
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: ssevy on December 04, 2013, 01:24:01 AM

Title: Hepco Becker Metal and luggage advice
Post by: ssevy on December 04, 2013, 01:24:01 AM
I've searched and read some things, but hoped that someone actually owns some of this stuff so they can comment. HB has both engine guards and the rear saddlebag rack still available. I will be doing many weeks at a clip on my steamer, and am trying to get the luggage arrangement settled. Wolfman has some great waterproof bags, both in a drape over rear seat set-up for no racks, or a pair of saddlebags for racks. I am hesitating about the saddle racks because of weight and handling, but the drape overs only hold 60 liters, which may be too little? Kreiga also has some great stuff, again the seat packs looking to be a good design. Here's the Wolfman stuff:
saddle bags:  http://www.wolfmanluggage.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&product_id=312
drape over:  http://www.wolfmanluggage.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&product_id=322

Does anyone have pics of your luggage set up with or without a rack?

Also, are the tank bags that add the mount to the gas flange a good choice? I hate to use the strap on and scratch the tank all to shit.

By the way, this stuff is for street touring and dirt, but nothing more technical than excellent two track.
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