Hi, I'm a new member. I bought a not so tidy looking t400. I will slowly make it look better. I'm strugling with the coils.
Has anyone had any experience with stick coils from another Triumph type?
Yes tt600 work, you need something to sleeve down the plug holes to fit the rubber bungs. You can get the connectors from kojoycat for properly pro result. Searching the forum will find a helpful thread.
I used tt600 coils, made up some extension leads using spade connectors both ends. The I built up the body of the coil using heat shrink tube so that when it's pushed down onto the spark plug it's a snug fit in the hole. I've had no water get in the holes and the coils are more reliable than the standard coil and lead setup.
£40 off eBay for a set of 4, so even got a spare.
Ignition coil seals of a 955i Daytona will fit just nicely. Part nr. T1291511 Just slide off the old seals and install the daytona seals, they also have the lip on top.
Everyone, thanks a lot for the qiuck replies. I'll let you know when I have it running.