Great sob story, if you want to get to the meat of the technical matter, just skip this paragraph. I took my KTM out for a spin in March, got some nice trail riding in, then took a bit of a tumble at low speed, fell sideways and broke the end of my radius bone off. Fast forward to a couple weeks ago, I finally get my cast off, but doc says no bikes for a couple weeks yet. I'll show him! I get the Steamer out of storage, clean it up a bit and it fires right up. I go for a little ride around town and Holy Feck! Does that hurt! Not healed enough yet I guess. Wait a week n a half, try again. This time I actually get to go all the way to work. But Holy Feck! Same deal. Fast Forward to today, gear up, top off the tank and head out from the gas station and Boooooggggggggg. FECK!
I had to replace the ignition pick up last year, but this is a different failure. Previously, it wouldn't even start when warm. And the pick up fixed that. Now it idles fine, but when I add any throttle, it bogs, sputters and dies. I don't think it's fuel related though. It sounds like the plugs aren't firing correctly. New spark plugs, new gas. The engine wasn't warmed up yet, so that points me away from the ignition pick up too. I haven't had time to dive into it, that whole job thing gets in the way.
Anyone offer insight? Tips? I'd really hate to park it and have to ride the wifes CM400A
plugged pilot jets from sitting and not being used ...............almost can guarantee it .
simple fix to try first
dump about a half a can of sea foam in it , auto zone 10 bucks a can works great
let it sit for a day in the tank with the petcock open then get it started and ride it , they generally come out of it this way after 20 miles or so .
other problem could be a critter made a home in your airbox , but I suspect an ethanol mess in the float bowls from lack of use .
if the sea foam doesn't cure it ........time to pull the carbs and clean em the hard way
also check your fuel for water ....pull the fuel line off the petcock stick a clear plastic bottle under the tap and set to reserve , fill the bottle let it settle
any water in the fuel should show up .
When I put it away for the winter there was Seafoam in the tank/bowls for winter storage. Great stuff. I use it in all my gas powered things.
And it ran fine for the first 200 or so miles I got in this year already. If it were the pilots, what are the chances of them getting clogged after a tank of gas has been run through? All 3 at the same time? I'll check for water, but I doubt I'll find any.
No ethanol gas goes into my bikes!
Quote from: "Papalobster"when I add any throttle, it bogs, sputters and dies. I don't think it's fuel related though.
It's the pilots your tail if you want , but it's the pilots
Quote from: "Mustang"It's the pilots your tail if you want , but it's the pilots
Wish I had a pound for every pilot I've cleaned out over the years after bikes have been put away for the Winter. It is really, REALLY, good to drain the carb bowls and the tank before putting it to bed. The tank has to be drained as the fuel tap may seep slightly. This very simple operation can be carried out without major surgery and very basic tools found in the tool kit. Or buy some warm clothing and ride
Rant over.
The gas was clean and clear as were the bowls. The passages are clean. All vents were open and the filter was clean and no fuel line kinks.
No water, no contamination, no dirt, no spooge. It runs fine on the pilot circuit, just not anywhere else.
Coils looked good, no cracks or anything. I checked gap on the pick up coil. Didn't check resistance as my meter is at work.
seen it too many times ..been there done that so to speak
pilot circuit is just off idle up to 4k after that the needles come into play .
what happens on full choke ?
Full choke will rev a bit, but fall on it's face with any application of power. Darn thing ran awesome last week and them bowls were squeaky clean!
I added a 1/2 can of seafoam, revved it up and blocked the air intake tube thing. It'll create a bit of suction then sputter out. I'll let it soak again overnight like that. No more time to tear into anything until Monday, figure I'll give the carbs a bath in the ultrasonic cleaner as long as it's apart next week.
worse under load while actually riding the bike ?
can you coax it past 4-5 k rpm using easy throttle application ? and if you can does it seem to come out of it in the upper rpms like say 5-7 k rpm
if the answers to the above are yes
there are three things that cause it
The #1 spot is occupied by dirty pilot jets and or missing oring and washer from the pilot screws or plugged passage way from the pilot screws
#2 honors go to missing blanking cap on the right hand snorkel
and #3 ..........if it's a 98 with OEM GILL coils , the wiring in the internal windings of the coil has actually corroded away and left spots were the current has to jump the gap the longer it has to jump the gap the bigger the gap gets until one day it can no longer do it .
with bad gill coils , under a load on the engine at anything under 3500 rpm she usually will have a definite misfire and come out of it pretty cleanly above 5 grand
your coils should ohm out at .6 for resistance , but heres the kicker even a bad gill coil will usually test good at .6 ohm .
the coils usually don't cause the kind of bog you are describing though , the pilots cause what you are describing , especially where you have said your bike has been sitting basically idle since march due to injury.
it's a lot cheaper to strip and clean the carbs vs spending $200 plus on some new nology coils or 300 on oem gill junk , only to have to clean the pilots when the coils didn't fix it
and BTW I've seen times when ultra sonic bath doesn't work as good as good ol compressed air .
physically remove the pilots and soak em in carb cleaner like GUMOUT overnite and then shoot some air thru em , you'll be surprised :shock:
Nope, can't get into the upper range at all even with the choke on. That's why I was thinking it wasn't the pilot circuit.
Right side cap is in place. Stock Gill coils.
Pine Sol in the ultrasonic cleaner. Rinse, blow em dry. (
Quote from: "Papalobster"Nope, can't get into the upper range at all even with the choke on.
that rules out the coils almost certainly then
time for some carb 101 maint.
let us know what fixes it
I got a Tiger Triple sticker for ya if its other than carbs ..........
Quote from: "Papalobster"Pine Sol in the ultrasonic cleaner. Rinse, blow em dry. (
This stuff is impressive, does anyone know what this is in the UK?
The degreaser I use makes aluminium fizz.
Thanks for the tip.
Quote from: "metalguru"This stuff is impressive, does anyone know what this is in the UK?
The degreaser I use makes aluminium fizz.
Thanks for the tip.
Dettol? Has pine oil in it, but not sure if it's the same. According to the MSDS it has a similar amount of pine oil as does Pine Sol.
this sounds like a plan,
Thank you
What you using to make the ally fizz then MG?
And let us know how you get on with the Sainsbury's or Dettol :lol:
I need to pick Mustangs brain here. A '95 with Mikunis. I suspect the pilots, especially after reading this thread, Idles fine, some hesitation from idle and what feels like a vibration up to just about 3000 then it smooths out and pulls like a train. The sensation below 3000 is akin to a slipping clutch but it only feels like that. Like I said, pretty sure it is the pilots but always good to get another brain involved. :D
Quote from: "PompeyLad"I need to pick Mustangs brain here. A '95 with Mikunis. I suspect the pilots, especially after reading this thread, Idles fine, some hesitation from idle and what feels like a vibration up to just about 3000 then it smooths out and pulls like a train. The sensation below 3000 is akin to a slipping clutch but it only feels like that. Like I said, pretty sure it is the pilots but always good to get another brain involved. :D
Too rich. Does your choke assembly stick at all? Brown smoke when you blip the throttle?
if it is indeed too rich you will see black soot all over the tailpipe ends , and it could be the orings on the float assembly's leaking causing it to run rich
or it could be you need some carb 101 maintenance(plugged pilots )
mikunis are more finicky than the keihins .but when they are right I think they are smoother and faster than the keihins , .......just by my seat of the pants dyno
start here ... highlight= (,7600&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=)
Cheers guys. While I have them out I will check the chokes but I think they are ok. The O rings are all good. (At least they better be seeing as they are not but 18 months old.) Can't get around to pulling the carbs until next week sometime but I will let you know what results. :icon_salut
Looks like my pilot jet was crushed into the carb tube a bit. The emulsion tube has been squished on one for sure. Can anyone supply the Keihin part #'s? I see an N424-21 and N424-26 I have #40's in. Every online retailer shows a different end between the 2 but the threads seem like they are the same.
He said in the OP it idles fine. Mine wont even start when the pilots are plugged. And like others I have to pull the carbs and clean the pilots each spring. Seems to me that if it idles, especially if it idles OK when warmed up, then it could not possibly be the pilots. FWIW my coils decided to fail during a winter hibernation many years back. I thought it was carb problems and it drove me nuts cleaning them over and over again. The bike would start and run OK until warmed up. Then it would stumble and cough when revved up. I eventually found out about the junk GIL coils and switched to the TT600 stick coils.
Quote from: "Papalobster"Looks like my pilot jet was crushed into the carb tube a bit.
Quote from: "nightrunner"Mine wont even start when the pilots are plugged. And like others I have to pull the carbs and clean the pilots each spring.
SEA FOAM it just plain works .......all 4 tiggers have the same problem every spring ,
I haven't taken a carb apart in the last 4 years except to undo jetting nightmares on other peoples fiascos .
The -21 is 28mm long, the -26 is 23.6mm long they are both the same otherwise, but they are used interchageably in different online catalogs.
Some have the flange on the end as seen here, some have straight tubes.
I'm guessing, seeing as how mine crushed, I need the shorter ones.
I drilled out the emulsion holes with a wire drill bit onthe squished one, reassemblesd the carbs, welded up the aircleaner housing cracks, and rode the durn thing to work today.
Now I need an air filter as the foam in mine was coming apart a bit.
Update on my 95 with mikunis. Carbs are all nice and clean. I suspect it may be a dodgy piece of equipment with the word GILL on it. :? Just waiting on it's replacement. :)