Hello to everybody from Greece
Congragulations for your veru usefull forum.
I am an happy owner of 98 BRG Steamer with 80000 km on clock.
I have a question how many mileage you have until turn to reserve an how many miles the light turns on ?
thank you
98 should be seeing about 230-250 miles to reserve with USA gallons, if you keep the speed under 65mph .
faster takes off 20 miles or so of range
the low fuel lights vary from bike to bike but generally come on early at 150-170 miles
Congratulations on finding such a low millage Steamer.
My warning light has never worked reliably and not worked at all for some time, I find I need to chafe to reserve at about 220 miles but have 4-5 litres left in the tank if I fill it immediately. Mine is an earlier Mikuni carb model though.
The reerve how many miles run??
As i have see on my best friends AFRICA the low level sensor is the same on my eyes and is more cheap than TRIUMPH.
I do theese questions because now i am runing with a petcock from SUZUKI TSR 200 is the same but with more reserve.
Thank you for your answers.