First the back story:
My 98 Tiger has around 55,000 miles on it. A couple years after I bought it there was a problem with the valves and the cylinder head (I don't recall the exact problem but it was expensive to fix).
My priorities changed when my daughter was born and the bike ended up sitting for a few years after it overheated on the way home one day. Back in late November I decided it was time to get it running again. Cleaned the carbs, changed all the fluids, spark plugs etc. only to find out the radiator was shot. Got a new radiator (used, from a 95 Sprint) installed and it turned out there are issues with the motor - compression and leakdown tests no good. Dealer says new head gasket, rings, etc. - I think the estimate was $800 - $1,000. My main concern (aside from continuing to dump money into a bottomless pit) is that when the fix what they think is wrong with it something else will turn up.
I can't afford to replace it with a new (used) bike so the options I see are:
1. bite the bullet, fix the known problems and hope nothing else is wrong.
2. find a motor and replace the old one.
3. part it out or sell as is (selling as is probably won't even cover the money I've spent in the last 6 weeks).
4. something else?
At this point I'm leaning towards swapping the motor but I'm not sure it's a reasonable alternative. My questions:
1. If I look for a replacement what engines/years would fit? Sprint, Trophy, Daytona maybe?
2. Where should I look for an engine? I see a couple on ebay that might work, any other sources?
3. How involved is swapping the engine? I'm going to pay someone to do it, trying to figure out how much. The techs at the local dealer were thinking it would be at least 6 -8 hours.
my Tiger in better days
there is only six bolts that hold a steamer engine in the frame and only a couple of wiring connectors to unhook
after you remove exhaust and shift linkage it will be out in 10-15 minutes
you won't know whats wrong until you pull the head
could be as simple as just needing a new head gasket
or as bad as the dealer is GUESSING
any of the early engines that look like the tigger motor will work , be aware that the shift drums need to be swapped in a motor that doesn't use shift linkage or the pattern will be reversed
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Would help to know generaly speaking where you are. (Country, state, nearest large city)
20 miles east of SF, CA. I've already spent twice as much as I had planned to get it running again and am getting close to what I could have paid for a used one with no issues.
i paid 2600 for mine about 12 years ago. over the years i mustve spent over 4 grand extra on it. personally, i wouldnt have it any other way. its 250 miles of 71 thousand and i know its good for that again. :thumbsup i know everythin thats been replaced and over time ive pretty much had it to new bike standard with all the bits ive fixed or replaced. so in essnece, ive still got a brand new bike. if ya see what im gettin at
If it was me, i`d be looking for another motor, fit it in the Steamer, then you can strip the old motor and repair it at your leisure, then sell one of the motors to get some cash back.
But i`d be taking the head off first to check for anything obvious.