Looks as if the 97 is about to roll again. It sat for about 3 weeks while I did both tires, all three calipers and the rubber chain block. Had a hard time getting it started. Started two days ago. Today I had to remove the gas tank and snake the vent. Then the pilots were clogged. Hooked a second battery to the mc battery and cranked away until it ran. Never really fired cleanly, just slowly began to catch until it ran with full choke. Smoked and hiccupped for a while. Seems okay now. Time for more Sea Foam.
Two issues. I have a slight leak from the front left caliper. Confident it's from reusing the crush washers. Where can I get crush washers? Anything special about these?
I want to take a grease gun to the zerks underneath. I tried one and no grease would go in. Is this because the zerk is full of crud or is it because the Brits use a different size zerk? Should I put in new zerks including a 90 degree? Anything special here or any zerk that fits the thread and my gun?
Can't comment on the grease nipples, someone will help with that shortly, but for the crush washers, you can rejuvenate them by heating them till they're dull red and letting them cool in the air. That'l make them soft again.
Ace hardware has a full drawer of various sizes of grease fittings. Just take one out and have it with you when you compare the size. Once these get plugged with rust, it is easier just to toss them and get new as they are cheap. Keeping the bike properly lubed at regular intervals will prevent this from happening again. I like the Amsoil waterproof gease, as you'll always get some water splashing up down there.
Quote from: ssevy on September 28, 2013, 02:12:12 PM
Ace hardware has a full drawer of various sizes of grease fittings. Just take one out and have it with you when you compare the size. Once these get plugged with rust, it is easier just to toss them and get new as they are cheap. Keeping the bike properly lubed at regular intervals will prevent this from happening again. I like the Amsoil waterproof gease, as you'll always get some water splashing up down there.
One thing I like about Ace, the boxes with unbagged merchandise. I take it the thread on the zerk is metric. An earlier post mentioned BPT. At Advanced and HarborFreight I only saw NPT and metric.
Quote from: Bixxer Bob on September 27, 2013, 10:17:45 PM
Can't comment on the grease nipples, someone will help with that shortly, but for the crush washers, you can rejuvenate them by heating them till they're dull red and letting them cool in the air. That'l make them soft again.
Very clever. Turns out I was wrong about the leak. Just excess brake fluid from the bleeding that I missed on the first cleaning the caliper. Definitely will file this away for future use.
Unscrew it, stick it in the nozzle, point it away from you :icon_rolleyes: and try it.