Hi All,
Had my Old Girl back on the road for a while now and She runs better with every mile now I've actually cleaned out the pilot circuits properly and given her a dose of Profi Fuel Max?
However, the neutral light has developed a fault?
It works fine when the engines cold, but once the engines warm the neutral light wont work?
Any suggestions would be most appreciated?
best regards, Jim
do a search for "neutral light"
check the box for steamer only forum to search
Lot's of reading ..................
Hi Mustang
Thanks for that;
Ive trawled the threads and cant find anything similar?
When I first start the bike, the neutral light is lovely and bright and everythings cool.
However, once Ive done some miles and warmed everyting up the light stops working and gives me aggro?
Any thoughts?
many thanks, Jim
it's the switch in the gearbox doing it if it changes from cold to hot .................
If a new switch doesn`t cure the problem, it could be the actuator plate in the gearbox worn, meaning an engine strip down.
Another option is to use the switch from a Bonneville, it`s slightly longer than the original.
It`s all explained here
I seem to remember Rob telling me the most cause is the original plastic actuator plate that, with age flexes when hot, the superseded part is alloy and cures this.
Jump in and correct me if my recollection is not spot on Rob.
Thanks very much one and all.
Is nothing ever just straightforward? What sort of donut would design an internal wearing part from F*&$%£ plastic??
best regards, Jim :icon_evil:
It's frustrating, engine cutting out when you put the side stand down even though you know you are in neutral or trying to pull away from a junction in neutral :icon_rolleyes: but it's intermittent and some days there's no problem at all.
I've learned to live with it for the meantime, not worth the stripdown just for that.
try a thinner washer between the switch and engine or sand yours down a bit. gotta do it to mine at the weekend