finally got round to takin the engine out me tiger today ready for the new one to go in. while its out im takin a look at fittin that swingarm :icon_scratch:
the swingarm is the right length but its slighty too wide but it has got enough meat to remove to make it wide enough. the swingarm suspension linkage bit needs to be made slightly wider another easy job with a big lump of ally. rear wheel drops straight in looks like the brake side spacer will need choppin down a bit then looks like the whole thing will drop in easy :thumbsup however, this bein a steamer its not that easy. theres 2 bars that run down the back of the engine that hold the suspension linkage that are in the way. now ive gotta find a way of gettin round it. im thinkin of cuttin these bars out and seein if i can make somthin else up to take its place ? just not sure of the stresses involved in that area.
i wont be told it cant be done. :augie
Could try dodging the showers for a looksee if you're about in the morning?
I want to come and play with hacking your Steamer around too :bad
This is getting interesting :icon_eek:
yup im here this mornin. just bout to go out and get stuff cleaned up. i did take some pics yesterday but photo bucket is bein an arse n lot lettin me upload em :icon_rolleyes: i know its a bit late now too as i got a new triple engine to go in but now i got space i might just check on that zxr engine too :bad
would be good to have everyone here lookin and helpin this is gunna cause some headaches i think
Got your message a bit late mate, I'm up to my eyes in plasterboard now. How's tomorrow looking? After that I can keep Thurs or Fri free....
yeah tmora should be ok. tues is normally a free day for me. probly gunna spend today cleanin the new engine up ready to go in tmora
Have you modified the gearbox to work correctly, or are ya just gonna run it with the gearshift pattern upside down?
Quote from: GavD on February 10, 2014, 07:56:04 PM
Have you modified the gearbox to work correctly, or are ya just gonna run it with the gearshift pattern upside down?
Whoa there Gavin, lets not get ahead of ourselves, or confuse the lad :hat10
Ooops, have I said summat I shouldn't have? :augie
im gunna run it with the gearshift upside down cos i dont have time to swap it over. im hopefully headin to settle in denmark at the end of this month so i need to get it done as soon as poss. shouldnt really be tryin the swinga rm but i jus cant help meself :thumbsup
cheers for ya concern bob but im ok thanks :icon_salut:
Quote from: rybes on February 13, 2014, 05:50:38 PM
To expand a little, the original swinging arm has a gap in the middle where the linkage goes. The 1050 arm doesn't, so the only way to make it fit is the hack a space in it, weld up the holes and machine in additional bearing seats. Without a proper machine / welding shop there's no chance. :icon_rolleyes:
Enjoyed the ride over, and home again though. And at least we got the engine hung :thumbsup
Had a bit of a moment in Dereham on the way home; fat bloke in a Jag in a hurry approaching the roundabout at speed, quite obviously not paying attention, hadn't seen me and wasn't going to stop. Because I've seen it loads of times before I'd anticipated it and set him up perfectly. I adjusted my speed so that I arrived beam-on to his door just after he was fully committed to pulling out and gave him full beam and a long blast on the Stebel from about 10feet away. He nearly crapped himself as he jerked around to see his vision full of glaring lights and confused that he wasn't, in fact, looking at a truck. I eased on past him and laughed all theb way to Specsavers, which is where he should have been going :hat10
thanks for poppin over and helpin bob. wouldve been a struggle without ya :occasion14 shame the arm didnt fit as easy as it looked like it was goin too. maybe ill try again in the winter when ill have more time.
glad ya got out of ya scrape with the jag too. twats like that need a wake up call that their not the only thing on the roads :nono