.... to everyone out there in Tiger land. I hope that the year brings safe riding and that you get to go where you hope to on your trusty steed. :wave
Happy New Year to all :party
(Ok, it's a bit early but you get my drift...)
I'll get mine in as well being 8 hours behind the Uk so all the best for 2014 and maybe I'll have my Ohlins rebuilt by then.
Well thats me done for the day, home now to get ready for tonight's party :occasion14 :.
Have a very Happy New Year one and all.
All the best folks :thumbsup
All the best guys. Stuck in Oman and would you believe it I'm bl@@dy freezing :icon_eek:
sin baby, your close enough to china to get the chinese new year as well. TWO NEW YEARS - party on sin, party on :new_all_coholic :friday :party
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on January 02, 2014, 06:35:56 PM
All the best guys. Stuck in Oman and would you believe it I'm bl@@dy freezing :icon_eek:
Seeb or Salalah?? Nah, it's gonna be Muskat.....
Actually I'm way South, Duqm, back of beyond.
The drive down from Muscat was 6 hrs long, only to be driven in the day for fear of hitting a camel, no seriously :nod The roads are unfenced, owners hobble them so they can't go far during the night, that also means they can run when a car comes, sometimes you don't see them with your lights only hitting the legs, then it's a bit too late. Half a ton of meat coming straight through the windscreen at you doesn't give you much of a chance :bug_eye
The old road form Dubai to Abu Dahbi used to be like that, there was always at least one fatality a week back in the 80's so we were banned from travelling it at night. Sand drifting accross the road is almost like driving in snow and just adds to the problem. One section of the Duqm road was over 200 km without any habitation at all, then up pops a tiny petrol station with a scruffy cafe and of all things a plumbing shop and a barber :icon_scratch:
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on January 07, 2014, 11:51:14 AM
. Half a ton of meat coming straight through the windscreen at you doesn't give you much of a chance :bug_eye
Saw exactly that on night on the Jebel road; a camel had entered a Merc and killed all four occupants. It was an absolute bloodbath.
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on January 07, 2014, 11:51:14 AMHalf a ton of meat coming straight through the windscreen at you doesn't give you much of a chance :bug_eye
Sort of like hitting a moose hereabouts! :augie
During my trip to Alaska in 08 we met a guy on a GS that had hit a moose. It levelled the instrument cluster and the screen he was lucky just a few scrapes and a bad headache. Trouble was the bikes ingnition was, shall we say, forcibly disconnected, no way to get it to run, he was from Columbia and was wondering how to get home.
Quote from: John Stenhouse on January 07, 2014, 10:48:04 PM
the bikes ingnition was, shall we say, forcibly disconnected, no way to get it to run, he was from Columbia and was wondering how to get home.
:icon_scratch: the moose stole the key?
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on January 08, 2014, 12:45:23 PM:icon_scratch: the moose stole the key?
They can be quite sneaky that way. :icon_wink:
If he did it wasn't on him. 300kg of GS: 1, Moose: Nil
Moose steak was on the menu