I have to change one of the front brake discs, which is new, but warped, and the rear brake disc, which has lived its life.
The originals from Triumph are somehow expensiv :bug_eye, I found cheaper variants from Kagizuma, EBC, Zone Products (a British manufacturer that I know nothing about, but they are very cheap).
I like keeping the money in my pocket, but I would hate to see a new disc getting warped soon or even worse, crack while braking - I read such a story about Kagizuma.
Do you have any experience with such aftermarket products?
and Galfer makes a nice wave rotor for steamers.......at least they used to .
I recently purchased a Kagizume rear disc from Sandy bike Spares, who I think are UK distributor. I only put a few miles on so far, but it fitted perfectly, and had no runout. New pads from Ebay, and very good and progressive braking. I saw someone had one that had fractured (Sin?) but like most things, 20 users get 20 different answers. Possibly not so good as ebc under heavy use, but big price difference.
I tried Zone..they rust! Sent it back for refund. Kagizume :pottytrain2.. Stick with known brand-EBC etc
I've search e-bay for an OEM second hand, but I've found only Kagizume second hand :icon_frown:
Unless I find a nice used OEM, I'll go with EBC - a known brand which can't afford to compromise itself.
Go ebc or oe the rest are shite! :icon_salut:
I noticed that Tiger brake discs are labeled right and left. Not all producers use this labeling as they fit perfectly if switched one for another.
I've found a decent used right disc. I wonder what would happen if I used a right disc for the left side? Would it be less safe? Theoretically, this might have to do with the way they are molded, molecular structure etc and they might be less resistant when forces are applied the opposite way. But in fact, I'm sure that producers like Kagizume or Zone Products don't wary about such details, and some of the users have no problems with their products.
So I guess that an OEM disc switched from right to left would still be a lot safer than a Kagizume disc. Anyone tried this?
it's the pattern of the vent holes is why they are labeled left and right :icon_wink:
Hmmmm, I see, I didn't notice that. So it's more likely to overheat and eventually warp. I suppose I might try to ride for half a mile or so with two right discs, use the breaks heavily and see if there's anything wrong with "wrong" disc. But my guess is that if running at a decent speed, there will still be enough ventilation.
Problems might occur when running in tight tuns, especially downwards, when breaks are used almost constantly, and there isn't enough time and speed to cool the discs. So maybe it's not a good idea.
I don't think it will matter...Will just look wrong :thumbsup
Looking wrong means someone would pay enough attention to notice it, which I doubt.
It's not like wearing knickers over trousers, which only Superman dares...
There is a small company in south Wales who makes Discs, but nothing listed for a Tiger