
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: Rocinante on July 21, 2012, 12:03:46 AM

Title: Carbs, again, now question about replacement rubber boots
Post by: Rocinante on July 21, 2012, 12:03:46 AM
Summer goes on and Rocinante does´t move much during this family vacation time, but it´s time to ask a question about the rubber boots I bought to replace the cracked one(s). These are the boots between carbs and head.

The replacement boots from the Triumph dealer are wider and shorter than the originals. While the originals had a diameter of 30 mm, the new ones are 36 mm(i.e. no restriction), and also about 5 mm shorter. The dealer double checked that the boots were the correct ones.

The bike runs fine, but lacks power at the top end. I have replaced the main jet (105), pilot jet (45) and raised the needle by the lowest amount possible (this is take from memory, because the bandwidth where I am at the moment makes searching in the forum a pita). It was done after I replaced the original exhaust pipes with a three in one Motad. Fuel consumption went up 20% by the way.

Any gurus want to suggest what to do to the jets/needle/boots to solve this?
Post by: Mustang on July 21, 2012, 03:33:15 AM
there's two different boots

one's for mikuni's and the other is for keihin's ,that 6 mm difference could certainly and most likely is whats affecting  top end .
you could try going up to a 110 main jet

careful though , cuz if you get too large of a main in there and you WILL start blowing soot like a diesel truck  out the exhaust .
Post by: Rocinante on July 21, 2012, 12:39:21 PM
Ah, then I believe these must be for Mikunis. They are slightly wide on the carb side as well, so I had to insert a steel band under the hose clamps to seal the boots, cause the clamps bottomed out and still didn´t seal.

I will give the dealer a call on monday.
Post by: Rocinante on July 24, 2012, 01:11:18 PM
According to my dealer, the boots I got are the correct ones. Triumph replaced the original part with this one which got a new part number. The same goes for other models that use the same part.

Very strange indeed that the new boot has 30% more opening than the original.

I would like not to increase the main jet size even more, seeing how the consumption has increased.

Any other sources I should check. I'm still on narrow band, so surfing is a pain.

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