Having decided to keep the old girl as original as practicable and had the support of several people here collecting the various bits, I have now assembled a full set of four indicators. Thanks guys 8)
Two have a bit of scraping on the body but are still presentable so I am still on the lookout for a couple more undamaged bodies.
As well as a good clean I decided to rewire them and managed to find the same connectors as the original loom type from a local supplier.
I bought a pack of 25 with pins so I have a few left over, not familiar enough with the loom to know where else they are used.
If anyone is in need of some PM me and I can stick them in an envelope. Beware though that you need a pretty small crimp tool but you could probably manage it with careful use of small snub nosed pliers, I run some solder in as well as is my habit.
They are way brighter than the ones some previous joker had fitted, I can only think they broke the originals and couldn't find replacements, these will get noticed ......... and just look right for the Steamer.
most likely couldn't afford original replacements from triumph :lol:
Sin the only place the connectors are used in the wiring is for the directionals
Probably right on the money, need any for your 50K'r let me know, save you buying a whole pack :wink:
I'm good ............she doesn't really have much wrong with her other than some cosmetic wear ..........she's a muddy hen :wink:
Quote from: "Mustang"..........she's a muddy hen :wink:
Ah, the penny has dropped :D
Those are Molex connectors. The crimpers are readily available at almost any electronics shop, even Radio Shack.
I'd use solder and heat shrink over crappy Molex anytime, FWIW.
Quote from: "Sin_Tiger"Quote from: "Mustang"..........she's a muddy hen :wink:
Ah, the penny has dropped :D
It found a good home then...