Ok, in response to Neil, I've locked the build-up thread and started this one.
As soon as I've got Brands Hatch over with I'll start working on the detail of this year's meet. Suggestions of where to go, what to see, where to camp and offers of help are welcome. As essential details develop, I'll move them to here at the top of the post.
Date: 19-21 Jul 13
Campsite: http://www.angel-larling.co.uk/camping just off the A11 about a mile from Snetterton. If you're coming from the south or west it's easy, just ride the A11 till the junction before Snetterton and you're there. If you're coming down from the north you'll first have to brave (and on a Friday evening I mean that literally) the A17 to Kings Lynn then the A47 to Swaffham. If sufficient numbers develop, we can meet in Swaffham and I'll lead the way in although previous meets suggest people will be arriving at different times so that might not work. We'll see.
Booking: Book your own camping direct with The Angel. Do it now as they tend to fill up quickly. Mention the Triumph Tiger Rally so they know you're with us. AS SOON AS YOU HAVE BOOKED LET ME KNOW SO I CAN COMPILE A LIST
Evening meals: I'll co-ordinate the food requirement so PM me with what you need (Fri and Sat, just Sat, whatever....)
Me yes yes yes
Matt Tiger yes yes yes
Pete H yes yes yes
Metal Guru. yes. yes. yes
Sin yes yes yes
Geof W yes yes yes
Just the route to sort now,
Game on.....
North Norfolk, round Hunstanton is nice.
Yup, Hunny, Wells on Sea, Cromer. All nice but weekend traffic on the coast road is a nightmare in the summer. I'm going to try to find some roads that keep the main track to a minimum. There's a monument to the Desert Rats in the forest at Thetford that I have in mind too. The Ovington bends nr me is the best half-mile of road in Norfolk so it's on the list too, as is the ford nr Dereham. The bit I've not scratched yet is the green lanes. I contacted the local club but they don't seem to respond to emails. Plenty to do......
Are non-Brits welcome as well?
eagerly awaiting :XXsunsmile
Of course!! More the merrier :hat10
They let Jocks in? :pottytrain2
Quote from: Bixxer Bob on March 19, 2013, 05:11:56 PM
as is the ford nr Dereham.
:eusa_clap :thumbsup Easy tiger! :ImaPoser
Weekend booked off :hat10 although my calendar shows 21st as Sunday?
expect Claire will come along on her Bonnivile, so we may well have a more gentle alternative bimble.... :thumbsup
Quote from: Bixxer Bob on March 19, 2013, 05:11:56 PM
Yup, Hunny, Wells on Sea, Cromer. All nice but weekend traffic on the coast road is a nightmare in the summer. I'm going to try to find some roads that keep the main track to a minimum. There's a monument to the Desert Rats in the forest at Thetford that I have in mind too. The Ovington bends nr me is the best half-mile of road in Norfolk so it's on the list too, as is the ford nr Dereham. The bit I've not scratched yet is the green lanes. I contacted the local club but they don't seem to respond to emails. Plenty to do......
There are big bike friendly greens lanes in Thetford forest that could be an alternate route for those that like the feel of mud / sand under their wheels. The byway that runs along the seafront from Heacham to Hunstanton has a couple of hundred meters of of deep golden sand for the off road heroes to tackle :notworthy.
Thanks AK
I have this place in mind and will pop over and check it out next week. It's not too far into Norfolk for folks that have already put in some big miles (likewise for the run home on Sunday) and is ok for rallies. My main concern is the location of the nearest pub. The beer warehouse is worth a look, you can buy just about any brew you can think of there. But I wouldn't recommend taking bottles home in the topbox. Last time I tried it the bottles blew their tops and everything inside got a beer shampoo.
Interesting! Like the camping pods
Right then, change of plan. That site was too far from the nearest pub but a colleague of my wife suggested The Angel at Larling which is CAMRA listed, has over 100 single malts, 4 acres of camping and is literally 200 yds of the A11 about a mile from Snetterton.
After visiting tonight I can vouch for the food which is top notch so it seems to tick all the boxes. The manager is happy to host us so we're on!!
http://www.angel-larling.co.uk and http://www.angel-larling.co.uk/camping
I'll add it to the top post now....
I suggested that place from the very start :pottytrain2
Still a little unclear if i`m able to make it as something big has come up which will take up all our spare time :new_popcornsmiley
Quote from: rf9rider on April 05, 2013, 11:31:46 PM
I suggested that place from the very start :pottytrain2
I have a short memory,or sometimes none at all :hat10
Quote from: Bixxer Bob on April 05, 2013, 11:35:06 PM
I have a short memory,or sometimes none at all :hat10
Old age mate, gets us all in the end :thumbsup
Sorry, who are you :sleepy1
200 malls you say :thumbsup
Career move in the offing means I might actually be able to make it this year, I've kept quiet till now but it's looking good :hat10
First post updated; get your bookings made and food reqts to me asap please. An ETA for Friday evening would also be helpful so I can let The Angel know if there'll be any late-comers.
Hi Bixxer, :wave any arrangements for concessions this year or is the quoted £15 per night?
Afraid not. They are very popular so have no need to encourage folks to come.
Thanks Bixxer, I'll be looking to book up soon. All being well, I'd be arriving mid afternoon around 4:00 - 4:30 so put my name down for some grub if you've starting a list? :thumbsup
Friday it is then...oh, and some grub for me..both days.
Club meeting Wed.. one of our crew (or maybe more) seems interested in the weekend any objections? Obviously Tiger riders :thumbsup
No objections from here..... top post updated.
Hi guys, all booked up :thumbsup. Lady on the phone says they can cater for parties of 20+ for food if given enough notice. And looking at the website, there seems to be plenty of choices in the ale department for the real Ale connoisseurs! :occasion14 :friday
Looking forwards to it! :eusa_dance
Hi, :wave, I have just signed up (what again!), initially just to get some tech tips but am becoming very interested in the meet at Larling. I live just a few miles from the Angel and can vouch for the beer at least (good beer fest). Getting to the stage in life where I have learnt to chill. and its taken a looooong time. I ride a 1999 Tiger ,see pic, hopefully attached. Hope you don't mind me barging in like this? Might have to change my I.D. as there is another Tiger Tony out there. :thumbsup
Come along and join the fun. Better still, meet me somewhere (I'm nearby just the other side of Watton) and help with the route! :hat10
Sorry Tony Tiger ...only one Lightening Yellow Tiger allowed and that`d mine :pottytrain2
Just kidding............. :violent1............. :new_all_coholic
Hi Bob sounds good to me. Just a matter of where an when? Possible the Angel but time is tight. When is good for you?
Pete, Tigers on a short leash and muzzled so your OK. :hat10
C`mon people feckin big field to fill.....
Quote from: PeteH on May 03, 2013, 12:29:47 AM
C`mon people feckin big field to fill.....
Yeh, I made a provisional booking for around 15, :icon_redface:
Quote from: Bixxer Bob on May 03, 2013, 11:22:03 AM
Quote from: PeteH on May 03, 2013, 12:29:47 AM
C`mon people feckin big field to fill.....
Yeh, I made a provisional booking for around 15, :icon_redface:
& I asked if they'd be ok to cater for a large party of between12-15! :icon_redface:
The way we're going, we'll all be able to fit in a booth! :icon_lol:
Anyone else out there up for this weekend adventure? :thumbsup
Gents, I provisionally booked for about 15 (ever hopeful). It looks like I'll have to revise the numbers down so can we have a quick show of hands please? Other than the 4 already booked, how many are seriously thinking of coming but just not got round to booking yet?
I won`t know until the last minute, probably won`t be camping, but hoping to join in the ride on the Saturday.
I am still hopeful I can make it for the weekend (2 of us) but will need to make accommodation arrangements, her ladyship is not a canvas person :icon_rolleyes:
I'm going to try but wont know until the day before.........sorry
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on May 08, 2013, 03:11:31 AM
I am still hopeful I can make it for the weekend (2 of us) but will need to make accommodation arrangements, her ladyship is not a canvas person :icon_rolleyes:
You do know the camp site has rooms available?
Hadn't checked that yet. Do they have a Spa?
There's a bear in my hot tub! :icon_razz:
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on May 08, 2013, 03:21:28 PM
Hadn't checked that yet. Do they have a Spa?
Spa? In Norfolk? Lots of ditches and ponds, hence the webbed feet :icon_lol:
Bears with webbed feet,I knew they were odd around there :icon_biggrin:
Assume that I will turn up with a tent. The only thing that may stop me is if I find a really cheap hotel in Paris for that weekend. It is the final day of Le Tour de France that Sunday, so the chance of that is vanishingly small.
I shall ride down on Friday, do I need to book a bit of field as well as food? If anyone else from the North East wants to meet up for the ride down let me know.
I'd give them a ring Geoff, just to be on the safe side. And so it looks like we're getting the numbers I stated :icon_lol:
I'll book the food once we know where we are with it.
Quote from: Bixxer Bob on May 10, 2013, 09:37:14 PM
I'd give them a ring Geoff, just to be on the safe side. And so it looks like we're getting the numbers I stated :icon_lol:
I'll book the food once we know where we are with it.
Whohoo! Can't wait! Now where did I put that tent?? :icon_scratch:
Apart from Sin, is anyone bringing their other half?
Is Mrs Bixerbob coming this year?
Thinking of bringing the wife, and booking a room for the Saturday night.
She'll be there but probably not going on the ride. I'll ask her when she gets up. I thought you were't going cos of work?
They can all have a good moan while we're out for a ride :thumbsup
Quote from: Bixxer Bob on May 11, 2013, 10:09:53 AM
She'll be there but probably not going on the ride. I'll ask her when she gets up. I thought you were't going cos of work?
Definately won`t be there on the Friday night, asked for an early finish, so i`ll get up early Sat morning and ride over, and stay Sat night, hopefully.
Mrs RF won`t be coming, just waiting for a reply from the Angel about a room.
Mrs BB is coming over Sat night to eat but not going on the run.
This the first time I have posted anything on this site, although I have been looking at it for a few years now. I would love to attend the meeting, but will not know if I can come until early July. If I do manage to come I would like to eat Fri & Sat and would like to camp. Can I leave booking until July? Happy to take my chances.
Hi Graham, Cant see it being a problem, Bixxer`s booked a load of space for camping so you just need to phone the camp site and book in under the group and due to the low numbers of attendees :icon_sad: I cant see food being an issue either, just need the weather to be as is :thumbsup
Quote from: Graham on June 06, 2013, 03:33:14 PM
This the first time I have posted anything on this site, although I have been looking at it for a few years now. I would love to attend the meeting, but will not know if I can come until early July. If I do manage to come I would like to eat Fri & Sat and would like to camp. Can I leave booking until July? Happy to take my chances.
Welcome to the group Graham :eusa_clap eusa_clap If If you have any like-minded mates (with Tigers preferably, but not necessarily!) Bring em' along :thumbsup
See you there! :icon_biggrin:
Guys, tried to let you all know via Rybes a couple of days ago but he seems to have gone AWOL. My mother died a few days ago so we're going to be busy for a while arranging the funeral, winding up her estate and clearing the house - not helped by me living 200 miles away - so I'm now not sure I can give the meet the necessary attention. I suggest either you collectively get your heads together and cobble up a route or wait till the actual meet and just wing it on the day. I'll try to get down but can't make any promises at this stage. Also, you'll need to sort the food bookings that I was going to co-ordinate. Sorry to let you down but, as they say, shit happens.....
Condolences Mate
Sad news indeed John. We`re all big boys now so reckon we can sort a bit of grub and a ride out....well at least one of us should be able too :icon_scratch:
Sorry to hear that John, hope it works out for you.
Bad news indeed John, you have our condolences!
As Pete says I'm sure we can sort something something out & rest assured they'll be a warm welcome for you & Mrs Bixxer if you happen along... :icon_biggrin:
Take care! :thumbsup
Leave approval granted, ticket issued, missus decided not enough S words, Shopping, Spa. So I will be on my own :pimp
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on June 14, 2013, 08:00:46 AM
Leave approval granted, ticket issued, missus decided not enough S words, Shopping, Spa. So I will be on my own :pimp
So that's four for definate then? :qgaraduate
Just wondering how many beer tokens to bring! :thumbsup :occasion14
Guys, just popped in for a quick look at how things are going; it seems we still only have 4 def bookings. Since I originally booked for 15 I think it's only fair I let them know we're coming up short so they can open up the spare slots. We have food booked for Fri night at 9pm and Sat at 7.30. I'll confirm the numbers with her tomorrow.
Sounds like a plan Bob! & yes, you're right to let them know.
I'd like to think that others might just turn up, but if they're expecting to eat in the pub, they'd better let you know sharpish eh! :thumbsup
Looking forward to it guys, it's not often we all get together like this! :icon_cool:
See ya soon!
Just checked back through the posts... NeilD....GeoffW and Sin_ Tiger reckon they`re coming, can anyone comfirm this??? I could PM them if needs be.
Mat, will contact you early next week with regards to riding down.
Confirmed - Solo
PM away Pete thanks. I'll hold off another day or so before I ring them.
Quote from: PeteH on July 08, 2013, 08:00:09 PM
Mat, will contact you early next week with regards to riding down.
No probs Pete, I'll pm you my Mobile No. :thumbsup
Ok ..Got the PM Mat :thumbsup also PM`d a few (twice) still nothing showing in my out box...is that right??
edit - Recieved a reply to PM so alls ok
I've emailed the Angel this morning and brought them up to date, I'm just waiting for a reply. Meanwhile, I had a run out yesterday and found one or two interesting roads.
My plan now is to bring my OS map down on Friday night so we can sit round with a beer and I'll run my ideas past you all. We can then pick a route for the following day. I have three fords in mind (one of them even has water in it) and a couple of miles of dirt / gravel if folks fancy it. I did the dirt road yesterday, with some trepidation, but if I can get through it without falling off, I reckon we all can. As long as there's no significant rain between now and the meet. If there is it'll be a non-starter as it'll turn into a mudlark.
Looking forward to it, just have to see if Rybes is coming as I thought he might be able to steer us down the east coast in the afternoon. Being the first weekend of the school hols the coast road from Kings Lynn to Cromer will be very busy so my ideas avoid that, but from Cromer on to the east there isn't a distinct, continuous route and no resorts till you get to Yarmouth so should be a lot quieter.
Quote from: PeteH on July 09, 2013, 06:00:19 PM
Ok ..Got the PM Mat :thumbsup also PM`d a few (twice) still nothing showing in my out box...is that right??
edit - Recieved a reply to PM so alls ok
Hi Pete, you should see your messages in the sent items once they've gone to the individual :icon_scratch:
Bob, can you correct me if i'm wrong? :qgaraduate
BTW, who are we waiting for confirmation from??
Maybe the're a bit busy with all this nice weather?? :XXsunsmile :5moped :occasion14
Messages did go through.....those I Pm`d... NeilD, Dutch both cant come. Still waiting on Geoff W and Graham...not holding my breath......
edit...Geoff W is up for it :thumbsup
I`m still hoping to make it, but won`t know until the day before
What is the expected leave time Sat? Hope to get over to say hello and join for the morning at least.
That's me booked with tent on Friday and Saturday. Also for food, the landlord would like clarification on the number of people eating there. I told him my best guess was about six. We just need the weather to hold now. I will be riding down on Friday via N Yorks , Humber Bridge and then into unknown land for me. I shall have a dawdle through Lincolnshire as I hear that the The Authorities are very keen on speed cameras down there.
Right then, I've told the Angel that there will be six for food Friday at 9pm (us on the first page of this post) and seven at 7.30pm Sat (that's the six plus my Mrs).
Mark (RF9) if you're eating on Sat evening you'll have to let them know you are in addition to the numbers I've given them.
AK, I'm guessing you won't be eating either evening. If you are, the same applies as for Mark.
I'm going off radar again until Thursday so any last minute adjustments will be on whoever chucks their hat in.
For AK, we can be flexible about what time we set off on Sat, Norfolk's not that big so around 10am I would think.
BB yes v-unlikely to eat I am afraid, Ill plan for about 9 ish arrival to be in good time.
Just heard back from the Angel, numbers confirmed, but they'll try to help if we have any last-minute additions.
Geoff, if you want company on the way down let me know and I'll come over the A66 instead of trudging down the M6
Thanks mate, i`ll be there around 9-00am Sat morning if i can make it.
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on July 12, 2013, 12:09:13 AM
Geoff, if you want company on the way down let me know and I'll come over the A66 instead of trudging down the M6
That sounds good, I will meet you at Scotch Corner Services , it is only 15 minutes away from me, then we can pick up the more interesting roads from there. Let me know what time you will arrive there. :icon_biggrin:
Sounds like a plan :thumbsup will pm shortly.
One route I've tried was Whitby, Scarboro' on to the Humber Bridge, a short motorway hop onto the road to Lincoln then Kings Lynn and here. If you come through Swaffham let me know and you can swing by my gaff (Sin knows where I am) then I'll ride down to the Angel with you.
The Humber bridge is now free for bikes so no faffing about looking for change to pay the toll :icon_mrgreen:
Sorry folks, once again cocked up the timing, no chance of me coming I'm afraid. Still that should at least guarantee the weather for everyone else!
have a great weekend lads, weathers looking fair
cheers Spud :thumbsup
With this lovely weather :XXsunsmile methinks we should stay away from the coast road. It's narrow, it's the first day of the school hols and it's the only way to get to the main resorts from most of the rest of the country. It's rammed on a weekend anyway, this Sat doesn't bear thinking about.
Much poring over my local maps with the others at the pub tonight I think :icon_scratch:
This might give you some ideas :sign13
http://www.bestbikingroads.com/motorcycle-roads/motorbike-rides-in-united-kingdom-/east-anglia-/norfolk-dash-_7aa369.html (http://www.bestbikingroads.com/motorcycle-roads/motorbike-rides-in-united-kingdom-/east-anglia-/norfolk-dash-_7aa369.html)
I have to go via Bury St Eds. on the way over in the morning and will be coming up the A1101 which is a fun and twisty (for the east) road. :thumbsup and of course all those very long straight road around Thetford forest that come with a acute 90 degree corner to follow the edge of the field will sort out who's paying attention too!!
Have a good evening gents..
Well, we were down in numbers this year, but still managed to have a good time. It was great to see the regulars and a couple of new faces too. Thanks to Niall, Nige, Pete, Adrian, Geoff, Ivor and Tony for coming. And please, someone give Geoff and Niall a satnav. Couldn't find the Humber Bridge to cross the river and, for info, Mildenhall is not anywhere on the route from Durham to Larling, even if you ARE doing the scenic route.
For our friends across the pond Mildenhall is about 25 miles past Larling in the opposite direction from Durham and this is the Humber Bridge:
Hi guys, I thought I'd be the first to post some pictures of this weekend's goings on! :thumbsup
(Don't worry nothing too revealing!) :icon_redface:
But first of all, well done to all that could make it. (Even those that took a detour :icon_redface:)
I'm sure you'll agree a great time was had by all! :thumbsup
A special shout out to Bixxer Bob for arranging the venue, ride out & activities. :icon_salut: & BB & Mrs BB for their hospitality! :notworthy
Maybe we could do this a bit more often? :icon_cool:
Here you go & I'll see you all next time! :wave
:eusa_clap Thanks to everyone for making me feel welcome and the invite for the ride out. Enjoyed the day thoroughly and just wished I could have completed it and joined you in the bar for the debrief (fancied some of that ale). Well organised John. Hope to see you all again sometime. Will try to get the hang of this posting a bit more. Keep your Tigers fettled and if any of you fancy another foray into deepest Norfolk look me up. :icon_salut:
Sorry i couldn`t make it, work and another big project to contend with at the moment.
Any more pics?
Not from me, but if you fancy a look at that museum some time just give me a shout. :icon_wink:
Great weekend, even the detour through Hull and run around Norfolk was interesting.
Regret not making this but I'm glad you all had a good time. What's with the bike storage place thingie?
Quote from: aesdj on August 21, 2013, 08:44:33 PM
Regret not making this but I'm glad you all had a good time. What's with the bike storage place thingie?
It`s a museum