Finally getting around to re-shimming the valves on the old girl, and to replace the shims I prefer to remove the cams, I think it makes it so much easier. When I removed the cam cap bolts I was almost expecting the threads to come out with the bolts as they all made a good crack before releasing. What I am wondering is should I never-seize the bolts when I put them back in?
And on another note I had to pull each bucket to get the shim out and even with the bucket out I had a heck of a time getting the shims out. Any reason for this; the heads are very clean with no gunk build up anywhere to be seen.
Milton S.
don't use never sieze just put em back in and torque to spec .
The crack is normal when they release ................
the shims fit snugly in the buckets again perfectly normal
its caused by a vacuum that gets created when oil gets between the shim and bucket :wink:
No, I can get my dental pick under the shim but can't lit it without bending it. Once I have the shim up I have to put something much more substantial under it to pries it past the bucket's carrier.
Quote from: "Milton"No, I can get my dental pick under the shim but can't lit it without bending it. Once I have the shim up I have to put something much more substantial under it to pries it past the bucket's carrier.
thats because the tolerance is so tight .you are getting it stuck cockeyed .
if you use a magnet it will come
straight out
Yeah, I kind of figured that is why they were sticking against the side. I picked up a pick up tool today so I'll give that a try.
Thanks always for your help and good advice.