Afternoon all, So after recently purchasing a 94 steamer i began looking up accessories for her (as you do) and i soon came to find that getting hard or soft luggage was a difficulty. ideally a hard pannier and top box combo that does not cost the earth would be good but i would happily settle for good quality soft bags. does anybody in the uk know of any out there??
Hi Steve
Hepco and Becker were still making panier racks a few years back otherwise it hope something comes up on ebay or get one fabricated.
Thanks for the info!, will make sure i keep a keen eye out!
squaredeals . co. uk or something similar . look in the clearance section , they have a 42 ltr topbox and adaptor plate for £50.00. I have one on my steamer. Not top givi quality in the finish but
it works well enough.
I will have a custom made stainless steel rear rack that can be drilled for just about any top box. Coming available in July, 15 quid plus postage or hand carry to the meet up.
thanks guys! and sin i will definatly keep that in mind, found a hepco and becker rack that i am tempted by...............just got to put some pennies together!
I have the Givi mounting kit for a wingrack........might also have a wingrack.........
this sounds very appealing rob, would you be willing to sell the both? if so how much?
to frighten you, I paid about £90 for the fitting kit off here........let me see what I've got first, and I'll put a price on it once I know.
hmm yeah i did see some prices! ok that would be great, thanks rob.