
Other Beasts => Oil Burners => Topic started by: coachgeo on March 14, 2013, 05:37:48 AM

Title: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: coachgeo on March 14, 2013, 05:37:48 AM
ok guys........ looking for ideas.  Want to High Visibility paint job on my Steamer yet somehow keep it from looking like "Pimp My Ride".  All my riding Gear is black except my Hi-Vis Yellow helmet.   I found Hi-Vis material and cloth webbing I can add to the pants, jacket etc. that I can get someone to sew on the gear to be a bit more hi-vis out of what I have and maybe keep a bit of classic look.

Yellow bike like old yamaha's?


Don't want Gaudy Police BMW


While the version on the bike in bottom right corner below not bad


Granted I could paint the Hi-Vis yellow helmet to Hi-Vis orange and go with Orange instead?

Gloss Black bike with Hi-Vis Yellow (or Orange)  Tiger sticker or custom paint orrr?

Flat Black like above?

Gunsmoke Grey like above?

Any Artist in here got a simple idea? Any good Photo Shopper's who can make up some models?

Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: Mustang on March 14, 2013, 05:53:11 AM
Hi Viz is over rated ....it doesn't necessarily work .

Defensive riding works far better , take an MSF course .
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: coachgeo on March 14, 2013, 06:01:21 AM
Quote from: Mustang on March 14, 2013, 05:53:11 AM
Hi Viz is over rated ....it doesn't necessarily work .

Defensive riding works far better , take an MSF course .
A study done in Europe disagrees with you about Hi vis not working. Studies in visual eye capture of sport ball (Tennis, baseball, Soccer etc) disagree too. Granted there might also be studies to counter studies on the topic of High Vis bikes though. Just have not run across them.

MSF course #1 already signed up and paid for.  Plan on taking level 2 as well and possibly level 3 once I get more acquainted with how it handles.
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: coachgeo on March 14, 2013, 06:35:50 AM
Interesting topic of Conspicuous over at Adv. Riders sheds some great light on the subject (pardon the pun)

Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: Mustang on March 14, 2013, 06:54:18 AM
I know many people who drank the Hi viz kool-aid and still got hit by cars .

The average car driver just doesn't see motorcycles , even if they are flashing NEON fucking pink .

This aint yurope.....................
get some real world experience  and then get back to me !
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: Sin_Tiger on March 14, 2013, 08:54:00 AM
I'm not convinced about the hi-viz either, the eye may see it bit the brain has to register it before it's of any benefit.

Every man and his dog wears hi-viz these days, even while they are driving their white vans, I suspect to many brains it's a case of familiarity breeds contempt. In the case of locally it's more a snobbery issue, "is only a motorbike, never mind". I've lost count of the number of times I have been level with a car or van when they decided to pull out, hit the horn, they hesitate, look and see the bike, then decided to keep coming.   :doubt
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: Dutch on March 14, 2013, 09:06:40 AM
Agree hi-viz isn't the holy grail, but every time it helps for a car driver to see you a bit earlier is a bonus. The helmet is the highest point so  that's an excellent start. Imho a lot better than black or grey.

For the bike: do what you like, but I fear that if a driver doesn't see the head light, he/she woundn't see flashing neon pink either. On the other hand: I remember an old story about a guy buying an ex Dutch police bike. The police paraphernalia had been taken off, but the orange stripes where still on the bike. Owner decided to take them off later, but when he noticed cars gave him more room than usual he never  bothered.

As for the old skool Yamaha look: having ridden Yamaha for over 20 years (rode an XS 400 Maxim accros the USA and owned an FZ750 for 18 years from new) I have to give that the  :thumbsup

Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: John Stenhouse on March 14, 2013, 11:30:42 AM
Not sure it's the high viz that works, I bought an ex police Pan European and despite having all the high viz removed it was great for motorway work, people just got out of the way............no idea why!  :notworthy
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: Bixxer Bob on March 14, 2013, 01:39:56 PM

Long distance commuting for 3 years I sometimes wore a green high viz jacket over my gear for warmth.  Coming up behind cars you could see them start to slow to the speed limit at the same time being distracted, trying to work out whether you were police or not.  Their eyes tell them you aren't because the bike isn't right but subconsciously they associate green viz with the law and in a second or two they decide not to risk it and pull over.

One young lad in a Golf was chatting away on his phone while negotiating a roundabout so I gave him a wide berth then powered past him as we joined the next road. As I pulled alongside he looked up,saw the green viz jacket and threw his phone over his shoulder. I wagged a finger at him and rode on, laughing all the way.  :hat10
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: Bixxer Bob on March 14, 2013, 01:42:06 PM
Sorry Coach, back on track......

I'm very interested in the dip paint someone posted yesterday.  It means you aren't committed to a change of colour, yiu can always go back by peeling it off.

Found it: http://www.tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,12292.msg91538.html#msg91538
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: Dutch on March 14, 2013, 02:31:09 PM
Wrapping with foil is also an option. For the idea a link to a topic on motor-forum.nl, the largest Dutch site for bikers: motor wrappen (http://www.motor-forum.nl/forum/list_messages/339280/Motor-wrappen-ik-ga-het-proberen-1.html)
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: Sin_Tiger on March 14, 2013, 02:35:31 PM
Hi Viz or Hijack  :hat10

There are a multitude of "Sticker shops" around here that will  "Wrap" all your plastics, in fact they do whole cars, for less than 100 quid, that includes full race reps or glow in the dark plod look alike if that's your bag.
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: coachgeo on March 14, 2013, 05:33:34 PM
Quote from: Bixxer Bob on March 14, 2013, 01:42:06 PM
Sorry Coach, back on track......

I'm very interested in the dip paint someone posted yesterday.  It means you aren't committed to a change of colour, yiu can always go back by peeling it off.

Found it: http://www.tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,12292.msg91538.html#msg91538
THANK YOU for the back on track folk.  A discussion on the warrants of Hi-Viz or not would make a good seperate topic.  Someone start a thread on it and maybe Mustang can move the post on that to that thread.  Or read and add your .02 on the subject at Adv. Rider thread linked previously.  Here I'm looking forward to ya'lls ideas on Paint Scheme's

As to the Plastic Dip Paint job, that was I who posted about it and that is my plan.  Have also already begun to investigate how that dip coating handles fuel spill/drops around the fuel cap etc.
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: Mustang on March 14, 2013, 07:19:05 PM
no ones gonna see the Hi Viz anyway ....................... :ImaPoser

Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: coachgeo on March 14, 2013, 07:50:20 PM
Quote from: Mustang on March 14, 2013, 07:19:05 PM
no ones gonna see the Hi Viz anyway ....................... :ImaPoser....

Sure they will......... just not if there behind me :pottytrain2
Audi Diesel Wins again
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: Sin_Tiger on March 15, 2013, 02:32:50 AM
Quote from: Mustang on March 14, 2013, 07:19:05 PM
no ones gonna see the Hi Viz anyway ....................... :ImaPoser

:ImaPoser :ImaPoser :ImaPoser bulls eye  :qgreenjumpers
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: coachgeo on March 15, 2013, 05:44:16 AM
got that over with so now back to paint scheme's.    :XXcomputer
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: Sin_Tiger on March 15, 2013, 06:39:15 AM
If visibility at night, then you cannot get any tape with a higher reflectivity than 3M Diamond Grade
http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/Marine/Home/Products/Catalog/?PC_7_RJH9U5230GE3E02LECIE20S4K7000000_nid=3X6SGLSNG4gsZV3RC926FMglT3LPQQR6NJbl this stuff can be seen up to 2kms away with normal headlights on dip, under good visibility conditions. I know this for a fact having checked it myself on a friends bike. It is still almost 100% reflective within 45 degrees either side of perpendicular due to the engraving technique, unlike the powdered deposit type of tape.

Downside is if you are riding behind it's damned irritating and could upset your night vision. Any decent laser range finder will be able to get a fix up to a km away, you know what I'm talking about so beware  :doubt I also know this to be a fact as we use it offshore for positional reference control (dynamic positioning).

ALL light based systems are limited by the environmental conditions, be it fog or smoke or rain, active systems like lights are less affected since the light only has to travel half the distance to the viewer. Lights can be switched on or off and even modulated, where legal (dammed irritating also).

Food for thought I hope.

These guys are on your side of the pond. http://www.reflectivelyyours.com/homepage.html
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: coachgeo on March 15, 2013, 12:21:31 PM
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on March 15, 2013, 06:39:15 AM
If visibility at night, then you cannot get any tape with a higher reflectivity than 3M Diamond Grade
http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/Marine/Home/Products/Catalog/?PC_7_RJH9U5230GE3E02LECIE20S4K7000000_nid=3X6SGLSNG4gsZV3RC926FMglT3LPQQR6NJbl this stuff can be seen up to 2kms away with normal headlights ......
These guys are on your side of the pond. http://www.reflectivelyyours.com/homepage.html
Thanx for the links, have been collecting links for this purpose.

Night is only 1/3 of the concern and like you rightfully brought up....... these days night Hi-Vis products exist that greatly help.
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: coachgeo on March 15, 2013, 09:57:18 PM
For ideas here is some reasonable responses on the same topic

Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: abruzzi on March 18, 2013, 06:29:12 PM
I think you should paint your steamer like this strom:


Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: coachgeo on March 20, 2013, 05:09:55 AM
Quote from: abruzzi on March 18, 2013, 06:29:12 PM
I think you should paint your steamer like this strom:


Grand idea.  With that paint job its probably even visible by orbiting Space Station....... oh wait........ on second thought ... not good to be thattttttttt visible :hat10
Title: Re: High Vis Steamer Paint Job
Post by: coachgeo on October 30, 2013, 05:35:03 AM
bump for diesel thread
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