OK, the Isle of Vashon tt vintage run is happening on sunday sept. 8th. I need you Western Washington guys to show up. Me and my Steamer are sick of being one of the only Tigers there. The 8 and 9 oclock ferry is freakin awesome - hundreds of bikes(mainly vintage) get on and off that boat all at once - what a sound. register for the poker run in town, and end at the sportsmans club for burgers - byob - and feild events. Best day you will have in years. google it, or youtube it. Heres my ride report from 09' http://www.tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,6842.msg45446.html#msg45446
Just realized I miss spelled field. :pottytrain2
Ok douches, tomorrow is it. be there or be square.