Hi all
Been doing a service on the steamer
Put in 4lts oil and let it stand started the bike and ran it for 10 mins ran ok but gave a lot of white smoke till warmed up , no suprise there as I have just completed head gasket, valve stem oil seals , plugs, crank position sensor, temp sensor, anyway carb decided to piss fuel out all over the side stand so knocked it off and pulled the carbs, I have managed to get one bowl off with the help of my mole grips and killed the screws and found very fine grit in the bowlan around main jet area blocked pilot jet so have ordered a new seal kit for the 3 of them and a new set of screws anyway getting off point my question is I checked the dipstick and according to that there is nearly double the amount of oil in the bike as needed ? I don't get it as the manual says 4 llts can anyone shed any light on this please as I think by the smoke its burning oil thinking from crankcase passed oil ring s?
I'm guessing HELP !!
Has petrol or water got into sump?? Thats a big variation if you only put 4ltrs in..think correct amount is 3.75ltrs. Had old oil been drained?
Did you drain all the old oil?
Did you take both the oil filter off and remove the seperate drain plug?
A mistake i once nearly made :hat10
She drained fir a full day both filter and sump plug ?
I'm at a loss
Bikes been stood since b4 christmas for stip down so all oil was in the sump in my heated garage
So getting frustrated
When draind there was only 3ltrs init
drain your oil .............
i bet it's full of gasoline
you had a carb pissing gas . it went in crankcase guaranteed ..........
if you have mikunis you need new orings on the float assemblies , if you have keihins you need new needle valves .
Something else got into sump? Check radiator level,drain off some oil..check if it smells of petrol? Cant think anything else.
Thanks mustang was I right with the 4 ltrs
Will drop oil out tommorrow whn I get some fresh stuff
seal kits ordered already
Quote from: windscreenman1 on February 11, 2013, 12:09:58 AM
Thanks mustang was I right with the 4 ltrs
Will drop oil out tommorrow whn I get some fresh stuff
seal kits ordered already
yep 4 liters is what it takes
Mikuni carbs full of grit good clean getting done bits on order all the screws are f*cking up due to last owner being an all weather biker grrrr
Cheers for the input fellas
read the sticky thread............ theres a thread there that addresses your exact problem right down to the stripped screws :XXcomputer