Below is the worksheet of my Steamer's valve clearances. I have ideas of which I should change, probably all of them except #3 intake, but I'm interested in what others think.
I don't have metric feeler gauges, so measurements are in inches. The gauges are in 1 thou increments. Entries with (L) means the gauge met no resistance but the next thickness up would not fit. (T) means it barely fit and significant resistance was met.
Question: is there any reason I can't just take off the races and remove the cams to get at the shims?
personally .......
I wouldn't bother shimming any of them they are all in spec.
save it for next time , at 17xxx miles they are golden at around 28xxx you might have a tight intake or two .
they really don't usually require attention until at least 25 k .
and yes you can pull the cams , the only tricky part is to make sure you are not one tooth off on the intake cam .
oh and the cam caps are marked and must be reassembled the same way they came apart .
Okie dokie, I'll leave 'em alone and button it back up. Thanks for the reply.