
Talk => General Discussions => Topic started by: Chris Canning on January 31, 2012, 05:53:22 PM

Title: Vehicle Insurance
Post by: Chris Canning on January 31, 2012, 05:53:22 PM
Next time you boys are looking for insurance spare a thought for us commercial folk,just had a phone call for the renewal of my sprinter van they had put it up £300,phone another broker he would do the same for £450 less!!,phone the original broker who I have used for the last 5 years to tell him to send me my no claims,ok he says,phones me back 5 minutes later to tell me the people who wanted £1400 would have matched £950  :roll:,you can just imagine the conversation after that  :lol:
Post by: Tigertriple on January 31, 2012, 06:00:11 PM
No surprise there then. Insurance companies are a bunch of robbing Bastards. Just renewed my bike insurance and after the usual stick up routine I finally got it down by over 60% off their starting price :shock:

Car insurance will no doubt be the same when it's due   :evil:
Post by: Moorso on January 31, 2012, 06:04:51 PM
It does seem you have to haggle (from my experience) recently. Bike insurance renewal was last week - they had tried to up my premiums despite not making a claim or having a peep out of me.

I was on the phone with him and had used a price comparison website while on the phone, when the smug git told me the price I told him that the cheapest competitor (who was MCE weirdly) were 60% cheaper the cheeky (insert expletive) then said he didn't believe me. After e-mailing him the screen grab of the comparison I said "I believe you have a price match guarentee".....his response was "Erm....eh....erm....yes sir....er do" (the first time he called me sir also!). SO the upshot is I got the insurance for the cheapest price without comprimising my policy. Victory against the man in my book!!  :wings
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