I see a demographic change on this site.
There was a time when Yanks were the predominant source of topics, messages,
and 'how-to'... but now it's the Brits who dominate the 'airways' on tigertriple.
I say this because I see in UPCOMING RIDES .... the topic is littered with Brit & European
activity yet hardly a word for events in the USA. Seems odd.
Just thinking out loud . . pondering the obvious . . toodloo . . . :icon_scratch:
Perhaps you guys should organise a Tiger ride out and us Brits hire a container dump our bikes in and come across :bug_eye
best of both worlds
cheers Spud :thumbsup
the steamers and girlies have been replaced by the newer breed of tigers and this site is really only active for the 1st and 2nd generation tiggers . :bug_eye
as far as ride in/outs even the UK meets only turn up a handful of tiggers .
and one of Triumphs Slogans is "Go your OWN way !"
I'd say the marketing boys at Triumph nailed it correctly.
and besides how much can one really talk/bitch about fouled carbs, bad coils, broken fuel fittings and failed charging systems or spinning tank nuts?
Quote from: Mustang on September 04, 2013, 11:45:03 AM
and besides how much can one really talk/bitch about fouled carbs, bad coils, broken fuel fittings and failed charging systems or spinning tank nuts?
Ad Infinitum it appears sometimes :icon_lol: You are dead right about Triumph riders, without wanting to generalise or type cast, we do seem to be more soloists than the Beemer robots :icon_redface:
Just so long as "Go Your Own Way" doesn't become "You're on your own Pal" when it comes to warranties :icon_wink:
and I was thinking it was just me a "Billy no mates" :pottytrain2
perhaps were just the thinking mans rider :icon_rolleyes:
cheers Spud :thumbsup
He who travels fastest travels alone.
Kipling knew it: http://www.poetryloverspage.com/poets/kipling/winners.html
Quote from: Mustang on September 04, 2013, 11:45:03 AM
the steamers and girlies have been replaced by the newer breed of tigers and this site is really only active for the 1st and 2nd generation tiggers . :bug_eye
as far as ride in/outs even the UK meets only turn up a handful of tiggers .
and one of Triumphs Slogans is "Go your OWN way !"
I'd say the marketing boys at Triumph nailed it correctly.
and besides how much can one really talk/bitch about fouled carbs, bad coils, broken fuel fittings and failed charging systems or spinning tank nuts?
WOW, I could talk a long time :icon_lol: Its funny this post happened, I was thinking the same thing.
Quote from: The Midnight Rambler on September 04, 2013, 09:41:57 PM
He who travels fastest travels alone.
Kipling knew it: http://www.poetryloverspage.com/poets/kipling/winners.html
Did he happen to mention which colour was the fastest :icon_mrgreen:
I don't know about now but early 2000 ish Triumph's biggest market by some margin was Germany,the US may well be a big market for cruisers and motocrossers but there are a lot of bikes that never get to the US,the one that springs to mind is the Africa Twin a proper dual alrounder with even a 21" front wheel I had two of and def a round the world piece of kit and even present day the Sport Tiger still isn't in the US.
Probably find there are more Brits on here cuz we've got more Tigers :icon_lol:
Quote from: The Midnight Rambler on September 04, 2013, 09:41:57 PM
He who travels fastest travels alone.
Never a truer word,I/we have to travel to Le-Mans and then down south with others what a pain!!! as luck would have they feel the same so what happens if we haven't seen hide nor hair of each other in our mirrors for half an hour we'll stop and phone other wise it's gung ho :icon_salut: