It would be good if the Scottish Tiger Owners could meet up some time in the Spring or Summer for a ride out and some banter.
If you are interested and have any suggestions as to when and where please give a shout. :D
I would add that everyone is more than welcome, not just the Jocks :lol: :lol: :lol:
Always interested in a trip to the west coast cheers spud :wink:
Time permitting, I will be up for that. Always happy to head North.
Sorry its taken me so long to reply, sorting out my UK dates.
I will be back in Scotland arriving 28th May pm and leaving 16th June am. At the TT from 6th - 10th June, otherwise nothing fixed yet, so I am flexible in those windows, unless the Forum bash comes up within those dates.
TT, will you do the coordination being the OP and local?
Looks like the Panda (KK) is hibernating in Hibernia :wink:
A Scottish biker meet would be good, not just for Tigers! I am game!
Any takers for the 2nd of June?
I was thinking of heading to Scotland on that weekend, as Her Majesty has seen fit to grant us double holiday weekend. I may possibly have either my wife or daughter on the back, I am not sure yet.
The 2nd of June is okay for me :D
Does anyone have any suggestions as to where we could go for a run.
Here are a few from me,
Glasgow to Inveraray and back via the ferry from Dunoon to Gourock.
Motherwell to peebles then on to Moffat and back via the M74
Glasgow to Callander, the Dukes Pass and Loch Lomond
If anyone is up for camping I would suggest Applecross for an overnight. I planned to go there last year but didn't manage due to other commitments :(
There are no shortages of good places to go in Scotland all we need is a plan :D
Come on guys throw in some ideas :idea: let's make this meet happen :D :D :D
sounds interesting !
Got a couple of spare bunks for soft southerners and space for a couple of tents for the 'ard men :wink:
All good rides there, up for any of those.
Quote from: "Sin_Tiger"Got a couple of spare bunks for soft southerners and space for a couple of tents for the 'ard men :wink:
:ImaPoser :ImaPoser :ImaPoser Ard as fook I'll bet
I'm only just over a week to go before I'm back.
Any takers?
I may stay with my daughter in Dundee on the Friday night, after that will head over to the West coast. Not sure where to stay yet, Applecross looks interesting.
Right I'm back, where is everyone? :wink:
thought you were going straight to the TT?
Nope, I am sitting in a pub near Wrotham looking at a map to find a B&B for the night. Are you free tomorrow morning as I might take a detour past your place if you are?
Sin I'm heading up to Ecosse tomorrow in the rain, you about any where so I can drop the book off cheers Spud
On the Island and it's finally decided to stop raining long enough for a race. Wife paid for grandstand tickets so we are damn well going to use them. Fortunately my ferry is not till late. Plenty of Tigers around but not spoken to any as they are either whizzing past or parked up. Two Girlies, silver and orange outside the Trevelyan Hotel, one with Glasgow plates BYB, anybody from here?
3G not functioning so have scrounge wifi whenever possible.