled - and snapped off the banjo bolt for the external reservoir - and in the mail on it´s way back to the overhauler.
Other than that, brake system overhaul not started, rear wheel rebuild to 18 inches not started, finish work paused, replacement of crashed parts paused, lowering foot pegs not started, lowering of brake pedal and gear shifter not started, rebuild seat not started.
Nothing much of the planned actions happening at the moment, in other words. Pity really, since outside the winter roads are perfect.
What going on...?
Steamer 1 is looking out the window getting very bored.
Steamer 2 (the project) is awaiting new tank from America and minor mods to exhaust system to complete major build items.
Daytona is gathering dust.
I, on the other hand.
Business 1 - working my ass off
Business 2 - working my ass off
Business 3 - working my ass off
and not riding much. :evil:
got out on the 800 on all of last weeks 'days off', then fitted the ventura luggage stuff to it and a satnav mount (although I'm still not sure whats wrong with bits of paper taped to the tank :D )...
first day off today and looking at the weather looks like i'll be mostly fettling rather than riding - clean out replacement fuel tank for the Ducati and check it doesnt leak, then fit screen on t'other halfs Suzuki-thing...
Quote from: "Bixxer Bob"Quote from: "John Stenhouse"Planning a trip to Essen for the classic car show in March
Details? :D
Taking the Tigger, crossing Monday 19th March, staying in Brugge, then on to Essen for tuesday and wednesday, weds afternoon and evening at the show, thursday back to Brugge and home Friday.
Probably P&O from Dover cost £35 last year.
Welcome to tag along, being a wuss and hoteling it both places so not a cheapo week but a nice way to blow the cobwebs of winter away.
Wife's birthday conflict :(
Quote from: "Bixxer Bob"Wife's birthday conflict :(
So what's the answer then?
Finally got a chance to fit my Hepco & Becker engine bars today. Easy to fit and look pretty good.
Also ordering a set of Mustang pegs in anticipation of the biking season starting.
If I can stretch my budget I'm hoping to get new tyres next month. Thinking of changing to Road Pilots. Anakees 2s fitted at present.
Looking forward to getting out and about :D
Pilot Road 3 are excellent, especially in the wet, if you are going for a strictly road tire. Not sure if the milage will be so good with the Girly being a bit heavier than a Striple.
Quote from: "Sin_Tiger"Pilot Road 3 are excellent, especially in the wet, if you are going for a strictly road tire. Not sure if the milage will be so good with the Girly being a bit heavier than a Striple.
Over on one of the BM forums there are guys talking about getting 2-3000 miles more mileage from PR3's than they have with any other tyre, also knee down grip in the wet :shock: Not sure they do a 19" Front mind.
When it comes to road tyres it's a 2 horse race either Pilot Road 2/3's or Road Smarts,the Mich Road wears better,the Road Smart steers quicker(alot),Tim and I had the same culture shock when changing from one to the other :shock: