
Talk => Speaking Of Bikes... => Topic started by: Advwannabe on June 20, 2013, 11:14:35 PM

Title: Is it strange to.....
Post by: Advwannabe on June 20, 2013, 11:14:35 PM
Like Guzzis?

I'm a member of 6(?) motorcycle forums, but I reckon here is a good place to ask as all of you have already made a choice to get something a bit different.

I took a Griso for a very short ride the other day. Objectively the experience was not unlike riding an R1150R, except with more front end dive, vibes and general lower level of refinement to the Beemer.

Thing is, I could never imagine owning the Beemer. There's something about the Guzzi that has been there in every Guzzi I've ever thrown a leg over. The rocker cover castings were not quite finished off properly, a little raw, from the font used on the instruments to the way it rumbles and vibes when you roll off the throttle. But somehow it works.

The whole breif experience left me with a big smile on my face. I've seen that face before. On a couple of my friends who, despite having had their Guzzi let them down at inoppurtune times, endured dodgy dealers and elusive parts, still have that big Guzzi grin on their faces when they talk about their bikes.

For some, the experience of living with a particular kind of bike trumps all spec sheet numbers or practical considerations. What do you reckon?

Please lets' not slide into the usual Harley etc bashing. How important is the experience of owning a particular bike to you, if at all?
Title: Is it strange to.....
Post by: Montydog on June 21, 2013, 12:09:55 AM
I've had an 1150r and three 1150gs the 1150r was dull dull dull, got bored with the ride very quickly, was practical in terms of roadster styling and luggage etc but very dull. Never owned a Griso but must admit looks alone would get my vote and deffo in my fantasy garage.
Title: Re: Is it strange to.....
Post by: Sin_Tiger on June 21, 2013, 03:47:32 AM
I know what you mean about Guzzi's, they might be underpowered,  iffy finish and dogy electrics (the ones I have been involved with anyway) but they have a style and ride quality that provides that hard to define feel good factor.

Owning one,  well let's say it would be a lot higher on my list than a BM.
Title: Re: Is it strange to.....
Post by: Geoff W on June 21, 2013, 11:39:39 PM
I have always lusted after a Guzzi, but never owned one. However on a similar but, car theme I have had two Alfa Romeos, including my current car a 2002 Alfa 156. They have a similar reputation to Guzzi bikes. Mostly undeserved in my Alfa experience, but although far from a perfect car they are great fun to own and when things do go wrong, one feels more forgiving of it than one would of a similar German or Japanese vehicle. A bit like a flawed but fun wife/girlfriend, you put up with a lot for the good feelings you receive. ( I hope that there are very few females on this site or I will get the bollocking I deserve!).
Title: Re: Is it strange to.....
Post by: Chris Canning on June 22, 2013, 12:11:34 AM
I met a Dutch guy in the mid seventies while camping in the south of France we have remained great friends ever since he had an early V7 to this day I remember riding it in Breda and thinking how good it was,but I'm still convinced the trick to liking them is not owning one,BMW mastered the trick of both quirky and usable something Guzzi never have/did,and will no doubt be talking Guzzi's and Laverda's when we meet next Tuesday on our way to Assen.

I still haven't forgotten our 955 breaking the fuel connector outside Dover dumping a full tank of fuel over a red hot engine and us having the RAC come out I told e'm there was no chance of fixing it and that I wanted a rental car to get us home,had 3 hours sleep and set off a 3am the following morning on our 1100s with zero preparation and rode 780 miles that day mostly in the rain to catch up with friends on the way to Monza,as I said BM's(we own 2) are quirky but they do get the job done just in a strange way.

Mid Switzerland and it had stopped raining but still things going wrong the clip breaking on the bagster quirky and reliable is a better option.

(http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h185/wing2541/stiloandlemans247.jpg) (http://s64.photobucket.com/user/wing2541/media/stiloandlemans247.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Is it strange to.....
Post by: Advwannabe on June 22, 2013, 12:35:25 AM
You've nailed it Chris. You like the way the Beemer goes about it's business and that's more important than a whole lot of other stuff.

Reversing that thinking, I have a big smile every time I throw a leg over my Blackbird. Some people reckon they are so good and refined they are boring. I like the whole stealth vibe it has going on, understated but bloody good at what it does. I even put the stock cans back on.

I guess if a Guzzi really is for you you won't care about it's little foibles. The Guzzi owners I know are still smitten by their bikes every day, for others the experience was a nightmare. It looks like the only way to find out if you are a Guzzista or not is take the plunge.
Title: Re: Is it strange to.....
Post by: Spud on June 22, 2013, 09:20:58 AM
"Cali's" I've always liked but never owned one, There is just something about them. cheers Spud  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Is it strange to.....
Post by: John Stenhouse on June 22, 2013, 11:56:30 AM
Spada Black prince, awesome bike, funny thing is it's owner loved the Transalp I had at the time.
Title: Re: Is it strange to.....
Post by: TripleTragic on June 27, 2013, 12:31:29 AM
Heh heh heh....

Just leave me a spare set of keys to your trailer so I can come and get you.

However, a carb'ed Sport1100 could happily find a spot in my shed.
Title: Re: Is it strange to.....
Post by: Advwannabe on June 27, 2013, 04:27:58 PM
Having a mate with access to your trailor and a Spot tracker seems good prep for Guzzi ownership doesn't it?

We have some sort of super dooper NRMA ( motorclub) cover now on account of my wife has been a member forever. It's a sign I tells ya!
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