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Enjoy! :hat10
nice lil read there bob good find :thumbsup was hopin it would give me a clue to whats up with mine but it didnt :doubt ill suss it one day :sleepy1
its when startin from cold. wont start if i put the choke on but needs the choke as soon as it starts up or it stalls.
Based on what I've learned from the Mikuni on the Aprillia, there are a couple of places to look. The 'O' ring on the choke plunger - a leak here will stop the choke working initially, until there is enough depression (ie the engine running) to overcome the leak. And around the choke cable guide where it enters the carb. Also, you don't have a leak around your repaired brass pipe do you?
dunno but ya can bet my carbs will be comin off later this week. busy ? lol
Let me know :hat10
ill probly have a look at it friday mate. im in denmark till weds
Unfortunately, I have a coroners court appearance on Friday afternoon. I'm being asked to give my opinion on my friend's riding ability before his accident.
rightyo. good luck with that mate, i hope ya get a good result. is it the one you told me about ?