Took the carbs off this evening. Only took the float-bowl off one. Good news, no water damage. :) However, a lovely pile of dried-up fuel-goo. See the pic (I see there are some fellow connoisseurs of disgusting horror-stories on the forum). Smells like turps (new to me). Shutoff valve is rooted, otherwise all looks OK. Dropped the tiny spring holding the float-gear together, but eventually found it. :D Pull the other float-bowls off tomorrow, feel confident the water didn't get in. Not bad (fingers crossed) considering the tank was half-full of water. Anyway, there's the latest report. Beernard.
PS also pulled out the fuel-tap. Full of goo, too. What's the thinking on ditching the in-tank filters and running an in-line one?
there is already a filter in the line , if it hasn't been removed by previous owner ,it's in the t fitting between #2 and #3 carb where the fuel line attaches :wink:
Thanks, Mustang. I'll check it out.
Yep. It was there. Full of crap. Looks a bit constrictive with a bit of crap, so I reckon I'll go the in-line jobby that I can see and deal with. Works with my other bikes. The other 2 carbs were interesting. Other outside the same, but worse. Middle had a little bit of water, but no corrosion (lucky). Fuel shut-off valves rooted in all of them. Otherwise, I think saveable. BTW, before I go ahead, is there a desirable replacement for these carbs? Regards, Beernard.
if they are mikunis they are actually very good ..........
bike should have an awesome midrange to top end with the mikunis.
98 tigers came with keihin's and they are better on fuel economy , they are lacking that sweet midrange that the mik's give
Thanks again, Mustang. Mine are Mikunis. Same as on my 92 Trophy. Have had no trouble with Trophy's. I'll get the bits needed (O-rings, Shut-off valves) and see what happens. Regards, Beernard.
Quote from: "Beernard" What's the thinking on ditching the in-tank filters and running an in-line one?
I have been running that set-up for a couple of years. It works very well. Only complication is locating the filter so that you can access it w/o removing the tank. It may take some creative fuel line routing. The tank, air box and fuel tap make it a tight fit.
Thanks for the feedback, 97. :D I see you are right about it being a bit tight for space there. I'll have a crack when the time comes. Regards, Beernard