
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: Rallyroo on June 24, 2013, 10:22:58 PM

Title: Anyone use UNI pod filters?
Post by: Rallyroo on June 24, 2013, 10:22:58 PM
Yes, I used the "search" button first!  :eusa_clap

I know most people say to retain the stock airbox for the best running Steamer, but it's too late for that on mine! The previous owner chopped the airbox down, so the snorkels on each side are completely flush with the filter cover. It's basically an open K&N directly aft of the carbs, and has been jetted appropriately; it does run great!

However, I opened it up recently and it looks like it has sucked in quite a bit of dust. I cleaned and oiled it very carefully, but am worried that it will do the same again. I did try to run a panel of oiled UNI foam clamped between the cover and the K&N as a pre-filter, but the bike then bogs at WOT; presumably the two filters together are too restrictive, although maybe once the oil drains a bit it will get better.

Has anyone looked into running UNI dual-element pod filters like these:

I've seen a few Steamers on here with K&N pods, but I don't trust gauze filters to block much dust. UNIs have a good reputation, and would probably be significantly easier to service than the stock panel.

Alternately, is there any adjustments I can make to the carb (without screwing with the jetting too much) to help the WOT bog? The midrange feels fine still, so I don't want to move my needles and risk mucking that up.

Title: Re: Anyone use UNI pod filters?
Post by: TripleTragic on June 27, 2013, 12:38:47 AM
I'm using a Uni filter as a pre filter stuck on the snorkel.  It has seems to be doing a good job and since the previous owner put a K&N filter in without rejetting it was running a little lean anyway.

But that doesn't really address your original question.
Title: Re: Anyone use UNI pod filters?
Post by: Beernard on June 27, 2013, 11:55:12 AM
G'day Tragic. I can't help you at all, but I am heartened by your experience. I have ended up with a similar airbox mod on my 92 Trophy (jetted to suit, middle pot same as outsides). It has a stainless wire mesh thingo to keep out the big bits and I clean the K&N regularly. It has loved it (and pulled harder) for 20,000k's. Plenty of rain, etc, no problem. I don't have the same mod on my Tiger, so my info may be useless, but there you go. I am quite interested in your result, so good luck. That's all, really. Regards, Bern.
Title: Re: Anyone use UNI pod filters?
Post by: Rallyroo on June 27, 2013, 04:11:52 PM
I would definitely consider going back to the stock airbox with UNI pre-filters on the snorkels, but the carbs have already been tweaked for a fully open airbox. After a few days of letting the extra filter oil drip all over my alternator, it does seem like the bogging has smoothed out. I haven't had a stretch of road to test extended WOT, but I think the filters are starting to flow a bit better. Even so, I probably pin the throttle all the way less than 0.1% of regular riding, so it makes little difference.
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