
Talk => General Discussions => Topic started by: rf9rider on June 18, 2013, 02:00:37 AM

Title: The old girl`s still got it...............
Post by: rf9rider on June 18, 2013, 02:00:37 AM
Went to see Blondie at High Lodge in Thetford Forest at the weekend, great night.

At the ripe old age of 67, Debbie Harry still looks great, and still has a great voice.

My first love................... :icon_redface:
Title: Re: The old girl`s still got it...............
Post by: Sin_Tiger on June 18, 2013, 07:34:03 AM
I just missed them and the Pretenders at last years F1 in Singapore  :icon_sad:

Chrissie Hind, Debbie Harry, Helen Mirren, Sigourney Weaver, Susan Sarandon, Michelle Yeoh and Maggie Cheung would all be in my top ten, maybe Susie Quattro (but she couldn't sing) and Felicity Kendal (go easy on the Botox girl)
Title: Re: The old girl`s still got it...............
Post by: threepot on June 18, 2013, 05:46:46 PM
Always had a soft spot for Vicky myself :icon_smile:
Good job we've got our bikes to take out our pent up emotions on eh! :icon_scratch:
Title: Re: The old girl`s still got it...............
Post by: birddogone on June 18, 2013, 08:17:43 PM
I love a woman with a lota miles on her....... :thumbsup
Title: Re: The old girl`s still got it...............
Post by: Sin_Tiger on June 19, 2013, 03:29:24 AM
Quote from: threepot on June 18, 2013, 05:46:46 PM
Always had a soft spot for Vicky myself :icon_smile:
Good job we've got our bikes to take out our pent up emotions on eh! :icon_scratch:

Older Tigers are lower maintenance   :icon_wink:
Title: Re: The old girl`s still got it...............
Post by: Sin_Tiger on July 03, 2013, 05:39:12 PM
Just saw Alison Moyet on the BBC this morning.   :bug_eye what did I miss :icon_scratch: she's going on the list and pretty high up too :love10
Title: Re: The old girl`s still got it...............
Post by: robxxxx on July 04, 2013, 09:06:43 PM
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on July 03, 2013, 05:39:12 PM
Just saw Alison Moyet on the BBC this morning.   :bug_eye what did I miss :icon_scratch: she's going on the list and pretty high up too :love10

Video from the latest album here......

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-wtJyh2Co4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-wtJyh2Co4)
Title: Re: The old girl`s still got it...............
Post by: Bixxer Bob on July 08, 2013, 11:28:10 AM
One of the good bits about getting old is your horizons broaden.  I was just saying to a mate how I'm learning to appreciate ladies of a certain age that are wearing well when I got a crack around the ear from his wife who'd come up on my blindside.  "Not when you're married to one who isn't you don't" she said (jokingly)  (I think).
Title: Re: The old girl`s still got it...............
Post by: Spud on July 09, 2013, 10:06:08 AM
Quote from: Bixxer Bob on July 08, 2013, 11:28:10 AM
One of the good bits about getting old is your horizons broaden.  I was just saying to a mate how I'm learning to appreciate ladies of a certain age that are wearing well when I got a crack around the ear from his wife who'd come up on my blindside.  "Not when you're married to one who isn't you don't" she said (jokingly)  (I think).

Oopps blind sided never a good thing  :icon_redface:

I was walking through town a short while back, a mother and daughter was walking towards me and another guy on the pavement, we both looked at the mom although the daughter was a stunner, Mom grinned and I turned to the other guy and said "well we both reached that age then" "why's that then" he replied with a grin, I simply said "we both looked at mom and not the young one"
My older brother always fancied "Ena Sharples" on Coranation Street  :love10

I think a mans attitude changes after the birth of his first daughter. Plus he learns to appreciate a fine women like a fine wine or beer   :qgaraduate  , or is it we can't pull the younger ones any more  :bug_eye

As the saying goes, "it takes all night to do what I did all night"  :icon_redface:

Suzi Qautrough  (SP  :icon_redface: ) on BBC 1 now

cheers Spud  :thumbsup
Title: Re: The old girl`s still got it...............
Post by: XJC on July 09, 2013, 10:46:27 AM
It takes a ripe cheese to get the mouse.

Title: Re: The old girl`s still got it...............
Post by: DavidR8 on September 01, 2013, 12:24:28 AM
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on June 18, 2013, 07:34:03 AM
I just missed them and the Pretenders at last years F1 in Singapore  :icon_sad:

Chrissie Hind, Debbie Harry, Helen Mirren, Sigourney Weaver, Susan Sarandon, Michelle Yeoh and Maggie Cheung would all be in my top ten, maybe Susie Quattro (but she couldn't sing) and Felicity Kendal (go easy on the Botox girl)

+1 on Helen and Sigourney. Actually +2 for Sigourney simply because I had a university prof who was a dead ringer. Good thing the course wasn't advanced rocket science or I'd've flunked for sure!
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