Hi guy's,
Had the Steamer on the dyno yesterday to try and get to the bottom of the poor running.
It is flat as a fart.
Dyno operator suspected cam timing, and as i have replaced, repaired or checked everything else, i have had a look.
It is out! :cry:
Can anyone tell me how to check the cam chain for wear?
It does not seem to want to mesh with the sprockets properly, and i am thinking it has jumped a tooth or two.
Try as i might, i cannot get the slack out of the front chain run with out the chain slipping.
I have replaced cams and chains on Japanese bikes many times before with no problem, and this should be just as straightforward.
Ta, Daz.
i hads a similar problem on mine. changed the chain but no joy. turned out to be the timin chain adjuster had worn and was not doin its job properly. may well be that
Cams timed up and she fired straight away.
Carb's balanced and very responsive.
Still won't tick over but that might be air screw setting.
Will fit new cam chain and blades after the weekend's trip to Snetterton.
Can't wait to test ride her tomorrow. 8)
do ya live far from snetterton ?
Quote from: "rybes"do ya live far from snetterton ?
About 150 miles bud, why's that?
im jus down the road in norwich. was wonderin if you was another east anglian tiger owner is all :D