Today I took the red lady to the mechanics. After they finished, I noticed the rear wheel was not aligned centrally in respect with the rear mud fender. I mean it is oriented straight forward, but a little to the left altogether, just like the rear wheel of the black bike below.
I've searched for pictures of Tigers from behind, I didn't find many, only three, two of them appear to have the rear wheel placed perfectly in the center, like the red bike below, while the black one looks like mine now. I have no idea how it was before they worked on it, the guys in the service claim they are pros and didn't screw up anything, that it is not uncommon to have an asymmetrical rear on a bike, but I suspect they might have misplaced a spacer. The wheel turns fine, the caliper fitted well, but the ex-centric nuts for chain adjustment were extremely hard to turn and adjust, and the wheel looks to be one inch more to the left. Is the rear asymmetrical and me paranoid, or are the "pro" mechanics candidates for gallows? What could they have misplaced?
Have you tried using something with a straight edge along the side of the rear wheel to see if it lines up with the front wheel?
You said the bike has been in an accident, maybe the rear fender or the rear subframe is bent?
You might be right, I've not tried this, I've only noticed it an hour before posting here. I plan to check this tomorrow. Thanks.
You can;t go by the plastic back fender..............
this tire is perfectly straight and aligned.
( (
Thanks, Mustang.
I'll look into that too. I hope it's nothing more than that.
P.S. That back tire of yours gives me the thrills :notworthy. Again.
Fortunately, Mustang was right again. It was just the rear fender which has a funny position, wheels are perfectly aligned :thumbsup
Just noticed mine's a bit wonky as well. Going to assume it's the fender not the wheel!
Quote from: Solon on May 18, 2013, 08:38:35 PM
Fortunately, Mustang was right again. It was just the rear fender which has a funny position, wheels are perfectly aligned :thumbsup
I mentioned it first :pottytrain2
I mentioned it first :pottytrain2
Sorry, man, I didn't mean to deny your merits :icon_salut:
I just need to feel wanted :icon_cry:
Run a string from the front tyre to the back,or check the gap between tyre and swing-arm.
Quote from: threepot on May 19, 2013, 09:32:44 PM
Run a string from the front tyre to the back,or check the gap between tyre and swing-arm.
Read above, already checked, problem solved :icon_biggrin:.
Thanks anyway!